Active Galactic Nuclei Web Page
Active galactic nuclei (AGN) seem to be highly
energetic galactic cores where a supermassive
black hole resides. This causes a number
of very itneresting effects:
- Depending on the wavelength being studied,
there is a very small angular size to the
- AGNs seem to have a very high luminosity,
on the order of
- AGNs emit a broadband flux of radiation from
a few to a few hundred keV.
- AGNs have very prominant emission lines.
- AGNS can exhibit variability over certain
time scales.
- AGNs emissions are between 0.5% - 2% linearly
polarized as opposed to ~0.5% for normal
stellar emissions.
- AGNs exhibit strong radio emissions.
AGN Theory
AGN Evolution
AGN Energetics
Absorption and outflow
Host galaxies
Broad-Line Region
Cold Gas Near an AGN
Linking AGN and Galaxy Formation
AGN Observations
Finding AGNs
X-Ray and gamma-ray emission
Radio emission
Emission lines
Multiwave Evidence of Physical Processes
X-Ray Survey Results