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Re: [Object IDL] routines that require user-supplied functions ...

I've run across similar problems.  In particular, XManager expects to have
functions/procedures for event handlers.  The way I've been dealing with the
situation is to write a function/procedure that's defined in the same file as
my class, but uses the IDL notation for defining a class.  So, in your case, I
would call the function test4__poly instead of test4::poly (replace the colons
with underscores).  This naming convention establishes test4__poly as a
"friend" of the class for anyone reading the code, while still allowing it to
be accessed as a standard procedure/function.  In IDL 5.1, RSI realized that
this was a problem, and added the Call_Method routine which allows an object's
method to be specified as a string.  However, this won't work with canned routines.

You might be able to cobble together a way of invoking the object's poly
routine if you can obtain a reference to the object from within another
routine.  If you can get an object reference, you could then do something like this:

function test4__poly, x
   ; Add some code to find the object being referred to
   ; I'm not sure how to accomplish this, but if you can 
   ; obtain a reference to the object, this would work in
   ; a roundabout way.
   return, obj->poly, x

In either case, good luck.

Phillip David

dEdmundson@Bigfoot.com wrote:
> Here is a *demo* object-IDL code I wrote to illustrate a problem.
> This object integrates x^n over the interval (a,b) using the
> QROMB function.  QROMB requires a user-defined function but I
> cannot manage to pass the 'poly' method.

Note that the requirement for QROMB is a user-defined FUNCTION, not METHOD. 
While the two seem like they're interchangeable, they aren't.  A function
doesn't have its own data, so it doesn't need an object reference.  Methods
(can) use data internal to the object as well as arguments passed at the
command line.  Therefore, they need not only to be invoked, but provided with
an object reference as well.  The arrow notation for objects provides the
object in question.

> While this is a contrived example, one often wants to pass
> object method functions/procedures to other IDL routines.   Is
> there a generic way of passing object methods to such intrinsic
> routines?
> Cheers,
> Darran.
:> ;;--------------------------------------------------------------------
:> ;;  save the following as test4__define.pro somewhere in your IDL path
:> ;;  uncomment one of the return statements in test4::integral
:> ;;  invoke the object with t = obj_new('test4',3.0,0.0,1.0)
:> function test4::init, degree, a, b
:>    self.degree = degree
:>    self.a = a
:>    self.b = b
:>    print, 'Integral = ', self->integral()
:>    return, 0
:> end
:> function test4::integral
:> ; try both of these ...
:> ;   return, qromb('test4::poly', self.a, self.b)
:> ;   return, qromb('self->poly', self.a, self.b)
:> end
:> function test4::poly,x
:>    return, x^(self.degree)
:> end
:> pro test4__define
:>    struct = {test4, degree:0.0, a:0.0, b:0.0}
:> end