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Re: Slicer3 followup

Bob Yantosca <bmy@io.harvard.edu> writes:

>I am running IDL 5.1 on the SGI-Origin platform, and have noticed a couple
>of things about the library routine "slicer3.pro"

>(1) slicer3.pro contains the following call to XMANAGER with the /MODAL
>    keyword:

>      XMANAGER, 'Slicer3', wMainBase, EVENT_HANDLER='Viz3D_Event', $
>         /MODAL, CLEANUP='Viz3D_KillMain'

>However, in IDL 5.1, the /MODAL keyword in XMANAGER has been superseded by
>a call to /MODAL in WIDGET_BASE.  Am not sure what side effects this will
>cause, but at some point perhaps RSI should tidy this up.

I hope that the way RSI tidies this up is to change their mind and decide that
/MODAL in XMANAGER isn't obsolete after all.  As discussed previously in this
newsgroup, the newly recommended way of using /MODAL in WIDGET_BASE does not
provide some crucially important functionality that has always been available

I don't think your problem is caused by the /MODAL keyword, but RSI did give me
some directions as to how to fix xmanager.pro in IDL/v5.1 and /v5.2.  The fixed
version is below.  See if this solves your problems.

William Thompson

; $Id: xmanager.pro,v 1.42 1998/01/21 22:09:16 lubos Exp $
; Copyright (c) 1991-1998, Research Systems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
;	Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.

;	Provide management for widgets client applications created using IDL.
;	Widgets.
;	XMANAGER [, Name, ID]
;	NAME:	A string giving the name of the application that is being
;		registered.
;	ID:	The widget ID of the top level base of the new client.
;		-------------------------------------------------------------
;		| PLEASE NOTE: This keyword is OBSOLETE. It's functionality |
;		| is provided by the TIMER keyword to the WIDGET_CONTROL    |
;		| procedure.                                                |
;		-------------------------------------------------------------
;	CATCH: If TRUE, tells XMANAGER to use CATCH when dispatching
;		widget events. If FALSE, CATCH is not used and execution
;		halts on error. The default is TRUE. If CATCH is specified,
;		the internal state of XMANAGER is updated and it returns
;		immediately without taking any further action. CATCH
;		is only effective if XMANAGER is blocking to dispatch
;		errors. If active command line event dispatching is in
;		use, it has no effect.
;	CLEANUP: This keyword contains a string that is the name of the
;		routine called when the widget dies.  If not specified,
;		no routine is called.  The cleanup routine must accept one 
;		parameter which is the widget id of the dying widget. This
;		routine is set as the KILL_NOTIFY routine for the widget.
;	EVENT_HANDLER: The name of the event handling routine that is to be
;		called when a widget event occurs in the registered
;		application. If this keyword is not supplied, the Xmanager
;		will construct a default name by adding the "_EVENT" suffix
;		to the NAME argument. See below for a more detailed
;		explanation.
;	GROUP_LEADER: The widget id of the group leader for the application
;		being registered.  When the leader dies, all widgets that have
;		that leader will also die.
;		For example, a widget that views a help file for a demo 
;		widget would have that demo widget as it's leader.  When
;		the help widget is registered, it sets the keyword 
;		GROUP_LEADER to the widget id of the demo widget. If 
;		the demo widget is destroyed, the help widget led by 
;		the it would be killed by the XMANAGER.
;		This keyword tells the manager to just register the widget
;		but not to start doing the event processing.  This is useful
;		when you want to register a group of related top level widgets
;		but need to regain control immediately afterwards.
;		NOTE: JUST_REG does not do the same thing as NO_BLOCK. This is
;		explained in detail below under "SIDE EFFECTS".
;		--------------------------------------------------------------
;		| PLEASE NOTE: This keyword is OBSOLETE. It's functionality  |
;		| is provided by the MODAL keyword to the WIDGET_BASE        |
;		| procedure.                                                 |
;		--------------------------------------------------------------
;		When this keyword is set, the widget that is being registered
;		traps all events and desensitizes all the other widgets.  It
;		is useful when input from the user is necessary before
;		continuing. Once the modal widget dies, the others are
;		resensitized and the normal event processing is restored.
;		XMANAGER is therefore using sensitivity to provide the
;		illusion of modality. The WIDGET_BASE keyword is a newer
;		IDL feature that provides the real thing.
;	NO_BLOCK: If set, tells XMANAGER that the registering client
;		does not require XMANAGER to block if active command line
;		event processing is available. If active command line
;		event processing is available *AND* every current XMANAGER
;		client specifies NO_BLOCK, then XMANAGER will not block
;		and the user will have access to the command line while
;		widget applications are running.
;		NOTE: NO_BLOCK does not do the same thing as JUST_REG. This is
;		explained in detail below under "SIDE EFFECTS".
;	No outputs.
;		Common blocks used for module state maintenance. These common
;		blocks are considered private to this module and should not
;		be referenced outside RSI supplied routines. They are
;		subject to change without notice.
;    --------------------
;       Although their names imply a similar function, the JUST_REG and
;	NO_BLOCK keywords perform very different services. It is important
;	to understand what they do and how they differ.
;       JUST_REG tells XMANAGER that it should simply register a client
;	and then return immediately. The result is that the client becomes
;	known to XMANAGER, and that future calls to XMANAGER will take this
;	client into account. Therefore, JUST_REG only controls how the
;	registering call to XMANAGER should behave. The registered client
;	can still be registered as requiring XMANAGER to block by not setting
;	NO_BLOCK. In this case, future calls to XMANAGER will block.
;	NO_BLOCK tells XMANAGER that the registered client does not
;	require XMANAGER to block if the command processing front end
;	is able to support active command line event processing (described
;	below). XMANAGER remembers this attribute of the client until
;	the client exits, even after the call to XMANAGER that registered the
;	client returns. NO_BLOCK is just a "vote" on how XMANAGER should
;	behave. The final decision is made by XMANAGER by considering the
;	NO_BLOCK attributes of all of its current clients as well as the
;	ability of the command front end in use to support the active command
;	line.
;    Blocking vs Non-blocking
;    ------------------------
;	The issue of blocking in XMANAGER requires some explanation.
;	IDL places incoming widget events into a queue of pending events.
;	The only way to get these events processed and dispatched is to
;	call the WIDGET_EVENT function. Arranging for WIDGET_EVENT to be
;	called properly is the primary job of XMANAGER. XMANAGER offers
;	two different modes of operation:
;	    - The first (outermost) XMANAGER processes events by calling
;	      WIDGET_EVENT as necessary until no managed clients remain on
;	      the screen. This is referred to as "blocking", because XMANAGER
;	      does not return to the caller until it is done, and the IDL
;	      command line is not available.
;	    - XMANAGER does not block, and instead, the part of IDL
;	      that reads command input also watches for widget events
;	      and calls WIDGET_EVENT as necessary while also reading
;	      command input. This is referred to as "non-blocking" or
;	      "active command line" mode.
;	The default is to block. However, if every currently active
;	application specified the NO_BLOCK keyword to XMANAGER, non-blocking
;	mode is used, if possible.
;	There are currently 5 separate IDL command input front end
;	implementations:
;		- Apple Macintosh IDE
;		- Microsoft Windows IDE
;		- Motif IDE (Unix and VMS)
;		- Unix plain tty
;		- VMS plain tty
;	Except for the VMS plain tty, all of these front ends are able to
;	support the non-blocking active command line. VMS users can have
;	an active command line by using the IDLde interface. The decision
;	on whether XMANAGER blocks to process widget events is determined
;	by the following rules, in order of precedence:
;	    - Use of the MODAL keyword will cause XMANAGER to block.
;	    - Setting JUST_REG to 1 ensures that XMANAGER will not block.
;	    - If using the VMS plain tty interface, XMANAGER will block.
;	    - If none of the previous rules apply, XMANAGER will block
;	      if any of its currently active clients were registered without
;	      specifying NO_BLOCK. If NO_BLOCK is specified for every client,
;	      XMANAGER will not block and will instead return and allow
;	      active command line processing to take place.
;	When possible, applications should set the NO_BLOCK keyword.
;	This allows the IDL command line to be active while events are
;	being processed, which is highly desirable.
;	The implementation of XMANAGER may change in the future. Details
;	of its internal implementation must not be relied upon --- only
;	its external definition can be considered stable.
;	XMANAGER uses several undocumented features provided by the
;	internal WIDGET routines. These features are private to RSI, and
;	are not guaranteed to remain in IDL or to remain unchanged. They
;	exist only to support XMANAGER and should not be used elsewhere:
;	These features are undocumented because they are not considered
;	permanent. Research Systems reserves the right to remove or alter
;	these features at any time.
;	To create a widget named Example that is just a base widget with a done
;	button using the XMANAGER you would do the following:
;	;------ first - the event handler routine ------;
;     PRO example_event, ev			;this is the routine that 
;						;deals with the events in the 
;						;example widget.
;	WIDGET_CONTROL, ev.id, GET_UVALUE = uv	;the uservalue is retrieved 
;						;from the widget where the 
;						;event occurred
;	if(uv eq 'DONE') then $			;if the event occurred in the
;	  WIDGET_CONTROL, ev.top, /DESTROY	;done button then kill the 
;     END					;widget example
;	;------ second - the main routine ------;
;     PRO example				;this is the main routine
;						;that builds the widget and
;						;registers it with the Xmanager
;	base = WIDGET_BASE(TITLE = 'Example')	;first the base is created
;	done = WIDGET_BUTTON(base, $		;next the done button is 
;			     TITLE = 'DONE', $	;created and it's user value
;			     UVALUE = 'DONE')	;set to "DONE"
;	WIDGET_CONTROL, base, /REALIZE		;the widget is realized
;	XManager, 'example', base		;finally the example widget
;						;is registered with the 
;						;Xmanager
;     END
;	notes:	First the event handler routine is listed.  The handler
;		routine has the same name as the main routine with the 
;		characters "_event" added.  If you would like to use another
;		event handler name, you would need to pass it's name in as
;		a string to the EVENT_HANDLER keyword.  Also notice that the
;		event routine is listed before the main routine.  This is 
;		because the compiler will not compile the event routine if
;		it was below the main routine.  This is only needed if both
;		routines reside in the same file and the file name is the same
;		as the main routine name with the ".pro" extension added.
;	When the first widget is registered, initialize the lists and then 
;	start processing events.  Continue registering widgets and dispatching
;	events until all the widgets have been destroyed.  When a widget is 
;	killed, destroy all widgets that list the destroyed widget as their 
;	leader, if any.
; MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Steve Richards, November, 1990
;	SMR, Mar,  1991	Added a cleanup routine keyword to allow dying
;	    widgets to clean themselves up when dying.
;	SMR, May,  1991 Fixed a bug found by Diane Parchomchuk where an error
;	    occurred when registering a widget  ight after destroying another.
;	SMR & ACY, July, 1991
;	    Fixed a bug found by Debra Wolkovitch where lone widgets being
;	    destroyed and new ones created caused problems.
;	SMR, Sept, 1991	Changed cleanup to use the new WIDGET_INFO routine.
;	SMR & ACY, Oct,  1991
;	    Fixed a bug where a background event that unregistered itself
;	    after a time would result in an XMANAGER error.
; 	SMR, Mar.  1992	Changed XMANAGER to use enhanced widget functions for
;	    event processing.
;	SMR, Nov.  1992 Changed modal widget handling allowing nesting of
;	    modal widgets.  The first modal desensitizes all current widgets
;	    and subsequent modals only desensitize the modal that called them.
;	JIY, Apr.  1993 Changed modal widget handling process to not run the
;	    event loop for nested modal widgets. Allowed for multiple modal
;	    widgets.
;	AB & SMR, 17 November 1993
;	    Added ID validity checking to desensitizing of modal widgets to
;	    fix a bug where already dead widgets were being accessed.
;	DJE, Feb, 1995
;	    Made it so that non-modal widgets created from a modal widget have
;	    events processed in the modal widget's event loop. This fixes a
;	    bug where xmanager wouldn't return immediately if there was a
;	    modal widget somewhere in the nesting, even though a non-modal
;	    widget was being added. The nesting level could get _very_ deep.
;	DJE, Apr 1995
;	    Pass a local variable to WIDGET_EVENT in the MODAL case, instead
;	    of passing the common block variable modalList. This avoids a bug
;	    where modalList gets changed behind WIDGET_EVENT's back.
;	DJE, Apr 1996
;	    Changes for handling asynchronous widget event dispatching.
;	    Complete rewrite. Background tasks are no longer supported. The
;	    MODAL keyword is now obsolete. Added CATCH and BLOCK keywords.
;	AB, May 1996
;	    Made changes so that XMANAGER always blocks under VMS with the
;	    non-GUI interface. This is due to the fact that the SMG$ system
;	    routines used by IDL in the plain tty case cannot support
;	    interleaving of X events with tty input.
;	AB, 9 January 1997
;	    Changed the meaning of the CATCH keyword so that catching is the
;	    default. Removed BLOCK and replaced with NO_BLOCK. Switched
;	    default action back to blocking from unblocking based on feedback
;	    from the IDL 5 beta. Added the ability to block only as long as a
;	    client without NO_BLOCK is running, and then revert to the active
;	    command line.
;	AB, 10 February 1997
;	    Cleaned up code to make it easier to understand and maintain.
;	    Also cleaned up the distinction between real modality (MODAL
;	    keyword to WIDGET_BASE) and XMANAGER's older fake modality
;	    (MODAL keyword to XMANAGER), and fixed bugs in the current
;	    implementation of fake modality.
;	William Thompson, 25-Nov-1998, GSFC
;	    Changed to allow CDS software to work in IDL/v5.1.1.

PRO XmanagerPrintError
  ; Called when a client error is caught to print the error out for
  ; the user. Unfortunately no stack trace is available, but that's
  ; why XMANAGER,CATCH=0 exists.

  err = !err_string
  syserr = !syserr_string
  printf, -2, format='(A, A)', !ERROR_STATE.MSG_PREFIX, $
'XMANAGER: Caught unexpected error from client application. Message follows...'

PRO ValidateManagedWidgets
  ; Makes sure all the widgets in the list of managed widgets are still
  ; valid, and removes those that aren't.

  COMMON managed,	ids, $		; IDs of widgets being managed
  			names, $	; and their names
			modalList	; list of active modal widgets

  ; initialize the lists
  IF (NOT keyword_set(ids)) THEN BEGIN
    ids = 0L
    names = 0
  ; if the list is empty, it's valid
  IF (ids[0] EQ 0L) THEN RETURN

  ; which ones are valid?
  valid = where(widget_info(ids, /managed))
  ; build new lists from those that were valid in the old lists
  IF (valid[0] EQ -1) THEN BEGIN
    ids = 0L
    names = 0
    ids = ids[valid]
    names = names[valid]


PRO AddManagedWidget, name, id
  ; Adds the given widget with its name to the list of managed widgets
  ; The list of managed widgets is kept as a convenience for applications
  ; that want to register their functionality by name. For instance, an app
  ; may not want to bring up a particular dialog if there is already one up.
  ; They can find out if the dialog is running by calling the XREGISTERED
  ; routine

  COMMON managed
  IF (ids[0] EQ 0L) THEN BEGIN
    ; create new lists
    ids = [ id ]
    names = [ name ]
    ; insert at the beginning of the lists
    ids = [ id, ids ]
    names = [ name, names ]

FUNCTION LookupManagedWidget, name
  ; Returns the widget id of the named widget, or 0L if not found

  COMMON managed
  IF (ids[0] NE 0L) THEN BEGIN
    found = where(names EQ name)
    IF (found[0] NE -1) THEN BEGIN
      RETURN, ids[found[0]]


  ; ------------------------------------------------------------------
  ; | PLEASE NOTE: This routine is OBSOLETE. It's functionality is   |
  ; | is no longer necessary.                                        |
  ; ------------------------------------------------------------------
  ;	This procedure used to remove a dead widget from the Xmanagers common
  ;	block, but that information is now maintained internally by IDL.

  IF (NOT keyword_set(obsolete)) THEN BEGIN
    obsolete = 1
    message, /info, 'this routine is obsolete'
  ; Might as well validate the list now (even though it would happen later)


  ; This is the standard XMANAGER event loop. It works by dispatching
  ; events for all managed widgets until there are none left that require
  ; blocking. In the best case, the command line is able to dispatch events
  ; and there are no clients that require blocking (specified via the
  ; NO_BLOCK keyword to XMANAGER) and we are able to return immediately.

  COMMON xmanager_local, fake_modal_obsolete, xmanager_catch

  ; WARNING: Undocumented feature. See RESTRICTIONS above for details.
  active = widget_info(/XMANAGER_BLOCK)
  WHILE (active NE 0) DO BEGIN
    err = 0
    IF (xmanager_catch) THEN catch, err
    IF (err EQ 0) THEN BEGIN 
      ; WARNING: Undocumented feature. See RESTRICTIONS above for details.
      tmp = widget_event(/XMANAGER_BLOCK)
    ENDIF ELSE XmanagerPrintError
    IF (xmanager_catch) THEN catch, /cancel
    ; WARNING: Undocumented feature. See RESTRICTIONS above for details.
    active = widget_info(/XMANAGER_BLOCK)


  ; This version of the XMANAGER event loop is used when a client with
  ; the MODAL keyword set on its TLB has been passed in. It dispatches
  ; events for that client until it is done. Events for other clients
  ; are also flushed at critical points so that expose events are not
  ; delayed unnecessarily.

  COMMON xmanager_local

  active = 1
  WHILE (active NE 0) DO BEGIN
    err = 0
    IF (xmanager_catch) THEN catch, err
      IF (err EQ 0) THEN BEGIN
        ; WARNING: Undocumented feature. See RESTRICTIONS above for details.
        tmp = widget_event(MODAL_ID, bad_id=bad, /BREAK_ON_EXPOSE)
      ENDIF ELSE XmanagerPrintError
      IF (xmanager_catch) THEN catch, /cancel
      active = widget_info(MODAL_ID, /managed)

      ; Modal event handling returned. Flush events for other widgets
      ; so we do not keep expose events (among others) blocked.
      IF (active) THEN BEGIN
        err = 0
        IF (xmanager_catch) THEN catch, err
        IF (err EQ 0) THEN BEGIN
          tmp = widget_event(/NOWAIT)
        ENDIF ELSE XmanagerPrintError
        IF (xmanager_catch) THEN catch, /cancel

  ; This version of the XMANAGER event loop is used when a client is
  ; registered with the MODAL keyword to XMANAGER. It fakes the appearance
  ; of real modality by making the other existing clients insensitive while
  ; the modal widget exists.

  COMMON managed
  COMMON xmanager_local

  ; Remember the current modal list so it can be restored afterwards
  oldModalList = modalList
  modalList = [ ID ]
  ; WARNING: Undocumented feature. See RESTRICTIONS above for details.
;  This line was commented out, as advised by RSI.

  ; Get list of clients that should be desensitized to mimic modality.
  ; If this is the outermost modal, then the list of all currently
  ; managed widgets is used. If this is a nested inner modal, then
  ; use the oldModalList.
  IF (keyword_set(oldModalList)) THEN BEGIN
    senslist = oldModalList
    WIDGET_CONTROL, ID, managed=0    ; So won't show up in following statement
    senslist = WIDGET_INFO(/MANAGED)
    WIDGET_CONTROL, ID, /MANAGED     ; Put it back
  for i = 0, n_elements(senslist) - 1 do $
    WIDGET_CONTROL, BAD_ID=ignore_bad, senslist[i], SENSITIVE=0

  ; Process events only for clients in the modal list. This list may gain
  ; members if event processing leads to other applications being registered
  ; via a recursive call to XMANAGER.
  tmp = where(widget_info(modalList, /managed), active)
  WHILE (active NE 0) DO BEGIN
    err = 0
    IF (xmanager_catch) THEN catch, err
    tmp = modalList
    IF (err EQ 0) THEN BEGIN
      ; WARNING: Undocumented feature. See RESTRICTIONS above for details.
      tmp = widget_event(tmp, bad_id=bad, /BREAK_ON_EXPOSE)
    ENDIF ELSE XmanagerPrintError
    IF (xmanager_catch) THEN catch, /cancel
    tmp = where(widget_info(modalList, /managed), active)
    IF (active NE 0) THEN modalList = modalList[tmp]
    ; Modal event handling returned, flush events for other widgets
    ; if any so we do not keep expose events etc. blocked
    IF (active) THEN BEGIN
      err = 0
      IF (xmanager_catch) THEN catch, err
      IF (err EQ 0) THEN BEGIN
        tmp = widget_event(/NOWAIT)
      ENDIF ELSE XmanagerPrintError
      IF (xmanager_catch) THEN catch, /cancel

  for i = 0, n_elements(senslist) - 1 do $
    WIDGET_CONTROL, BAD_ID=ignore_bad, senslist[i], /SENSITIVE

  ; restore the outer XMANAGER's list of modal widgets
  modalList = oldModalList


PRO XMANAGER,	NAME, ID, BACKGROUND = background, CATCH = catch, $
		CLEANUP = cleanup, EVENT_HANDLER = event_handler, $
		GROUP_LEADER = group_leader, JUST_REG = just_reg, $
		MODAL = modal, NO_BLOCK = no_block

  COMMON managed
  COMMON xmanager_local

  isFakeModal = keyword_set(modal)

  ; print out obsolete keyword messages
  IF (keyword_set(background)) THEN BEGIN
    message, "The BACKGROUND keyword to the XMANAGER procedure is " + $
	     "obsolete. It is superseded by the TIMER keyword to " + $
	     "the WIDGET_CONTROL procedure.", /info
  IF (isFakeModal AND (NOT keyword_set(fake_modal_obsolete))) THEN BEGIN
    fake_modal_obsolete = 1
    message, "The MODAL keyword to the XMANAGER procedure is " + $
	     "obsolete. It is superseded by the MODAL keyword to " + $
	     "the WIDGET_BASE function.", /info

  ; Initialization
  if (n_elements(catch) ne 0) THEN BEGIN
    xmanager_catch = catch ne 0
    message, /INFO, 'Error handling is now ' + (['off', 'on'])[xmanager_catch]
  ENDIF ELSE if (n_elements(xmanager_catch) EQ 0) then xmanager_catch = 1;
  isRealModal = 0
  if (N_ELEMENTS(just_reg) eq 0) then just_reg = 0
  IF (isFakeModal) THEN just_reg = 0;
  IF (NOT keyword_set(modalList)) THEN modalList = 0

  ; Argument setup
    IF (ids[0] EQ 0L) THEN BEGIN
      message, 'No widgets are currently being managed.', /info
    message, 'Wrong number of arguments, usage: XMANAGER [, name, id]'
  ENDIF ELSE BEGIN	;2 argument case

    ; Check the arguments
    IF (NOT widget_info(id, /valid)) THEN message, 'Invalid widget ID.'
    nameinfo = size(name)
    IF ((nameinfo[0] NE 0) OR (nameinfo[1] NE 7)) THEN $
      message, 'Invalid widget name.'

    ; If TLB is modal, block in XMANAGER till you are done
    IF (widget_info(id, /Modal)) THEN isRealModal = 1
    IF (keyword_set(cleanup)) THEN widget_control, id, kill_notify=cleanup
    IF (NOT keyword_set(event_handler)) THEN event_handler = name + '_event'
    ; Register new widget
    AddManagedWidget, name, id
    ; Mark the widget for event processing
    widget_control, id, /managed, event_pro=event_handler

    ; Unless the caller set NO_BLOCK to indicate otherwise, mark
    ; this client as requiring XMANAGER to block. This decision is driven
    ; by backward compatibility concerns. During the IDL 5.0 beta we discovered
    ; that many customers have code that depends on the blocking behavior.
    ; WARNING: Undocumented feature. See RESTRICTIONS above for details.
    if keyword_set(no_block) then WIDGET_CONTROL, /XMANAGER_ACTIVE_COMMAND, id
    ; pass the group_leader keyword through
    IF (keyword_set(group_leader)) THEN $
      widget_control, id, group_leader=group_leader

    ; Modal Widget Registration
    IF (keyword_set(modalList) and (not isFakeModal)) THEN BEGIN

      ; This client is a non-modal widget, being started while a
      ; fake modal is already up. Just add the new widget to the modal
      ; list and return immediately. The fake modal event loop will
      ; dispatch its events as well as the modal clients.
      modalList = [ modalList, ID ]
      just_reg = 1	; Don't process events. Instead, return immediately
      ; need to break out of the outer widget_event call so that the
      ; outer xmanager can see that outmodal has changed
      ; WARNING: Undocumented feature. See RESTRICTIONS above for details.
      widget_control, /event_break
    ENDIF 		; modal

  ENDELSE		; 2 argument case

  ; Event Processing.
  IF (NOT just_reg) THEN BEGIN
    IF (isRealModal) THEN BEGIN

    ; keep our list clean and up to date