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Re: universal structure editor progress

Dyer Lytle wrote:
>  I'll attach
> what I have so far to this post and see what happens!  Currently,
> all this is is an attempt at a Universal Structure Display (USD) and
> it even fails to that properly in many situations.  However, it DOES
> do enough for me to look at stuff in my big nested structures, which
> is what I wanted to do.

if that's the new policy ;-) then let me publicize what I have done as
well. Guess it doesn't even go that far. Just creates a widget that
displays every item of a structure and adds a button which is intended
to  show a "pop-up" widget for sub-structures or arrays (they would
otherwise take too much space). Mayeb most important is the pointer
feature: pointers are de-referenced (up to 20 times) and listed as value
(the name being preceeded by '*'s). Still needs A LOT of work of course,
so maybe next decade ;-)


PS: the most meaningful name bla.pro denotes that this is a
preprepre-alpha release ;-)

Martin Schultz, DEAS, Harvard University, 29 Oxford St., Pierce 109,
Cambridge, MA 02138          phone (617) 496 8318   fax (617) 495 4551
e-mail mgs@io.harvard.edu    web http://www-as/people/staff/mgs/
pro bla1,arg,group_leader=group_leader

    ; would be nice to print name of passed variable
    ; instead of local variable name.
    ; for now let's be happy with structure name

    ; if arg was not a structure, print a warning and return
    if (not chkstru(arg)) then begin
       message,'Argument is not a structure!',/Continue

    ; make temporary working copy of argument
    tmp = arg

    SName = Tag_Names(tmp,/structure_name)
    if (SName eq '') then SName = '<anonymous>'


    TNames = Tag_Names(tmp)

    ntags = N_Tags(tmp)
    TType = intarr(ntags)
    TNDim = intarr(ntags)
    for i = 0,ntags-1 do begin
       value = tmp.(i)
       ptr_recursion_level = 0
       if (ptr_recursion_level gt 5) then $
           stop,'Weird pointer detected: Recursion depth > 5!'

       TType[i] = size( value, /type )
       TNDim[i] =  size( value, /N_Dimensions )
       ; treat arrays with 1 value as scalars
       SumDim = iproduct( size( value, /Dimensions ) )
       if (SumDim eq 1) then $
          TNDim[i] = 0
       ; treat sub-structures as arrays
       if (TType[i] eq 8) then $
          TNDim[i] = 1

       ; some extra precaution for pointers:
       ; - set dimensions according to de-referenced value
       ; - add * to tag name
       ; only treat scalar pointers here
       if (TNDim[i] eq 0 AND TType[i] eq 10) then begin
          if (ptr_valid(value)) then begin
             value = *value
             TNames[i] = '*'+TNames[i]
          endif else begin
         ;   value = '<nil pointer>'
             TType[i] = -10


    ; array with widget IDs (first 3 are reserved for OK, Apply, Cancel)
    ids = lonarr(ntags+3)

    ; create base widget
    if (!d.name eq 'X' OR !d.name eq 'WIN' OR !d.name eq 'MAC') then $
       device,get_screen_size=ScreenSize  $
    else  $
       Screen_Size = [640, 480 ]     ; be conservative
    BaseWidgetId = widget_base(/COLUMN,  $
           xoffset=0.35*ScreenSize[0],yoffset=0.25*ScreenSize[1],  $
           title='Widget Editor ('+SName+')' , $
           Group_Leader=Group_Leader, /SCROLL )

    ww = widget_base(BaseWidgetID, /Column, Frame=2, /BASE_ALIGN_RIGHT, $
                     XSize=280 )

    ; add fields
    ; - an edit field is added for scalar structure elements
    ; - a button is added for multidimensional fields or substructures
    for i=0,ntags-1 do begin
       if (TNDim[i] eq 0) then begin
          noedit = 0    ; default is editable
          value = ( tmp.(i) )[0]
          ; de-reference pointers
          while (size( tmp.(i), /TYPE ) eq 10) do $
             if (ptr_valid(value)) then $
                value = *value $
             else  begin
                value = '<nil pointer>'
          ; make a note on objects
          if (TType[i] eq 11) then begin
             value = '<object>'
             noedit = 1

          ids[i+3] = CW_Field( ww, title=TNames[i], value=value, $
              float=(TType[i] eq 4 OR TType[i] eq 5 OR TType[i] eq 6 $
                     OR TType[i] eq 9),  $
              integer=(TType[i] eq 1 OR TType[i] eq 2),  $
              long = (TType[i] eq 3 OR TType[i] eq 12 OR TType[i] eq 13 $
                     OR TType[i] eq 14 OR TType[i] eq 15),  $
              noedit=noedit )

       endif else $    ; handle arrays etc.
          ids[i+3] = Widget_Button(ww, value=TNames[i]+' >> ')

    buttonlist = widget_base(BaseWidgetId, /ROW)
    ids[0] = Widget_Button(buttonlist, value=' Apply ')
    ids[1] = Widget_Button(buttonlist, value=' OK ')
    ids[2] = Widget_Button(buttonlist, value=' Cancel ')

print,'about to realize widget ..'
print,'widget should be visible now!'


print,'destroy widget!'


function iproduct,x

   res = 1L
   for i=0,n_elements(x)-1 do $
      res = res * x[i]


pro bla

   test = { p:1, o:findgen(2), q:[1], r:fltarr(1,1,1) }
 ;  bla1,test
