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Re: Histogram Hot-shots Required

David Fanning wrote:
> What I can't figure out tonight is how to find out
> what bin that pixel is in, given that I know the pixel
> value.


I believe reverse_indices are the way to go.  First the short answer:

A - the array containing the data (your image)
V - the data (pixel) value at the chosen location
R - the reverse_indices returned from the histogram function
    (and I don't care what you chose as a bin size, that is incorporated
     into R)

The number of the bin in which the data value resides can be calculated

bin=(where(R ge ((where(((where(A eq V))[0]) eq

and the number of elements in that bin is then:


Now the long answer:

reverse_indices gives you the number of elements in each bin and tells
you in which bin each element of your original array falls.

For example:
h=histogram(A,bin=2,reverse=R)  ;note: binsize does not matter to this
	function, I chose 2 to make R smaller.
  now R = [3, 7, 10, 0, 1, 5, 6, 2, 3, 4]

What R is telling you is that the subscripts of the items in A in the
first bin are the ones found in R[3:7] or A[0,1,5,6] which are the
positions of the 1's and 2's in A.  The second bin is R[7:10] or
A[2,3,4], the 3's and 4.

Choose a value that does exist in the array A:  e.g., V = 3
First determine a location in A where V exists, for the sake of ease we
will choose the first occurance of V

w1=(where(A eq V))[0]   ;here w1 = 2

Since we know V has to exist in A we don't have to check for where
returning -1

Then we find the location of that position in the vector R

w2=(where(w1 eq R[R[0]:*]))[0]+R[0]    ;here w2 = 7

R[0] happens to be the index of the first location of the portion of R
where the separate array subscripts are stored.  Adding R[0] to the
where() returns the actual value.  Again, we know the value exists so no
need to check for a -1

The first part of R lists the indices in R of where the subscripts of A
are found in each individual bin.  Just look for the first value that is
greater than or equal to w2.

bin=(where(r ge w2))[0]   ;here bin = 1 or the value of 3 is found in
	2nd bin.

The long line at the top condenses these steps into one confusing line.
As before, finding the number of elements in that bin is


I hope this helps you.  As I noted before, odds are either this solution
will not work for you or a better solution will soon present itself.


----- ---- --- ---  ---- --- --  --- --- --  -- - -  -  -
|\               A G Edward Haskell              
|\    Center for Coastal Physical Oceanography    
|\   Old Dominion University, Norfolk VA  23529   
|\     Voice 757.683.4816    Fax 757.683.5550     
|\          e-mail  haskell*ccpo.odu.edu          
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