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Re: GRIB data

In article <7o9ha0$bue$2@alster.dkrz.de>,
  martin.schultz@dkrz.de (Martin Schultz) wrote:

>    Does anyone have routine(s) for reading of GRIB data? That will be
> future ;-)
> Best regards,
> Martin

Dear Martin,

Here at DMI we have been through this and come up with something that
does the job for us. I attach the fortran routine read_grib.f and its
sister, read_grib.pro,
which will define a grib reading IDL routine through a shared object
library. It uses GRIBEX, PBOPEN, PBCLOSE, PBGRIB, originally from ECMWF.
(which you presumably can get, being at the MPI).
It has been written by happy amateurs, but it is documented and it
works, so I wish you good luck. If there are other unresolved calls,
please write me.

Greetings, Ole Bossing Christensen, Danish Meteorological Institute
*  PURPOSE:       Reading grib files directly from IDL
*  LANGUAGE:      Fortran 77
*  PROGRAMMED BY: Uffe Andersen (ua@dmi.dk), 1/4-1998.
*  MODIFICATIONS BY: Ole B Christensen (bossing@dmi.dk) 5/10-1998
*  Danish Meteorological Institute
*       Compiled by:
*           f77 -o32 -c read_grib.f
*       Linked by:
*           ld  -o32 -shared read_grib.o -L /home/climate/libo32 -lemos
-o libread_grib.so
*       Called from IDL by:
*           output_arr = FLTARR( nmb_of_data_per_record , nmb_of_records
*           tmp = CALL_EXTERNAL('read_grib.so',
*                               'read_grib_' ,           $
*                                file_name,              $
*                                grib_code,              $
*                                level,                  $
*                                lvl_type,               $
*                                year,                   $
*                                month,                  $
*                                day,                    $
*                                time,                   $
*                                grid_par,               $
*                                grid_def,               $
*                                err_msg,                $
*                                nrec,                   $
*                                ndata,                  $
*                                output_arr                 )
*          INPUT:     file_name       : name of the GRIB file
*                     grib_code       : the GRIB code of the parameter
*                                        to read. If -1 read all
*                     level           : the level (pressure or model)
*                                        read. If -1 read first
*                     lvl_type        : the level type (pressure or
model) to
*                                        read. If -1 read first
*                     year            : the year to read
*                     month           : the month to read
*                     day             : the day to read
*                     time            : the time of day to read
*                     nrec            : numbers of records to be read
*           OUTPUT:   grid_par        : parameters describin the grid,
*                                       indentical to the KSEC2 variable
*                                       in the GRIB decoding.
*                     grid_def        : parameters defining the grid,
*                                       indentical to thePKSEC2 variable
*                                       in the GRIB decoding.
*                     err_msg         : error message.
*                                        -1 if no record matching the
*                                           specifications are found
*                                        -3 if the data array is too
*                                           small to contains the data
*                     nrec            : numbers of records read
*                     ndata           : numbers of data per record
*                     output_arr      : the data array
*       The IDL-fortran interface program is mainly taken from:
*          pack/idl_4/external/examples/sharelib/ftn_only_sun.f

C    This is the interface subroutine, called by IDL
C    -----------------------------------------------

      SUBROUTINE read_grib(argc, argv)
      INTEGER*4 argc, argv(*)

C       To convert the pointers to the IDL variables contained in ARGV
C       we must use the Fortran function %VAL. This funcion is used
C       in the argument list of a Fortran sub-program. Call the Fortran
C       subroutine that will actually perform the desired operations.
C       Set the return value to the value of this function.

      j= LOC(argc)

      CALL read_grib1  ( %VAL(argv(1)),
     &                   %VAL(argv(2)),
     &                   %VAL(argv(3)),
     &                   %VAL(argv(4)),
     &                   %VAL(argv(5)),
     &                   %VAL(argv(6)),
     &                   %VAL(argv(7)),
     &                   %VAL(argv(8)),
     &                   %VAL(argv(9)),
     &                   %VAL(argv(10)),
     &                   %VAL(argv(11)),
     &                   %VAL(argv(12)),
     &                   %VAL(argv(13)),
     &                   %VAL(argv(14))  )


C   This is the fortran subroutine
C    -----------------------------

        SUBROUTINE read_grib1  ( idl_str,
     &                           code,
     &                           level,
     &                           lvl_type,
     &                           year,
     &                           month,
     &                           day,
     &                           time,
     &                           isec2,
     &                           zsec2,
     &                           err_msg,
     &                           nrec,
     &                           ndata,
     &                           read_arr   )

C        ------------------ Declarations ----------------------

        INTEGER        char_size
        PARAMETER    ( char_size = 100  )

        CHARACTER*(char_size)   filename

        INTEGER*4   code
        INTEGER*4   level
        INTEGER*4   lvl_type
        INTEGER*4   year
        INTEGER*4   month
        INTEGER*4   day
        INTEGER*4   time
        INTEGER*4   err_msg
        INTEGER*4   nrec
        INTEGER*4   ndata
        INTEGER*4   i, nr

        DIMENSION   grid(384)
        INTEGER*4   grid

        PARAMETER   (jpack=100000)
        DIMENSION   read_arr( jpack * 200 )
        DIMENSION   isec0(2)
        DIMENSION   isec1(60)
        DIMENSION   isec2(384)
        DIMENSION   isec3(2)
        DIMENSION   isec4(42)
        DIMENSION   zsec2(96)
        DIMENSION   zsec3(2)
        DIMENSION   zsec4(jpack*4)
        DIMENSION   inbuff(jpack)
        CHARACTER*1 yoper
        INTEGER     file, jcount

C        Declare an IDL string structure

                INTEGER*2 slen
                INTEGER*2 stype
                INTEGER   s

        RECORD /STRING/         idl_str

C       ---------- Convert IDL-string to FORTRAN-string --------------

        CALL IDL_2_FORT(%VAL(idl_str.s), idl_str.slen, filename,

        WRITE(6,*) '**'
        WRITE(6,*) 'Reading Data from : ',filename(1:idl_str.slen)

        err_msg = 0
        NUMERR = 0
        ILENB = jpack
        IPUNP = jpack * 4

C       -------------------- Open file --------------------------

        CALL PBOPEN( file, filename(1:idl_str.slen), 'R', kret)

        IF ( KRET .NE. 0 ) THEN
            WRITE(6, *) ' Return code from PBOPEN = ',kret
            CALL PBCLOSE(FILE, kret)
            STOP 'Fault in PBOPEN'
        ILENB = ILENB*4

C       --------------   Header for screen output   --------------------
     &   '  Rec no  GRIB code   Level',
     &   '  Type   Year  Month  Day  Time'


C       --------------   Record reading loop   ----------------------

        nr = 0
  100   CONTINUE

C       ---------------- Read data from GRIB file  -------------------

            CALL PBGRIB( file, inbuff, ilenb, lenout, kret )

            IF ( KRET .LT. 0) GOTO 200

C       -------------------- Decode read values    ---------------------

            yoper = 'D'
            ierr = 1
            CALL GRIBEX (isec0,isec1,isec2,zsec2,isec3,zsec3,isec4,
     &                   zsec4,ipunp,inbuff,ilenb,iword,yoper,ierr)
            IF (ierr.NE. 0) then
                WRITE(6,*) ' *** GRIBEX - ERR.'
                CALL PBCLOSE(file, kret)

            ndata = isec4(1)

C           --- Check if specified parameters are correct   ---
C           --- Grib code, level, year, month, day, time    ---

            IF ( (code     .EQ. isec1(6)  .OR. code     .EQ. -1) .AND.
     &           (level    .EQ. isec1(8)  .OR. level    .EQ. -1) .AND.
     &           (lvl_type .EQ. isec1(7)  .OR. lvl_type .EQ. -1) .AND.
     &           (year     .EQ. isec1(10) .OR. year     .EQ. -1) .AND.
     &           (month    .EQ. isec1(11) .OR. month    .EQ. -1) .AND.
     &           (day      .EQ. isec1(12) .OR. day      .EQ. -1) .AND.
     &           (time     .EQ. isec1(13) .OR. time     .EQ. -1) ) THEN

                nr = nr + 1

C           --- This is output to the screen. It was impossible to
C           --- have a longint in a formatted write out (?). The     ---
C           --- present formatted output migth behave odd.           ---

               inr = nr
               WRITE(6, '(1x,i6,4x,i6,2x,i8,4x,i3,5x,4(i2,4x))' )
     &          inr,
     &          isec1(6),isec1(8), isec1(7), isec1(10),
     &          isec1(11),isec1(12), isec1(13)

                DO i=1, ndata
                    read_arr(i + ndata*(nr-1)) = zsec4(i)


C           --- If nrec records are read, jump out of loop ---

            IF (nr .EQ. nrec .AND. nrec .NE. 0 ) GOTO  200

        GOTO  100
C       -- End of record reading loop

  200   CONTINUE

        IF (nr .EQ. 0)   err_msg = KRET

        nrec = nr

C       ---------------------- Close file  ---------------------------

        CALL PBCLOSE(file, kret)


C$Subroutine IDL_2_FORT

        SUBROUTINE IDL_2_FORT(idlstr, strlen, fortstr, f_len)

C       Copies an IDL string to a Fortran character string.

        INTEGER*2               strlen
        CHARACTER*(*)           idlstr

        CHARACTER*(*)           fortstr

        INTEGER                 f_len

C       If the IDL string is smaller then copy the entire string into
C       the Fortran string, otherwise truncate it.

        IF(strlen .LE. f_len )THEN

------------------------------------------------------------------ ;+
======= ;  READ_GRIB
======= ; ; PURPOSE : ; ------- ;  Read data from a grib file ; ; CALLING
SEQUENCE: ; ---------------- ;	field = read_grib(filename) ; ; INPUTS: ;
------ ;  filename : File name (including the path) for the file to be read ;
; OUTPUTS: ; ------- ;	Return value: Matrix containing the read values. The
dimension ;  of the array is: ( ndata, nrec ) ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ;
------------------ ; ;	INPUT: ;  จจจจจจ ;  code  : The GRIB code (integer)
[code tables are here : ;
http://intranet.dmi.min.dk/~climate/ERA/table2-v128.html ;
http://intranet.dmi.min.dk/~climate/ERA/table2-v160.html ] ;  level  : Level
of the data (integer) ;  lvl_type  : level type (integer or string) ;  100 or
'pres'	= pressure levels ;  105 or 'surf'  = surface levels ;	109 or
'model' = model levels ;  year	: year (integer) ;  month  : month (integer)
;  day	: day (integer) ;  time  : time (integer) ;  nrec  : number of
records to be read. Default is 1. ;  Set to 0 if all records that meets the
keyword ;  specifications should be read. ;  diag  : Flag for diagnostic
printout. If this is set various ;  information, incl. month, day and
grib-code for the ;  read data, are written to screen. ; ; ; ;	OUTPUT: ; 
จจจจจจจ ;  grid_par  : Array of integers containing the parameters ;  that
desribes the grid. Identical to the KSEC2 integer ;  array in the GRIB
decoding convention. ;	grid_def  : Array of reals that defines the grid.
Identical to the ;  PSEC2 array. ;  nrec  : number of records read. ; ; ; ; 
NOTES: ;  ----- ;  The reading is done in a fortran program (read_grib.f). ;
;  'path' should be included in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the ;  .cshrc file. ; 
The longitudes and latitudes can be constructed using the ;  routine
MAKE_GRID. ; ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ------- ;  To read MSLP for 4th of February from
file "/mydir/TTfile", type: ; ;  pres = READ_GRIB('/mydir/TTfile', CODE=151,
MONTH=2,  $ ;  DAY=4, GRID_PAR=gg ) ; ;  All records that match the
specifications are read. The ;	parameters that describes the grid are
returned in the ;  integer array "gg". ; ; ;  AUTHOR: ;  ------ ;  Uffe
Andersen,  Danish Meteorological Institute (ua@dmi.dk) 26/10 - 1998 ; ; ; 
REVISIONS: ;  --------- ;  19/4-99 : Added grid_def, default is to return
only one record. UA ;  14/7-99 : year can now have more than 2 digits.	UA ;
======= ;-

FUNCTION read_grib,     filename,               $ ; Input
                        code=code,              $
                        level=level,            $
                        lvl_type=lvl_type,      $
                        year=year,              $
                        month=month,            $
                        day=day,                $
                        time=time,              $
                        nrec=nrec,              $
                        diag=diag,              $
                        grid_par=grid_par,      $ ; Output
                        grid_def=grid_def         ; Output

IF N_PARAMS() EQ 0 THEN MESSAGE, 'File name missing.'

path = '/home/climate/idl/fk/lib/'                ; Path to the fortran
                                                  ; that maintains the
                                                  ; between fortran and

source_file = 'read_grib'                         ; Fortran program name

shared_file =  path + 'lib' + source_file + '.so' ; Name of shared
entry_name  =                 source_file + '_'   ; Entry name in the
shared object

                    ; Set non used keywords to -1
                    ; ---------------------------

IF N_ELEMENTS(code)     EQ 0 THEN  code     = -1
IF N_ELEMENTS(level)    EQ 0 THEN  level    = -1
IF N_ELEMENTS(lvl_type) EQ 0 THEN  lvl_type = -1
IF N_ELEMENTS(year)     EQ 0 THEN  year     = -1
IF N_ELEMENTS(month)    EQ 0 THEN  month    = -1
IF N_ELEMENTS(day)      EQ 0 THEN  day      = -1
IF N_ELEMENTS(time)     EQ 0 THEN  time     = -1
IF N_ELEMENTS(nrec)     EQ 0 THEN  nrec     =  1   ; Default value for
nrec is 1

diag = KEYWORD_SET(diag)

                    ; If string convert lvl_type to code
                    ; ----------------------------------

   lvl_type = STRLOWCASE(lvl_type)

   CASE lvl_type OF
      'pres'  : type_code = 100
      'surf'  : type_code = 105
      'model' : type_code = 109
      ELSE    : MESSAGE, 'Level type ' + lvl_type + ' not known.'

   lvl_type = type_code

IF nrec LT 0 THEN  MESSAGE, 'nrec should be positive or zero'

err_msg = 1

              ; In the communication with the FORTRAN program
              ; it is essential that the integer parameters
              ; in the IDL and FORTRAN programs are of same
              ; type (INT/LONG - INTEGER*2/INTEGER*4).
              ; To facilitate communication only LONG-INTEGER*4
              ; are used.

code     = LONG(code)
level    = LONG(level)
lvl_type = LONG(lvl_type)
year     = LONG(year)
month    = LONG(month)
day      = LONG(day)
time     = LONG(time)
ndata    = LONG(0)
nrec     = LONG(nrec)
grid_par = LONARR(384)
grid_def = FLTARR(96)

file = FINDFILE(filename, COUNT=cnt)              ; Check if the data
file exist
IF cnt NE 1 THEN   $                              ; If not then stop
  MESSAGE, 'Could not find ' + filename

                               ; Look for shared object. If it doesn't
                               ; compile the fortran program

file = FINDFILE(shared_file, COUNT=c_so)          ; Find shared object

IF (c_so EQ 1 ) AND diag THEN  PRINT,'Shared object found. '

IF (c_so EQ 0 ) THEN  $
   MESSAGE, ' Shared object not found.'

read_arr = FLTARR( 51200L*120L )                 ; Define read_arr

                    ; Call the fortran subroutine in the shared object
                    ; ------------------------------------------------

tmp = CALL_EXTERNAL( shared_file,       $     ; INPUT:  name of shared
                     entry_name,        $     ;         entry name in
shared obj.
                     filename,          $     ;         filename
                     code,              $     ;         GRIB code
                     level,             $     ;         level
                     lvl_type,          $     ;         level type
                     year,              $     ;         year
                     month,             $     ;         month
                     day,               $     ;         day
                     time,              $     ;         time
                     grid_par,          $     ; OUTPUT: parameters
descr. the grid
                     grid_def,          $     ;         parameters
defines the grid
                     err_msg,           $     ;         error message
from GRIB
                     nrec,              $     ;         number of
                     ndata,             $     ;         numbers of data
per record
                     read_arr       )         ;         output array

IF err_msg EQ -1 THEN  BEGIN
   MESSAGE, 'No record with the specifications : ', /CONTINUE
   IF (code     NE -1) THEN  PRINT, ' Code      : ',code
   IF (level    NE -1) THEN  PRINT, ' Level     : ',level
   IF (lvl_type NE -1) THEN  PRINT, ' Level type: ',lvl_type
   IF (year     NE -1) THEN  PRINT, ' Year      : ',year
   IF (month    NE -1) THEN  PRINT, ' Month     : ',month
   IF (day      NE -1) THEN  PRINT, ' Day       : ',day
   IF (time     NE -1) THEN  PRINT, ' Time      : ',time
   PRINT, 'were found in the file : ' + filename
   read_arr = -1

IF err_msg EQ -3 THEN      $
       MESSAGE, ' Data array too small for the record '

                        ; Find the number of elements in the array
                        ; ----------------------------------------

   non_zero = WHERE(grid_par GT 0, cnt)           ; adresses of positive
   last_adr = MAX(non_zero) > 21                  ; above 21
   grid_par = grid_par[0: last_adr]               ; extract sub-arr

grid_def = grid_def[0: 10+grid_par[11]]

read_arr = read_arr(0:ndata*nrec-1)

read_arr = REFORM( read_arr,ndata, nrec )

  PRINT,'ndata    : ', ndata
  PRINT,'nrec     : ', nrec
  PRINT,'min  max : ', MIN(read_arr), MAX(read_arr)
  PRINT,'err_msg  : ', err_msg

RETURN,  read_arr


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