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Re: Writing formatted text files

Bernard Puc <bpuc@va.aetc.com> wrote in message
> I'd like to speed-up the following code.  I'm writing comma delimited
> text files, I'm eliminating whitespace by using strtrim, and am
> explicitly formatting the string using a format keyword.  Any ideas how
> to improve this?  I've been playing with various ways of formatting
> without using a FOR loop but either don't get the desired output or the
> error message telling me the output string has been truncated to 1024
> lines.
> data_to_write = fltarr(3, 100000)
> FOR j=0, 99999 DO BEGIN
>   PRINTF,Lun,$
>     strtrim(string(data_to_write[0,j],format='(f10.3)'),2),',',$
>     strtrim(string(data_to_write[1,j],format='(f10.3)'),2),',',$
>     strtrim(string(data_to_write[2,j],format='(f10.3)'),2),$
>     FORMAT = "(a,a,a,a,a)"
> Output should look like this:
> 278.980,-232.018,258.090
> 278.926,-231.974,258.360
> 278.889,-231.944,241.240
> 278.852,-231.913,206.900
> 278.814,-231.883,156.390
> 278.776,-231.852,93.680
> 278.739,-231.821,27.799
> 278.702,-231.791,-33.771
> 278.664,-231.760,-84.551
> 278.626,-231.729,-121.161

This doesn't get rid of all the whitespace, but it's simple and quick, and
the output is easy to read:

arr = findgen(3, 1000) * 0.1
print, arr, format='(2(f8.3, ","),f8.3)'
