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Re: Low pass filter
Mike wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of a library
> that produces a lowpass filter to filter high frequency data from an
> hourly time series? Any ideas or suggestions are welcomed. Thanks in
> advance
> Mike
> --
> "Looking North West out over the Irish sea."
you could try out my run_av.pro (attached). I wrote this
specifically for
something similar, so it handles missing values as well as irregularily
time intervals.
Hope it works out,
[[ Dr. Martin Schultz Max-Planck-Institut fuer Meteorologie [[
[[ Bundesstr. 55, 20146 Hamburg [[
[[ phone: +49 40 41173-308 [[
[[ fax: +49 40 41173-298 [[
[[ martin.schultz@dkrz.de [[
; $Id: run_av.pro,v 1.10 1999/01/22 20:12:17 mgs Stab $
; RUN_AV (function)
; Compute running average or running total of a
; data vector. Compared to the IDL function TS_SMOOTH,
; this function takes into account missing values or
; gaps in an optional x vector, and it allows for
; even bandwidths. It can also be used to compute cumulative
; totals.
; math
; result = RUN_AV(Y [,X] [,keywords] )
; Y -> the data vector (a 2-D array will be treated as a vector)
; X -> an optional X vector defining e.g. the sample times.
; This only has an effect when the DELTAX keyword is specified.
; X must be monotonically increasing and have the same
; number of elements as Y.
; WIDTH -> The number of points to use for the average or total
; Default is 1, i.e. Y is returned unchanged.
; MINWIDTH -> The minimum number of points that must be valid
; in order to return a average or total for the given point.
; Default is MINWIDTH=WIDTH, i.e. all points must be valid
; (and if X and DELTAX are specified, all points must lie
; within WIDTH*DELTAX).
; MIN_VALID -> The minimum value for valid data. Data with less than
; MIN_VALID will be considered missing. MIN_VALID is also used
; to indicate invalid totals or averages (1% is subtracted).
; DELTAX -> The maximum gap between two consecutive x values.
; Only effective when X is given.
; COUNT -> A named variable will return the number of points used
; in each average or total.
; /TOTAL -> Set this keyword to compute running totals instead
; of running averages.
; The function returns a vector with running averages or totals.
; The number of elements in the result vector always equals the
; number of elements in Y (unless an error occurs).
; This function can also be used to compute accumulative totals.
; Simply set WIDTH to n_elements(Y) and MINWIDTH to 1 and use
; the /TOTAL keyword. However, this is very uneffective for large
; data vectors!
; y = findgen(20)
; print,run_av(y,width=4)
; ; IDL prints: -1E31 -1E31 -1E31 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 ...
; print,run_av(y,width=4,/TOTAL)
; ; IDL prints: -1E31 -1E31 -1E31 6 10 14 18 ...
; ; (cumulative total)
; print,run_av(y,width=n_elements(y),minwidth=1,/TOTAL)
; ; IDL prints: 0 1 3 ... 190
; x = [ 0, 2, 4, 6, 16, 20, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33 ]
; y = fltarr(n_elements(x)) + 1.
; print,run_av(y,x,width=4,count=c)
; ; IDL prints: -1E31 -1E31 -1E31 1 1 1 1 ...
; print,c
; ; IDL prints: 1 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
; print,run_av(y,x,deltax=2,width=4,count=c)
; ; IDL prints: -1E31 -1E31 -1E31 1 -1E31 -1E31 -1E31
; ; -1E31 -1E31 -1E31 1 1 1 1 1
; print,c
; ; IDL prints: 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 4 4 4 4
; mgs, 21 Oct 1998: VERSION 1.00
; Copyright (C) 1998, Martin Schultz, Harvard University
; This software is provided as is without any warranty
; whatsoever. It may be freely used, copied or distributed
; for non-commercial purposes. This copyright notice must be
; kept with any copy of this software. If this software shall
; be used commercially or sold as part of a larger package,
; please contact the author to arrange payment.
; Bugs and comments should be directed to mgs@io.harvard.edu
; with subject "IDL routine run_av"
function run_av,y,x,width=width,min_valid=min_valid,deltax=deltax, $
result = 0.
if (n_elements(y) eq 0) then return,result
; ================================================================
; set up result array and temporary storage
; ================================================================
average = not keyword_set(ctotal)
if (n_elements(width) eq 0) then width = 1 $
else width = fix(abs(width[0]))
if (n_elements(minwidth) eq 0) then minwidth = width $
else minwidth = minwidth < width ; no larger than width!
if (width eq 0) then begin
message,'WIDTH must be greater or equal 1!',/Cont
accu = fltarr(width)
count = intarr(width)
result = fltarr(n_elements(y))
rcount = intarr(n_elements(y))
ic = 0
if (n_elements(min_valid) eq 0) then min_valid = -9.99E30
; ================================================================
; VERSION 1: no x array given
; ================================================================
if (n_elements(x) eq 0) then begin
; loop through y vector and accumulate
for i = 0L,n_elements(y)-1 do begin
if ( (i-ic) ge width ) then ic = ic + width
; add current y value to all buffer elements
; if greater min_valid
; and increment counter
if (y[i] gt min_valid) then begin
accu[*] = accu[*] + y[i]
count[*] = count[*] + 1
; read out ith buffer value and reset ith buffer
rcount[i] = count[i-ic]
if (count[i-ic] ge minwidth) then begin
result[i] = accu[i-ic]
if (average) then result[i] = result[i]/rcount[i]
endif else begin
result[i] = min_valid
accu[i-ic] = 0.
count[i-ic] = 0
; ================================================================
; VERSION 2: with x array
; same as above, but needs to take care of min x steps
; ================================================================
if (n_elements(x) ne n_elements(y)) then begin
message,'X and Y must have same number of elements!',/Cont
if (n_elements(deltax) eq 0) then begin
xdiff = x - shift(x,1)
deltax = max(xdiff[1:*])
; loop through y vector and accumulate
for i = 0L,n_elements(y)-1 do begin
if ( (i-ic) ge width ) then ic = ic + width
; add current y value to all buffer elements
; if greater min_valid
; and increment counter
if (y[i] gt min_valid and x[i]-x[(i-1)>0] le deltax) then begin
accu[*] = accu[*] + y[i]
count[*] = count[*] + 1
; read out ith buffer value and reset ith buffer
rcount[i] = count[i-ic]
if (count[i-ic] ge minwidth) then begin
result[i] = accu[i-ic]
if (average) then result[i] = result[i]/rcount[i]
endif else begin
result[i] = min_valid
accu[i-ic] = 0.
count[i-ic] = 0