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Copying (cloning) objects -- Testers wanted


   this is more and more fun! Please find attached a base object
definition which contains a few useful features that you can nicely
inherit in anything else:
The object contains a NAME and a UVALUE field which can be set with the
Init method (where NAME must be a string and UVALUE can be anything). It
contains a method for displaying an error message either as a dialog box
or on the log screen (controlled by the no_dialog keyword), and -- and
this I am most proud of -- it contains a method for duplicating itself.
And this works for any object that inherits from it. Thanks to James
Tappin who gave me the idea to create a structure with the object fields
( stru = { object } ), and to JD Smith who had the Struct_Assign idea.
What the Copy() method does is to create a copy of self as simply as 
   ;; Initialize an empty object of the same type as self
   clone = Obj_New( Obj_Class(self) )

   ;; Do a structure assignment to copy all fields verbatim
   Struct_Assign, self, clone, verbose=verbose

But that leaves you with the problem that pointers and object references
in the new object still point to the data and objects from the old
object. So I apply James' trick with a little variant:
   ok = Execute('ostru = {'+Obj_Class(self)+'}')

in order to get a structure equivalent of the current object. Then I
loop through the structure tags and whenever there is a pointer, I call
a method CopyPointers which does just what it says (took me a while to
avoid the traps of pointer arrays and pointers pointing to object
references, but it is still remarkably short, I think). Object
references are handled by calling the Copy method of the referenced
object. You can control some of this with keywords (no_pointers,
no_objects, free_pointers, or free_objects).

The code is heavily documented, so there is hope even if you don't
understand what I was talking about here ;-)

In order to use the base object in a meaningful way, you should inherit
from it. To show you how this is done, I also attach a class named
MGS_BaseVariable which allows consistent treatment of (scientific) data.
Just look for all occurences of
MGS_BaseObject in the source of mgs_basevariable__define.pro, and you
see what is needed. Here is an example how to use this all (you can find
this at the end of mgs_basevariable__define.pro):

PRO example

   lon  = obj_new('MGS_BaseVariable', findgen(128), name='LON' )
   lat  = obj_new('MGS_BaseVariable', findgen(64), name='LAT'  )

   var1 = obj_new('MGS_BaseVariable', dist(128,64), lon, lat,  $
                  name='Ozone', long_name='Ozone concentration',

   var2 = var1->Copy()
   var2->SetProperty, name='CO', long_name='Carbon monoxide

   ;; retrieve the name property from both variables to check they are
   print,'Name 1 = ',name1,'  Name2 = ',name2

   ;; invert the dimensions of the first variable

   ;; print the first element of lon and lat for both variables:
   print,'First elements of :'
   print,'lon1 = ',lon1[0],'  lon2 = ',lon2[0]
   print,'lat1 = ',lat1[0],'  lat2 = ',lat2[0]

   ;; clean up
   Obj_Destroy, d1    ; copy of lon in var2
   Obj_Destroy, d2    ; copy of lat in var2
   Obj_Destroy, lon
   Obj_Destroy, lat

   Obj_Destroy, var1
   Obj_Destroy, var2


[[ Dr. Martin Schultz   Max-Planck-Institut fuer Meteorologie    [[
[[                      Bundesstr. 55, 20146 Hamburg             [[
[[                      phone: +49 40 41173-308                  [[
[[                      fax:   +49 40 41173-298                  [[
[[ martin.schultz@dkrz.de                                        [[
;   mgs_baseobject (object)
;     This object provides basic functionality in terms of error
;   handling and allows the user to store arbitrary information in
;   the UValue field. It provides the standard Init, Cleanup,
;   GetProperty, and SetProperty methods which will likely have to
;   be extended for derived objects. The following additional
;   methods are provided:
;     Undefine : render a variable argument as undefined
;     ErrorMessage : display an error message as dialog or on the log
;                screen
;     Copy     : create a clone of the object and all its contents
;     Validate : a dummy method for data consistency checks
;   Dr. Martin Schultz
;   Max-Planck-Institut fuer Meteorologie
;   Bundesstr. 55, D-20146 Hamburg
;   email: martin.schultz@dkrz.de
;   General object programming
;     This objct will generally not be instanced in itself. To inherit
;     from it, add  { ..., INHERITS MGS_BaseObject } to your
;     object__define procedure, call self->MGS_BaseObject::Init at the
;     beginning of your new object's Init method, and
;     self->MGS_BaseObject::Cleanup at the end of your new object's Cleanup method.
;     See the MGS_BaseVariable and MGS_Variable objects.
;   Martin G. Schultz, 25 May 2000: VERSION 1.00
;   mgs, 07 Jun 2000 : - now allows for multiple line error messages
;   mgs, 09 Jun 2000 : - added Copy and CopyPointers methods
; This software is OSI Certified Open Source Software.
; OSI Certified is a certification mark of the Open Source Initiative.
; Copyright © 2000 Martin Schultz
; This software is provided "as-is", without any express or
; implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable
; for any damages arising from the use of this software.
; Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
; purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
; redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
; 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must
;    not claim you wrote the original software. If you use this software
;    in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation
;    would be appreciated, but is not required.
; 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must
;    not be misrepresented as being the original software.
; 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
; For more information on Open Source Software, visit the Open Source
; web site: http://www.opensource.org.

; =====================================================================================
; Base object methods:
;     Undefine    : render an argument variable undefined
;     ErrorMessage: display an error message as dialog or screen message
;     Validate    : make sure, object data is consistent

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Undefine:
; This method applies a trick published by Andrew Coole, Adelaide, AUS
; to render an undefined variable from within an IDL subroutine.

pro MGS_BaseObject::Undefine, arg

   if (n_elements(arg) eq 0) then return   ; already undefined
   tempvar = SIZE(TEMPORARY(arg))


; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ErrorMessage:
;    This method displays an error (or warning) message. Default is to
; display a Dialog_Message, unless the object's no_dialog flag is set
; or the no_dialog keyword is provided at the call of this method. IDL
; versions prior to 5.3 need also ensure that the current device
; supports widgets.
;    This method is particularily useful in Catch error handlers. See
; other methods of this object for examples.
;    Note that this object's Init method cannot call ErrorMessage,
; however if you establish an error handler after the
; self->MGS_BaseObject::Init call, you should be able to use this method.

pro MGS_BaseObject::ErrorMessage,  $
                  thisMessage,          $ ; The text of the error message
                  no_dialog=no_dialog,  $ ; Don't display a dialog
                  No_ErrorState=No_ErrorState,  $ ; Don't display the error status
                  Warning=Warning         ; Display a warning instead of an error

   ;; establish own error handler
   ;; internalMessage = 'Strange internal error.'
   CATCH, theError
   IF theError NE 0 THEN BEGIN
       CATCH, /Cancel
       Message, internalMessage, /Continue

   internalMessage = 'Strange internal error.'

   ;; determine whether dialog shall be used:
   ;; - default is object's no_dialog value
   ;; - this gets overwritten with local no_dialog keyword
   ;; - finally a test is made whether current device supports dialogs
   ;;   at all (only necessary for IDL < 5.3)

   Use_Dialog = ( self.no_dialog EQ 0 )
   IF N_Elements(No_Dialog) GT 0 THEN Use_Dialog = not Keyword_Set(no_dialog)
   IF FLOAT(!Version.Release) LT 5.3 AND (!D.FLAGS AND 65536L) EQ 0 THEN $
     Use_Dialog = 0    ; cannot display dialog on current device

   ;; Get calling routine's name
   Help, Calls=CallStack
   Caller = ( Str_Sep( StrCompress(CallStack[1]), " " ) )[0]
   Caller = StrUpCase(Caller)
   IF Caller EQ '$MAIN$' THEN Caller = '' ELSE Caller = Caller + ': '

   ;; Compose message string
   IF N_Elements(thisMessage) EQ 0 THEN thisMessage = '' 
   IF StrTrim(thisMessage[0], 2) NE '' THEN $
      theMessage = thisMessage $
   ELSE $
      theMessage = 'Unspecified Error.'

   ;; Display error message as dialog 
   IF Use_Dialog THEN BEGIN
      IF N_Elements(theMessage) GT 1 THEN BEGIN
         IF NOT Keyword_Set(No_ErrorState) THEN $
            theMessage = [ Caller+theMessage[0], $
                           theMessage[1:*],  $
                           !Error_State.Msg ] 
         IF NOT Keyword_Set(No_ErrorState) THEN $
            theMessage = [ Caller+theMessage, $
                           !Error_State.Msg ] 
      IF Keyword_Set(Warning) THEN $
         ok = Dialog_Message(theMessage)  $
      ELSE $
         ok = Dialog_Message(theMessage, /Error)
      ;; Display error message as text
      Message,theMessage[0], /Info
      IF N_Elements(theMessage) GT 1 THEN BEGIN
         FOR i=1L, N_Elements(theMessage)-1 DO $
            Message,theMessage[i], /Info, /NoName
      IF NOT Keyword_Set(No_ErrorState) THEN $
         Print, !Error_State.Msg
   ;; Clear error status
   Message, /Reset


; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; CopyPointers:
;   This method returns a physical copy of the pointer or pointer
; array given as argument. If a pointer contains other pointers, the
; method is called recursively.
;   If the pointer or pointer array contains object references, an
; attempt is made to call that object's Copy method so that the object
; is copied physically rather than only by reference. If an object has
; no Copy method (or if you want to preserve the link), set the
; no_objects keyword.

FUNCTION MGS_BaseObject::CopyPointers, p, no_objects=no_objects

   ;; Set dummy default
   result = Ptr_New()

   ;; Find out if p is a pointer array
   N = N_Elements(p)
   IF N GT 1 THEN result = PtrArr(N)

   ;; Go through elements of p and duplicate them
   FOR i=0L, N-1 DO BEGIN
      IF Ptr_Valid( p[i] ) THEN BEGIN
         ;; Check if pointer contains another pointer
         type = Size( *p[i], /TName )
         IF type EQ 'POINTER' THEN $                 ; recursive pointer copy
            result[i] = Ptr_New( self->CopyPointers( *p[i] ) ) $
         ELSE IF type EQ 'OBJREF' AND not Keyword_Set(no_objects) THEN BEGIN
            result[i] = Ptr_New( (*p[i])->Copy() )   ; physical copy of object
         ENDIF ELSE  $
            result[i] = Ptr_New( *p[i] )             ; copy of object reference

   RETURN, result

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Copy:
; This method makes a copy of the object itself (cloning). The result
; is an empty (invalid) object reference if something goes
; wrong. Pointers are copied explicitely unless the no_pointers
; keyword is set. Objects are copied via recursive calls to their Copy
; method (which means they should have one). If you don't want to copy
; the objects but only the object references, use the no_objects
; keyword. With the free_pointers and free_objects keywords you can
; instead delete the pointer and object references from the clone.

FUNCTION MGS_BaseObject::Copy, no_pointers=no_pointers, $
                       no_objects=no_objects,  $
                       free_pointers=free_pointers,  $
                       free_objects=free_objects,  $

   ;; set default result
   dummy = Obj_New()

   Catch, theError
      Catch, /Cancel
   IF theError NE 0 THEN BEGIN
      Catch, /Cancel
      self->ErrorMessage, 'Error building object clone!'
      IF Obj_Valid(clone) THEN Obj_Destroy, clone
      RETURN, dummy
   ;; Initialize an empty object of the same type as self
   clone = Obj_New( Obj_Class(self) )

   ;; Do a structure assignment to copy all fields verbatim
   Struct_Assign, self, clone, verbose=verbose

   ;; Now apply a trick to get a structure with the current
   ;; object's tag names and types
   ;; (courtesy James Tappin)
   ok = Execute('ostru = {'+Obj_Class(self)+'}')
   IF not ok THEN RETURN, dummy

   ;; Go through tags and check which ones are pointers or objects:
   ;; these must be copied explicitely
   IF Keyword_Set(verbose) THEN help,ostru,/stru

   ;; Pointers
   FOR i=0L, N_Tags(ostru)-1 DO BEGIN
      tname = Size(ostru.(i), /TName)
      ;; Copy pointer contents or free them
         IF Keyword_Set(free_pointers) THEN BEGIN
            clone.(i) = Ptr_New()
         ENDIF ELSE IF not Keyword_Set(no_pointers) THEN BEGIN
            IF Keyword_Set(verbose) THEN  $
               print,'Copying pointer ',(tag_names(ostru))[i],'...'
            clone.(i) = self->CopyPointers( self.(i), no_objects=no_objects )

   ;; Objects
   FOR i=0L, N_Tags(ostru)-1 DO BEGIN
      tname = Size(ostru.(i), /TName)
      ;; Copy pointer contents or free them
         IF Keyword_Set(free_objects) THEN BEGIN
            clone.(i) = Obj_New()
         ENDIF ELSE IF not Keyword_Set(no_objects) THEN BEGIN
            IF Keyword_Set(verbose) THEN  $
               print,'Copying object ',(tag_names(ostru))[i],'...'
            IF Obj_Valid( clone.(i) ) THEN $
               clone.(i) = self.(i)->Copy()

   IF Keyword_Set(verbose) THEN print,'Done.'

   RETURN, clone


; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Validate:
; This method is just a dummy for derived objects

pro MGS_BaseObject::Validate

; help,self  ; ####


; =====================================================================================
; Standard object methods:
;     GetProperty : retrieve object values
;     SetProperty : set object values
;     Cleanup     : free object pointers and destroy
;     Init        : initialize object

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; GetProperty:
; This method extracts specific object values and returns them to the
; user. Derived objects should overwrite and extend this method to
; return the extra information stored in them.

pro MGS_BaseObject::GetProperty,  $
                   name=name,        $ ; The variable name
                   uvalue=uvalue,    $ ; A user defined value

   Catch, theError
   IF theError NE 0 THEN BEGIN
      Catch, /Cancel
      self->ErrorMessage, !Error_State.Msg

   name = self.name

   ; Handle pointer values
   IF Arg_Present(uvalue) THEN BEGIN
       IF Ptr_Valid(self.uvalue) THEN $
          uvalue = *self.uvalue  $
       ELSE  $
          self->undefine, uvalue


; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; SetProperty:
; This method sets specific object values. Derived objects should
; overwrite and extend this method to allow storing additional information.

pro MGS_BaseObject::SetProperty,  $
                   name=name,  $           ; The variable name
                   no_copy=no_copy,      $ ; No_copy flag for ptr_new (data and uvalue)
                   no_dialog=no_dialog,  $ ; Flag to indicate if interactive dialogs are used
                   uvalue=uvalue,        $ ; A user defined value

   Catch, theError
   IF theError NE 0 THEN BEGIN
      Catch, /Cancel
      self->ErrorMessage, !Error_State.Msg

   ;; Test arguments
   IF N_Elements(name) GT 0 THEN self.name = name
   IF N_Elements(no_dialog) GT 0 THEN self.no_dialog = Keyword_Set(no_dialog)

   IF N_Elements(uvalue) GT 0 THEN BEGIN
       IF Ptr_Valid(self.uvalue) THEN Ptr_Free, self.uvalue
       self.uvalue = Ptr_New(uvalue)  

   ; make sure everything is ok


; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Cleanup:
; This method frees all data stored in the object. Derived objects
; should call self->MGS_BaseObject::Cleanup at the end of their own Cleanup
; method.

pro MGS_BaseObject::Cleanup

   IF Ptr_Valid(self.uvalue) THEN Ptr_Free, self.uvalue


; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Init:
; This method initializes the object values. Derived objects should
; call self->MGS_BaseObject::Init at the beginning of their own Init method
; as in:
;    IF not self->MGS_BaseObject::Init(name=name,...) THEN RETURN
; Note that you can use _REF_EXTRA keywords to handle the keywords for
; the MGS_BaseObject transparently.

function MGS_BaseObject::Init,  $
                   name=name,  $           ; The object name
                   uvalue=uvalue,        $ ; A user defined value
                   no_copy=no_copy,      $ ; No_Copy flag for ptr_new
                   no_dialog=no_dialog,  $ ; Flag indicating use of interactive dialogs
                   _Ref_Extra=extra        ; For future additions

   Catch, theError
   IF theError NE 0 THEN BEGIN
      Catch, /Cancel
      IF Keyword_Set(no_dialog) THEN BEGIN
          theMessage = 'Error initializing object: '+ !Error_State.Msg
          Message, theMessage, /Continue
          theMessage = [ Routine_Name(), !Error_State.Msg ]
          ok = Dialog_Message(theMessage)
      RETURN, 0

   ;; Test arguments
   IF N_Elements(name) EQ 0 THEN name = ''

   no_copy = Keyword_Set(no_copy)
   no_dialog = Keyword_Set(no_dialog)

   ;; populate object
   self.name = name
   self.no_dialog = no_dialog

   IF N_Elements(uvalue) GT 0 THEN self.uvalue = Ptr_New(uvalue, no_copy=no_copy)  $
   ELSE self.uvalue = Ptr_New()

   ; make sure everything is ok

   ; reset error state variable
   Message, /Reset

   return, 1

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This is the object definition. Derived objects should create a new
; structure and append these fields via the INHERITS MGS_BaseObject
; syntax.

pro MGS_BaseObject__Define

   objectClass = { mgs_baseobject,       $ ; The object class
                   name          : '',   $ ; The object name
                   no_dialog     : 0,    $ ; Flag indicating use of interactive dialogs
                   uvalue        : ptr_new()   $  ; A user defined value
;   mgs_basevariable (object)
;     This object stores (scientific) data and the information
;   relevant for plotting and (simple) arithmetic analysis.
;   It provides methods for extracting data and computing
;   basic statistics.
;     It inherits from MGS_BaseObject which provides basic
;   functionality for displaying error messages and storing a user
;   value. 
;     The BaseVariable object does not contain information or methods
;   for treatment of missing values or limited data range. These
;   are added in the definition of MGS_Variable.
;   Data of REAL, DOUBLE, LONG, INT, or BYTE type is fully supported,
;   for other types BaseVariable serves as a container object only
;   (i.e. you cannot compute a mean, extract a range etc.).
;   Dr. Martin Schultz
;   Max-Planck-Institut fuer Meteorologie
;   Bundesstr. 55, D-20146 Hamburg
;   email: martin.schultz@dkrz.de
;   Martin G. Schultz, 30 May 2000: VERSION 1.00
; This software is OSI Certified Open Source Software.
; OSI Certified is a certification mark of the Open Source Initiative.
; Copyright © 2000 Martin Schultz
; This software is provided "as-is", without any express or
; implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable
; for any damages arising from the use of this software.
; Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
; purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
; redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
; 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must
;    not claim you wrote the original software. If you use this software
;    in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation
;    would be appreciated, but is not required.
; 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must
;    not be misrepresented as being the original software.
; 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
; For more information on Open Source Software, visit the Open Source
; web site: http://www.opensource.org.

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

; =====================================================================================
; Utility methods:
;     ConvertType : Convert a data argument to a specific type
;     ExtractHyperslice  : Return data array with one dimension fixed
;     Mean        : Compute the mean of the data stored in the object

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ConvertType:
;   This method accepts a data argument and converts it to a specified
; data type. The data type can be given either as string with the
; tname keyword or by setting one of the logical flags double, float,
; long, integer, or byte, or by specifying an (integer) type value
; (see IDL online help on data type values). If the self keyword is
; set, the object's internal data array is converted. In this case, no
; data argument must be present.
;   The truncate, round, and clip keywords determine, how data are
; converted from a "higher" to a "lower" variable type. The truncate
; keyword is purely for readability, truncation is IDL's default for
; type conversion. Alternatively, you can round float data to the
; nearest (long) integer. Be aware that you can end up with unreasonable
; values in both cases, unless the clip keyword is set (example:
; "print, fix(32768L)" yields -32768). Clip will ensure that the data
; does not extend beyond the valid data range given by the new data type.
;   The minimum and maximum possible (valid) data values for the new
; type can be returned via the min_valid and max_valid keywords. In
; order to avoid machine specific differences, the limit for double
; precision values is set to 1.D300, and the limit for float is set to
; 1.E31. 

pro MGS_BaseVariable::ConvertType,  $
                data,                 $ ; The data to be converted
                self=selfdata,        $ ; Convert object's own data
                tname=tname,          $ ; A string containing the new data type name
                double=double,        $ ; Convert data to double
                float=float,          $ ; Convert data to float
                long=long,            $ ; Convert data to long
                integer=integer,      $ ; Convert data to integer
                byte=byte,            $ ; Convert data to byte
                type=type,            $ ; Convert to type number (see online help)
                truncate=truncate,    $ ; Truncate the data if necessary (default)
                round=round,          $ ; Round the data if converting to integer type
                clip=clip,            $ ; Clip data to valid range before converting
                min_valid=min_valid,  $ ; Return the minimum possible value for the new type
                max_valid=max_valid     ; Return the maximum possible value for the new type

   Catch, theError
   IF theError NE 0 THEN BEGIN
      Catch, /Cancel
      self->ErrorMessage, !Error_State.Msg

   ;; Determine new data type
   IF N_Elements(tname) GT 0 THEN BEGIN
       newtype = StrUpCase(tname)
       IF Keyword_Set(double)   THEN newtype = 'DOUBLE'
       IF Keyword_Set(float)    THEN newtype = 'FLOAT'
       IF Keyword_Set(long)     THEN newtype = 'LONG'
       IF Keyword_Set(integer)  THEN newtype = 'INTEGER'
       IF Keyword_Set(byte)     THEN newtype = 'BYTE'
       IF N_Elements(type) GT 0 THEN BEGIN
           typedef = [ 'BYTE', 'INT', 'LONG', 'FLOAT', 'DOUBLE' ]
           newtype = typedef[ ( (type[0]-1) > 0) < 4 ]

   ;; Unsupported type, return
   IF N_Elements(newtype) EQ 0 THEN RETURN

   ;; Set minimum and maximum valid values
   ;; Need to apply trick for most negative integers
   CASE newtype OF 
       'DOUBLE' : BEGIN
                     min_valid = -1.0D300
                     max_valid = +1.0D300
                     typeid = 5
       'FLOAT'  : BEGIN
                     min_valid = -1.031
                     max_valid = +1.031
                     typeid = 4
       'LONG'   : BEGIN
                     min_valid = long(-2LL^31)   ; -2147483648L
                     max_valid = +2147483647L
                     typeid = 3
       'INT'    : BEGIN
                     min_valid = fix(-2L^15)     ; -32768
                     max_valid = +32767
                     typeid = 2
       'BYTE'   : BEGIN
                     min_valid = 0B
                     max_valid = 255B
                     typeid = 1
       ELSE     : RETURN   ; unsupported type set via tname keyword

   ;; If no data is passed, look for the self keyword. If set,
   ;; retrieve object's internal data
   IF N_Elements(data) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN
       IF Keyword_Set(selfdata) THEN self->GetData, data
       IF N_Elements(data) EQ 0 THEN RETURN

   ;; Determine current data type
   datatype = Size(data, /TYPE)

   ;; If new data type is "larger" than or equal to the original type,
   ;; the type conversion is trivial.
   IF ( datatype LE typeid ) THEN BEGIN
       CASE newtype OF 
           'DOUBLE' : data = Double(temporary(data))
           'FLOAT'  : data = Float(temporary(data))
           'LONG'   : data = Long(temporary(data))
           'INT'    : data = Fix(temporary(data))
           'BYTE'   : data = Byte(temporary(data))
   ;; If clipping requested, get out-of-bounds indices before
   ;; converting.
   IF Keyword_Set(clip) THEN BEGIN
       low = Where( data LT min_valid, lcount )
       high = Where( data GT max_valid, hcount )
       lcount = 0L
       hcount = 0L

   ;; Round or truncate data (or convert double to float)
   IF Keyword_Set(round) THEN BEGIN
       CASE newtype OF 
           'DOUBLE' : data = Double(temporary(data))  ; shouldn't occur
           'FLOAT'  : data = Float(temporary(data))
           'LONG'   : data = Round(temporary(data))
           'INT'    : data = Fix(Round(temporary(data)))
           'BYTE'   : data = Byte(Round(temporary(data)))
       CASE newtype OF 
           'DOUBLE' : data = Double(temporary(data))  ; shouldn't occur
           'FLOAT'  : data = Float(temporary(data))
           'LONG'   : data = Long(temporary(data))
           'INT'    : data = Fix(temporary(data))
           'BYTE'   : data = Byte(temporary(data))

   ;; Apply clipping where necessary
   IF lcount GT 0L THEN data[low] = min_valid
   IF hcount GT 0L THEN data[high] = max_valid

   ;; If self keyword is set, store data back in object
   IF Keyword_Set(selfdata) THEN BEGIN
       Ptr_Free, self.data
       self.data = Ptr_New(data)
       self.tname = Size(data, /Tname)


; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ExtractHyperslice:
;   This method returns an N-1 dimensional subarray of the data
; argument which is extracted by fixing the given dimension to the
; given index value. If the self keyword is set, the hyperslice is
; taken from the object's data. 
;   If data (or the objects data field) contains no data, an undefined
; variable is returned. 

function MGS_BaseVariable::ExtractHyperslice,  $
                      data,         $ ; The data array from which to extract a slice
                      dimension,    $ ; The dimension to keep fixed
                      index,        $ ; The index value for the fixed dimension
                      self=selfdata   ; Flag to indicate use of object's own data 

   self->Undefine, result

   Catch, theError
   IF theError NE 0 THEN BEGIN
      Catch, /Cancel
      self->ErrorMessage, !Error_State.Msg
      RETURN, result

   ;; Check if all three arguments are present and valid 
       self->ErrorMessage, 'Usage: obj->ExtractHyperslice, data, dimension, index'
       RETURN, result
   IF N_Elements(dimension) NE 1 THEN BEGIN
       self->ErrorMessage, 'Dimension argument must be scalar!'
       RETURN, result
   IF N_Elements(index) NE 1 THEN BEGIN
       self->ErrorMessage, 'Index argument must be scalar!'
       RETURN, result

   ;; If no data is passed, look for the self keyword. If set,
   ;; retrieve object's internal data
   IF N_Elements(data) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN
       IF Keyword_Set(selfdata) THEN self->GetData, thisdata
       IF N_Elements(thisdata) EQ 0 THEN RETURN, result
       thisdata = data

   ;; Get dimensions of data array
   ndims = Size(thisdata, /N_Dimensions)
   dims  = Size(thisdata, /Dimensions)

   ;; Make sure dimension and index have correct type
   thisdim = Fix(dimension > 1)   ; automatically convert 0 to 1
   thisindex = Long(index)

   ;; Make sure, dimension and index are valid
   IF thisdim GT ndims THEN BEGIN
       self->ErrorMessage, 'Invalid dimension ('+StrTrim(thisdim,2)+') !'
       RETURN, result
   IF thisindex LT 0L OR thisindex GE dims[thisdim-1] THEN BEGIN
       self->ErrorMessage, 'Invalid index ('+StrTrim(thisindex,2)+') !'
       RETURN, result

   ;; OK, go ahead with the extraction
   CASE thisdim OF
       1 : result = data[thisindex,*,*,*,*,*,*,*]
       2 : result = data[*,thisindex,*,*,*,*,*,*]
       3 : result = data[*,*,thisindex,*,*,*,*,*]
       4 : result = data[*,*,*,thisindex,*,*,*,*]
       5 : result = data[*,*,*,*,thisindex,*,*,*]
       6 : result = data[*,*,*,*,*,thisindex,*,*]
       7 : result = data[*,*,*,*,*,*,thisindex,*]
       8 : result = data[*,*,*,*,*,*,*,thisindex]

   RETURN, result

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Mean:
;   This method computes the mean of the variable. The dimension
; argument allows to compute the mean for all elements of this dimension,
; i.e. in this case mean returns a vector rather than a scalar.

function MGS_BaseVariable::Mean,  $
                      dimension     ; [optional] Keep this dimension fixed

   result = !Values.F_NaN

   Catch, theError
   IF theError NE 0 THEN BEGIN
      Catch, /Cancel
      self->ErrorMessage, !Error_State.Msg
      RETURN, result

   ;; If no data is loaded, return
   self->GetData, data
   IF N_Elements(data) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN
   ;;    self->ErrorMessage, 'No data stored in variable '+self.name
       RETURN, result

   ;; Check data type
   IF (self.tname NE 'DOUBLE'  $
       AND self.tname NE 'FLOAT'   $
       AND self.tname NE 'LONG'    $
       AND self.tname NE 'INT'     $
       AND self.tname NE 'BYTE') THEN BEGIN
       self->ErrorMessage, 'Data type '+self.tname+  $
         ' does not permit mathematical operations.'
       RETURN, result

   ;; If dimension argument is passed, evaluate mean across that
   ;; dimension
   IF N_Elements(dimension) EQ 1 THEN BEGIN
       thisdim = Fix(dimension > 1)    ; automatically convert 0 to 1

       ;; Make sure dimensions are in range
       ndims = Size(data, /N_Dimensions)
       dims  = Size(data, /Dimensions)
       IF thisdim GT ndims THEN BEGIN
           self->ErrorMessage, 'Invalid dimension attribute!'
           RETURN, result
       ;; Create result array of correct type (float or double) and
       ;; size
       result = fltarr(dims[thisdim-1])
       IF self.tname EQ 'DOUBLE' THEN result = Double(result)

       ;; Compute the respective mean values
       FOR i=0L, dims[thisdim-1]-1 DO $
         result[i] = Mean( self->ExtractHyperslice(data, thisdim, i) )

       result = Mean(*self.data)

   RETURN, result

; =====================================================================================
; Methods for data manipulation:
;     DeleteData   : free data pointer and reset dimension values
;     ScaleData    : apply scaling factor and offset to data values

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; DeleteData:
;   This method frees the data pointer and optionally resets the
;   dimension values

pro MGS_BaseVariable::DeleteData,  $

   Catch, theError
   IF theError NE 0 THEN BEGIN
      Catch, /Cancel
      self->ErrorMessage, !Error_State.Msg

   IF Ptr_Valid(self.data) THEN Ptr_Free, self.data

   IF Keyword_Set(reset_dimensions) THEN BEGIN
      self.ndims = 0
      self.dims = 0L

   ;; Don't touch dimvars for they may be hard to regenerate. Dimvars
   ;; can be deleted via the SetDimVar method.


; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Scale:
;    This method performs a linear operation data*factor+offset on the
; data stored in the object. The data type may change according to the
; IDL rules (e.g. scaling a LONG array with a FLOAT factor yields a
; FLOAT array). Setting the preserve_type flag will convert the final
; result back to the original type.
;   Extra keywords are passed to the ConvertType method if the
; Preserve_Type keyword is set. Useful options include Truncate,
; Round, or Clip (see ConvertType method above).

pro MGS_BaseVariable::Scale,  $
                factor=factor,  $
                offset=offset,  $
                preserve_type=preserve_type,  $

   Catch, theError
   IF theError NE 0 THEN BEGIN
      Catch, /Cancel
      self->ErrorMessage, !Error_State.Msg

   ;; Define defaults
   CASE self.tname OF
       'DOUBLE' : BEGIN
                    DefFactor = 1.0D
                    DefOffset = 0.0D
       'FLOAT'  : BEGIN
                    DefFactor = 1.0
                    DefOffset = 0.0
       'LONG'   : BEGIN
                    DefFactor = 1L
                    DefOffset = 0L
       'INT'    : BEGIN
                    DefFactor = 1
                    DefOffset = 0
       'BYTE'   : BEGIN
                    DefFactor = 1B
                    DefOffset = 0B
       ELSE : RETURN    ; no scaling possible
   ;; Keyword checking
   IF N_Elements(factor) EQ 0 THEN factor = DefFactor
   IF N_Elements(offset) EQ 0 THEN offset = DefOffset

   ;; Retrieve a local copy of all data and a vector of the valid data
   ;; indices
   self->GetData, data, ok=ok

   ;; If no data is loaded, return
   IF N_Elements(data) EQ 0 THEN RETURN

   ;; Convert data type if necessary
   dtype = Size(data, /TYPE) 
   ftype = ( Size(factor, /TYPE) > Size(offset, /TYPE) > 1 ) < 5

   IF ftype GT dtype THEN self->ConvertType, data, type=ftype

   ;; Scale valid data
   ;; *** Performance note: if it makes a difference, distinguish
   ;; between the case for N_Elements(ok) EQ N_Elements(data) and
   ;; otherwise, applying the scale factor and offset to the complete
   ;; array in the first case - or even directly to the pointer
   ;; content.
   data[ok] = data[ok] * factor + offset

   ;; Adjust data type name or convert data back to old type if
   ;; preserve_type keyword is set
   IF Keyword_Set(preserve_type) THEN BEGIN
       self->ConvertType, data, tname=self.tname, _Extra=extra
       self.tname = Size(data, /TName)

   ;; Store data back in object
   (*self.data) = data

; =====================================================================================
; Methods for data retrieval and dimension handling:
;     GetData   : return data from the object, optionally filtered for
;                 validity etc.
;     GetDimVar : return the values for a specific dimension
;     SetDimVar : set the values for a specific dimension

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; GetData:
;   This method returns all data satisfying object specific validation
; and/or selection criteria. As default, all data is returned with no
; questions asked. 
;   The finite_only keyword ensures that no invalid floating point data is
; returned. Unless the substitute keyword is set at the same time, the
; data are returned as a vector (resulting from a "Where" query).
;   The ok and bad keywords return the indices of all data which
; satisfy (don't satisfy) the "normal" filter criteria. I.e. even if
; the finite_only keyword is not set, ok will only contain the indices
; of finite data. This feature is used e.g. in the Scale method, where
; the scaling factor and offset are only applied to valid data.
;   Overwrite this method in derived objects to
; accomodate specific needs. As an example, take a look at 
; the MGS_Variable object, where data are filtered according to the
; three attributes missing_value, min_valid, and max_valid.

pro MGS_BaseVariable::GetData,  $
                   data,                    $ ; The valid data
                   finite_only=finite_only, $ ; Return only valid numerical data
                   substitute=substitute,   $ ; A replacement value for invalid data
                   ok=ok,                   $ ; returns the index of valid data
                   bad=bad,                 $ ; returns the index of bad data

   Catch, theError
   IF theError NE 0 THEN BEGIN
      Catch, /Cancel
      self->ErrorMessage, !Error_State.Msg

   ;; Undefine data as a fail-save return value
   self->Undefine, data
   self->Undefine, ok
   self->Undefine, bad

   ;; If no data are stored, that's all
   IF not Ptr_Valid( self.data ) THEN RETURN

   ;; Get local copy of data array
   data = *self.data

   ;; Apply filter
   ;; Note: filter is applied directly if no substitute value is
   ;; given. The inverse filter operation is performed otherwise. The
   ;; dimensionality of data is only preserved if a substitute value
   ;; is given!
   IF N_Elements(substitute) GT 0 THEN BEGIN
       IF Keyword_Set(finite_only) THEN BEGIN
           bad = Where( finite(data) EQ 0, count )
           IF count GT 0 THEN data[bad] = substitute[0]
       IF Keyword_Set(finite_only) THEN BEGIN
           ok = Where( finite(data), count )
           IF count GT 0 THEN data = data[ok]
   ;; Make sure ok and bad indices are returned if requested
   IF Arg_Present(ok) AND N_Elements(ok) EQ 0 THEN $
     ok = Where( finite(data), count )
   IF Arg_Present(bad) AND N_Elements(bad) EQ 0 THEN $
     bad = Where( finite(data) EQ 0, count )


; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; GetDimVar:
;   This method retrieves the values of a specific dimension. A more
; detailed explanation is given for the corresponding SetDimVar method
; below.

pro MGS_BaseVariable::GetDimVar,  $
                   dimid,                $ ; The dimension number
                   dimvals                 ; The dimension values

   Catch, theError
;  Catch, /Cancel   ; ### for DEBUGGING
   IF theError NE 0 THEN BEGIN
      Catch, /Cancel
      self->ErrorMessage, !Error_State.Msg

   thisDim = ( dimid > 1 ) < 8     ; limit range
   ;; If dimension values are stored get them, otherwise make sure to
   ;; return an undefined variable
   IF Ptr_Valid( self.dimvars[thisDim-1] ) THEN BEGIN
       dimvals = *(self.dimvars[thisDim-1])
       self->Undefine, dimvals


; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; SetDimVar:
;   This method stores a vector (or an array) with dimension values into
; the object. If the dimvals parameter is undefined, the values of the
; respective dimension are deleted from the object.
;   This method allows access to individual dimension variables and is
; called from the Init and SetProperty methods. Note that SetDimVar
; accepts a numerical argument to indicate the dimension number, whereas
; the SetProperty method uses named keywords. 
;   Note: Dimension numbers < 1 or > 8 are silently clipped.
; Example:
;   To store longitude values into the first dimension and latitude
;   values into the second dimension, use:
; theVariable->SetDimVar, 1, lon
; theVariable->SetDimVar, 2, lat
;   The same effect could be achieved via:
; theVariable->SetProperty, dim1=lon, dim2=lat

pro MGS_BaseVariable::SetDimVar,  $
                   dimid,                $ ; The dimension number
                   dimvals                 ; The dimension values

   Catch, theError
   IF theError NE 0 THEN BEGIN
      Catch, /Cancel
      self->ErrorMessage, !Error_State.Msg

   thisDim = ( dimid > 1 ) < 8     ; limit range

   IF Ptr_Valid( (self.dimvars)[thisDim-1] ) THEN Ptr_Free, (self.dimvars)[thisDim-1]

   IF N_Elements(dimvals) GT 0 THEN BEGIN
       self.dimvars[thisDim-1] = Ptr_New(dimvals)
       self.dimvars[thisDim-1] = Ptr_New()


; =====================================================================================
; Standard object methods:
;     GetProperty : retrieve object values
;     SetProperty : set object values
;     Cleanup     : free object pointers and destroy
;     Init        : initialize object

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; GetProperty:
; This method extracts specific object values and returns them to the
; user. Derived objects should overwrite and extend this method to
; return the extra information stored in them.

pro MGS_BaseVariable::GetProperty,  $
                   long_name=long_name,  $ ; A more complete description of the variable
                   units=units,          $ ; The physical unit of the variable
                   tname=tname,          $ ; Data type name
                   data=data,            $ ; The data values
                   ndims=ndims,          $ ; The number of variable dimensions
                   dims=dims,            $ ; The size of each dimension
                   dimvars=dimvars,      $ ; Links to the dimension variables
                   dim1=dim1,            $ ; The values of the first dimension
                   dim2=dim2,            $ ; The values of the second dimension
                   dim3=dim3,            $ ; The values of the third dimension
                   dim4=dim4,            $ ; ...
                   dim5=dim5,            $ 
                   dim6=dim6,            $ 
                   dim7=dim7,            $ 
                   dim8=dim8,            $ 
                                ; Inherited keywords:
                                ; name      : The variable name
                                ; uvalue    : a user-defined value

   Catch, theError
   IF theError NE 0 THEN BEGIN
      Catch, /Cancel
      self->ErrorMessage, !Error_State.Msg

   ;; Call GetProperty method from parent object
   self->MGS_BaseObject::GetProperty, _Extra=extra

   long_name = self.long_name
   units = self.units
   tname = self.tname
   ndims = self.ndims
   dims = self.dims[0:ndims-1]
   dimvars = self.dimvars
   ;; Handle pointer values
   IF Arg_Present(data) THEN BEGIN
       IF Ptr_Valid(self.data) THEN $
          data = *self.data  $
       ELSE  $
          self->undefine, data

   ;; Handle requests for dimension values
   IF Arg_Present(dim1) THEN self->GetDimVar, 1, dim1
   IF Arg_Present(dim2) THEN self->GetDimVar, 2, dim2
   IF Arg_Present(dim3) THEN self->GetDimVar, 3, dim3
   IF Arg_Present(dim4) THEN self->GetDimVar, 4, dim4
   IF Arg_Present(dim5) THEN self->GetDimVar, 5, dim5
   IF Arg_Present(dim6) THEN self->GetDimVar, 6, dim6
   IF Arg_Present(dim7) THEN self->GetDimVar, 7, dim7
   IF Arg_Present(dim8) THEN self->GetDimVar, 8, dim8


; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; SetProperty:
; This method sets specific object values. Derived objects should
; overwrite and extend this method to allow storing additional information.

pro MGS_BaseVariable::SetProperty,  $
                   long_name=long_name,  $ ; A more complete description of the variable
                   units=units,          $ ; The physical unit of the variable
                   data=data,            $ ; The data values
                   no_copy=no_copy,      $ ; No_copy flag for ptr_new (data and uvalue)
                   dims=dims,            $ ; The size of each dimension
                   dim1=dim1,            $ ; The values of the first dimension
                   dim2=dim2,            $ ; The values of the second dimension
                   dim3=dim3,            $ ; The values of the third dimension
                   dim4=dim4,            $ ; ...
                   dim5=dim5,            $ 
                   dim6=dim6,            $ 
                   dim7=dim7,            $ 
                   dim8=dim8,            $ 
                                ; Inherited keywords:
                                ; name      : The variable name
                                ; no_dialog : Don't display
                                ;             interactive dialogs
                                ; uvalue    : a user-defined value

   Catch, theError
   IF theError NE 0 THEN BEGIN
      Catch, /Cancel
      self->ErrorMessage, !Error_State.Msg

   no_copy = Keyword_Set(no_copy)

   ;; Call SetProperty method of BaseObject
   self->MGS_BaseObject::SetProperty, no_copy=no_copy, _Extra=extra

   ;; Test arguments
   IF N_Elements(long_name) GT 0 THEN self.long_name = long_name
   IF N_Elements(units) GT 0 THEN self.units = units

   ;; If data given, determine data type and dimensions
   IF N_Elements(data) GT 0 THEN BEGIN
       self.tname = Size(data, /TName)
       self.ndims = Size(data, /N_Dimensions) > 1
       self.dims  = Size(data, /Dimensions)
       IF Ptr_Valid(self.data) THEN Ptr_Free, self.data
       self.data = Ptr_New( data, no_copy=no_copy )
   ;; otherwise set default dimension values
   ;; but only if no data is loaded
       IF not Ptr_Valid(self.data) THEN BEGIN
           IF N_Elements(tname) GT 0 THEN self.tname = StrUpCase(tname)
           IF N_Elements(dims) GT 0 THEN BEGIN
               self.ndims = N_Elements(dims) < 8
               self.dims[0:self.ndims-1] = dims[0:self.ndims-1]

   ;; analyze dimension variables
   ;; no consistency check is made whether dimensions of dimvars agree
   ;; with data dimensions. This is done to allow storage of
   ;; irregularily gridded data where X and Y may be 2D arrays.
   IF N_Elements(dim1) GT 0 THEN self->SetDimVar, 1, dim1
   IF N_Elements(dim2) GT 0 THEN self->SetDimVar, 2, dim2
   IF N_Elements(dim3) GT 0 THEN self->SetDimVar, 3, dim3
   IF N_Elements(dim4) GT 0 THEN self->SetDimVar, 4, dim4
   IF N_Elements(dim5) GT 0 THEN self->SetDimVar, 5, dim5
   IF N_Elements(dim6) GT 0 THEN self->SetDimVar, 6, dim6
   IF N_Elements(dim7) GT 0 THEN self->SetDimVar, 7, dim7
   IF N_Elements(dim8) GT 0 THEN self->SetDimVar, 8, dim8

   ;; make sure everything is ok
   ;; (only needed if object contains its own Validate method)
   ; self->Validate


; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Cleanup:
; This method frees all data stored in the object.

pro MGS_BaseVariable::Cleanup

   IF Ptr_Valid(self.data) THEN Ptr_Free, self.data
   FOR i=0,7 DO $
      IF Ptr_Valid(self.dimvars[i]) THEN Ptr_Free, self.dimvars[i] 

   ;; Call parent's cleanup method


; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Init:
; This method initializes the object values.
; Note that dim1-dim8 can hold any data type. Thus you can either
; specify values directly, or you can pass object references to other
; variable objects which contain the dimensional information. 
; Example:
;   lon=obj_new('mgs_basevariable', findgen(360), name='LON',long_name='Longitude')
;   lat=obj_new('mgs_basevariable', findgen(180)-90., name='LAT',long_name='Latitude')
;   var=obj_new('mgs_basevariable', data, name='Data', dim1=lon, dim2=lat)

function MGS_BaseVariable::Init,  $
                   data,                 $ ; The data values
                   dim1,                 $ ; Values for first dimension (X)
                   dim2,                 $ ; Values for second dimension (Y)
                   dim3,                 $ ; Values for third dimension (Z or T)
                   dim4,                 $ ; ...
                   dim5,                 $ 
                   dim6,                 $ 
                   dim7,                 $ 
                   dim8,                 $ 
                   long_name=long_name,  $ ; A more complete description of the variable
                   units=units,          $ ; The physical unit of the variable
                   no_copy=no_copy,      $ ; No_copy flag for ptr_new
                   dims=dims,            $ ; The size of each dimension
                   _Ref_Extra=extra        ; For future additions
                                ; Inherited keywords:
                                ; name      : The variable name
                                ; no_dialog : Don't display
                                ;             interactive dialogs
                                ; uvalue    : a user-defined value

   no_copy = Keyword_Set(no_copy)

   ;; Initialize parent object first
   IF not self->MGS_BaseObject::Init(no_copy=no_copy, _Extra=extra) THEN RETURN, 0

   Catch, theError
   IF theError NE 0 THEN BEGIN
      Catch, /Cancel
      self->ErrorMessage, 'Error initializing object!'
      RETURN, 0

   ;; Test arguments
   IF N_Elements(long_name) EQ 0 THEN long_name = ''
   IF N_Elements(units) EQ 0 THEN units = ''

   ;; If data given, determine data type and dimensions
   IF N_Elements(data) GT 0 THEN BEGIN
       tname = Size(data, /TName)
       ndims = Size(data, /N_Dimensions) > 1
       dims  = Size(data, /Dimensions)
       self.data = Ptr_New( data, no_copy=no_copy )
   ;; otherwise set default dimension values
       IF N_Elements(tname) EQ 0 THEN tname = 'NOTHING'
       IF N_Elements(dims) EQ 0 THEN dims = 0L
       ndims = N_Elements(dims) < 8
       self.data = Ptr_New()

   ;; populate object (data was done above)
   self.long_name = long_name
   self.units = units
   self.tname = StrUpCase(tname)
   self.ndims = ndims
   self.dims = lonarr(8)
   self.dims[0:ndims-1] = dims

   ;; analyze dimension variables
   ;; no consistency check is made whether dimensions of dimvars agree
   ;; with data dimensions. This is done to allow storage of
   ;; irregularily gridded data where X and Y may be 2D arrays.
   self.dimvars = PtrArr(8)
   IF N_Elements(dim1) GT 0 THEN self.dimvars[0] = Ptr_New(dim1)
   IF N_Elements(dim2) GT 0 THEN self.dimvars[1] = Ptr_New(dim2)
;   IF N_Elements(dim1) GT 0 THEN self->SetDimVar, 1, dim1
;   IF N_Elements(dim2) GT 0 THEN self->SetDimVar, 2, dim2
   IF N_Elements(dim3) GT 0 THEN self->SetDimVar, 3, dim3
   IF N_Elements(dim4) GT 0 THEN self->SetDimVar, 4, dim4
   IF N_Elements(dim5) GT 0 THEN self->SetDimVar, 5, dim5
   IF N_Elements(dim6) GT 0 THEN self->SetDimVar, 6, dim6
   IF N_Elements(dim7) GT 0 THEN self->SetDimVar, 7, dim7
   IF N_Elements(dim8) GT 0 THEN self->SetDimVar, 8, dim8

   ;; make sure everything is ok
   ;; (only needed if object contains its own Validate method)
   ;; self->MGS_BaseVariable::Validate

   ;; Reset error state variable
   Message, /Reset

   return, 1

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This is the object definition. Derived objects should create a new
; structure and append these fields via the INHERITS MGS_BaseObject
; syntax.

pro MGS_BaseVariable__Define

   objectClass = { MGS_BaseVariable,  $    ; The object class
                   long_name     : '',   $ ; A more complete description of the variable
                   units         : '',   $ ; The physical unit of the variable
                   tname         : '',   $ ; The data type
                   data          : ptr_new(),  $ ; The data values
                   ndims         : 0,    $ ; The number of data dimensions
                   dims          : lonarr(8),  $  ; The size of each dimension
                   dimvars       : ptrarr(8),  $  ; The dimension values
                   INHERITS MGS_BaseObject  $



; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Example: 
;    This example demonstrates a few features of the BaseVariable
; object, notably how to make a copy and how to retrieve data from it.

PRO example

   lon  = obj_new('MGS_BaseVariable', findgen(128), name='LON' )
   lat  = obj_new('MGS_BaseVariable', findgen(64), name='LAT'  )

   var1 = obj_new('MGS_BaseVariable', dist(128,64), lon, lat,  $
                  name='Ozone', long_name='Ozone concentration', units='ppb')

   var2 = var1->Copy()
   var2->SetProperty, name='CO', long_name='Carbon monoxide concentration'

   ;; retrieve the name property from both variables to check they are different:
   print,'Name 1 = ',name1,'  Name2 = ',name2

   ;; invert the dimensions of the first variable

   ;; print the first element of lon and lat for both variables:
   print,'First elements of :'
   print,'lon1 = ',lon1[0],'  lon2 = ',lon2[0]
   print,'lat1 = ',lat1[0],'  lat2 = ',lat2[0]

   ;; clean up
   Obj_Destroy, d1    ; copy of lon in var2
   Obj_Destroy, d2    ; copy of lat in var2
   Obj_Destroy, lon
   Obj_Destroy, lat

   Obj_Destroy, var1
   Obj_Destroy, var2