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Reading in text data
- Subject: Reading in text data
- From: reardonb(at)my-deja.com
- Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 20:57:26 GMT
- Newsgroups: comp.lang.idl-pvwave
- Organization: Deja.com - Before you buy.
- Xref: news.doit.wisc.edu comp.lang.idl-pvwave:20721
Hi. I am reading in text data (columns and rows of numbers) and I would
like to know if there is a more elegant way of doing it. Currently, the
user must specify how many columns there are. In my case the number of
columns is manually inserted into the first line of the file like this:
0 1 2
1 2 3
2 3 4
3 4 5
4 5 6
5 6 7
6 7 8
7 8 9
8 9 10
9 10 11
The attached procedure reads in the data. Is there a way to read in the
data such that the user does not have to a priori know how many columns
there are and such that IDL does not have to reserve a large amount of
memory for the number of rows?
pro BG_File, event
compile_opt IDL2
widget_control, event.top, Get_Uvalue = pstate
IF XREGISTERED((*pstate).filename) GT 0 THEN RETURN
result = dialog_pickfile()
(*pstate).filename = result
columns = 0
max_rows = 30000
if (result) then begin
OpenR, lun, result, /Get_lun
Point_lun, lun, 0
; Read in the number of data columns which should be
; listed on the first line
readf, lun, Columns
temporary_data = fltarr(columns,/nozero)
temporary_array = fltarr(columns,max_rows,/nozero)
counter = 0
While (Not(EOF(lun)) and (counter lt max_rows)) Do Begin
Readf, lun, temporary_data
temporary_array[*,counter] = temporary_data
counter = counter+1
if counter eq max_rows then print, $
'Sorry, too many rows in your data.'
Free_lun, lun
(*pstate).data =ptr_new(temporary_array[0:columns-1, $
tlb = widget_base (title=(*pstate).filename,/column, $
status = widget_label(tlb, value='',/dynamic_resize)
tdata = widget_table(tlb,$
group_leader=event.top, $
x_scroll_size = columns,$
y_scroll_size = 10)
table_struct = {status:status}
ptable_struct = ptr_new(table_struct, /no_copy)
widget_control, tlb, set_uvalue = ptable_struct
widget_control, tlb, /realize
xmanager, (*pstate).filename,tlb,cleanup='table_clean'
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