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Re: Q: pointers inside of an array of structures?
Hi Amara:
I think you are looking for the following:
IDL> thisstruc = {orbit:'', freq:ptr_new()}
IDL> periodcube = replicate(thisstruc,1)
IDL> periodcube[0].orbit='G2'
IDL> periodcube[0].freq=PTR_NEW(DINDGEN(50))
IDL> tempperiod = thisstruc
IDL> tempperiod.orbit='G3'
IDL> tempperiod.freq=PTR_NEW(DINDGEN(75))
IDL> newperiodcube=[periodcube,tempperiod]
IDL> HELP, newperiodcube[0], /STR
IDL> HELP, *newperiodcube[0].freq
IDL> HELP, newperiodcube[1], /STR
IDL> HELP, *newperiodcube[1].freq
which outputs:
** Structure <13585f8>, 2 tags, length=12, refs=5:
<PtrHeapVar10> DOUBLE = Array[50]
** Structure <13585f8>, 2 tags, length=12, refs=5:
<PtrHeapVar11> DOUBLE = Array[75]
Cheers Theo
Amara Graps wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I am trying to create and build a flexible data structure
> in IDL for a situation where we have fields of different types
> in a structure, and then that structure is made into an array
> of structures using "replicate". And I extend the
> array of structures by concantenating, because I don't
> know how many structures I need.
> My question: Can a field inside of the array-of-structures be
> a pointer ?
> For example --
> I know how to flexibly extend a structure,
> with each of the fields defined the same way:
> -------
> Create an array of an anonymous structure
> IDL> thisstruc = {orbit:'', len:0,freq:DBLARR(100)}
> IDL> periodcube = replicate(thisstruc,1)
> ;Put values into the structure
> IDL> periodcube(0).orbit='G2'
> IDL> periodcube(0).len=50 ;to store length of array : freq
> IDL> periodcube(0).freq=DINDGEN(50)
> ;Create a temporary structure like the original
> IDL> tempperiod = thisstruc
> ;Put values into the temporary structure
> IDL> tempperiod.orbit='G3'
> IDL> tempperiod.len=75
> IDL> tempperiod.freq=DINDGEN(75)
> ;Now extend it by concatenating
> IDL> newperiodcube=[periodcube,tempperiod]
> ;Take a look
> IDL> help, newperiodcube, /st
> ** Structure <89af0>, 3 tags, length=816, refs=4:
> LEN INT 50
> FREQ DOUBLE Array[100]
> IDL> print, newperiodcube(0).orbit, ' ', newperiodcube(1).orbit
> G2 G3
> IDL> print, newperiodcube(0).len, ' ', newperiodcube(1).len
> 50 75
> -------
> But what about varying data lengths inside of the array of
> structures, for example, if my freq arrays are each a different
> length:
> IDL> thisstruc = {orbit:'', freq:ptr_new()}
> IDL> periodcube = replicate(thisstruc,1)
> ;Put values into the structure
> IDL> periodcube(0).orbit='G2'
> IDL> *periodcube(0).freq=DINDGEN(50)
> % Unable to dereference NULL pointer: <POINTER (<NullPointer>)>.
> % Execution halted at: $MAIN$
> What am I doing wrong?
> Is it possible to have pointers inside of an array of structures?
> My pointer programming experiences were 15 yrs ago in a Pascal
> class.. it's quite possible I'm missing something big, with how
> the pointers work...
> Thanks very much in advance,
> Amara
> P.S. IDL Version 5.3 (sunos sparc)
> --
> ***************************************************************
> Amara Graps | Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik
> Interplanetary Dust Group | Saupfercheckweg 1
> +49-6221-516-543 | 69117 Heidelberg, GERMANY
> * http://galileo.mpi-hd.mpg.de/~graps
> ***************************************************************
> "Never fight an inanimate object." - P. J. O'Rourke
Theo Brauers
Institut fuer Atmosphaerische Chemie (ICG-3)
Forschungszentrum Juelich
52425 JUELICH, Germany
Tel. +49-2461-61-6646 Fax. +49-2461-61-5346