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Re: Vectorization question

"Liam E. Gumley" wrote:
> Given the following arrays
> a = intarr(10)
> x = [2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4]
> b = [1, 3, 4, 2, 1, 8]
> How would I vectorize the following operation
> for i = 0, n_elements(x) - 1 do a[x[i]] = a[x[i]] + b[i]
> To achieve this result
> print, a, format='(10i4)'
>    0   0   8   3   8   0   0   0   0   0
> In the real-world case where this occurs, I need to repeat this kind of
> operation several hundred times, where the size of 'a' is around
> 1,000,000 and the size of 'x' is around 100,000 ('a' and 'b' are float
> type in the real-world case).

It dawned on me that this is a perfect case for an external routine.
Following the example in the 'External Development Guide' for calling a
FORTRAN routine with a FORTRAN wrapper, I created the following source
file named vecadd.f

c ...  This is the interface routine called by IDL
       subroutine vecadd(argc, argv)
       integer*4 argc, argv(*), j
       j = loc(argc)
       call vecadd1(%val(argv(1)), %val(argv(2)), %val(argv(3)),
     &   %val(argv(4)), %val(argv(5)))

c ...  This is the routine which does the work.
c ...  The arguments are defined exactly the same as in the
c ...  call_external procedure call in IDL.
       subroutine vecadd1(a, na, x, nx, b)
       integer*4 na, nx
       real*4 a(na), b(nx)
       integer*4 x(nx), i
       do i = 1, nx
         a(x(i)) = a(x(i)) + b(i)
       end do

I run IDL 5.3 on SGI IRIX 6.4, so the compile went as follows:

% f77 -n32 -KPIC -u -fullwarn -c vecadd.f
% ld -n32 -o vecadd.so vecadd.o

The IDL wrapper for this routine is named vecadd.pro:


;- Check arguments
if (n_elements(array) eq 0) then $
  message, 'Argument A is undefined'
if (n_elements(index) eq 0) then $
  message, 'Argument X is undefined'
if (n_elements(value) eq 0) then $
  message, 'Argument B is undefined'
if (n_elements(index) ne n_elements(value)) then $
  message, 'Arguments X abd B must have the same number of elements'
;- Create copies of the arguments with correct type
a = float(array)
x = (long(index) > 0L) < (n_elements(a) - 1L)
b = float(value)

;- Call the external routine
result = call_external('vecadd.so', 'vecadd_', $
  a, n_elements(a), x, n_elements(x), b)

;- Return result
return, a


So the operation I described is now quite simple:

a = fltarr(10)
x = [2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4]
b = [1, 3, 4, 2, 1, 8]
result = vecadd(a, x, b)
help, result
RESULT          FLOAT     = Array[10]
print, result, format='(10i4)'         
   0   8   3   8   0   0   0   0   0   0

The result is always returned as FLOAT, which is what I really wanted
anyway. For the large arrays I described, VECADD is at least 10 times
faster than a loop.

Thanks IDL!

PS: Pavel, thanks for your suggestion as well.