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Re: Help with reading structure from file
Surendar Jeyadev wrote:
> In the loosing battle with the Excel users, the latest direct hit was reading
> in a file that contained strings and numeric data in each line. Having given
> up (and as the only hold out against Excel!), I need HEEELLLPPP.
> This is the simplified problem. I am trying to read data in the following
> format:
> 001a 312.194 76.922 296.301 21.462 0.453 289.515 0.957
> 001b 363.748 106.090 506.188 19.430 0.528 347.252 1.176
> 001c 398.248 138.541 724.470 17.152 0.578 383.534 1.701
> 002a 294.593 28.525 248.744 8.532 0.428 290.497 1.268
> 002b 353.415 46.290 449.015 7.974 0.513 349.565 2.011
> 002c 401.279 80.260 661.701 3.341 0.582 395.403 4.529
> ....
> ....
> i.e. in the format "(4x,a4,7f9.3)". I would like it to go into a 2 dimensional
> structure.
> I cannot find a way of reading it as a entire array. At present, all I can
> come up with is
> nsets = 108 ; number of lines of data
> f1 = "(4x,a4,7f9.3)"
> a = string(4)
> y = fltarr(7)
> dpt = { fullrow, id: ' ', x: fltarr(7) }
> fulldata = replicate( {fullrow}, nsets)
> openr, 1, 'data'
> for i=0,nsets-1 do begin
> readf, 1, format = f1, a, y
> fulldata(i).id = a
> fulldata(i).x = y
> endfor
> close, 1
> Is there any way of avoiding the temporary variables and the loop? I am
> using PV-Wave CL, Ver 6.
Before I begin, I must say that I have no experience with PV-Wave. My
comments are based on my experience with IDL.
A loop is not necessarily a bad thing when dealing with I/O. To read
data from ASCII text file as an array you need to know in advance how
many lines are in the file. I usually try and avoid this problem,
because you end up reading the whole file anyway just to count the
number of lines.
Here's an example program I adapted in a couple of minutes from one I
had laying around. All I modified was the format string (FMT) and the
definition of a single record (RECORD). This function is able to skip
bad input records, but of course I never have bad records in my data ;-)
Here is the test data file (note there are five spaces at the beginning
of each line):
001a 312.194 76.922 296.301 21.462 0.453 289.515 0.957
001b 363.748 106.090 506.188 19.430 0.528 347.252 1.176
001c 398.248 138.541 724.470 17.152 0.578 383.534 1.701
002a 294.593 28.525 248.744 8.532 0.428 290.497 1.268
002b 353.415 46.290 449.015 7.974 0.513 349.565 2.011
002c 401.279 80.260 661.701 3.341 0.582 395.403 4.529
Here is the function:
;- Check arguments
if (n_elements(file) eq 0) then message, 'Argument FILE is undefined'
if (n_elements(maxrec) eq 0) then maxrec = 10000L
;- Open input file
openr, lun, file, /get_lun
;- Define record format and structure, and create data array
fmt = '(5x, a4, 6f9.3)'
record = {site:'', values:fltarr(6)}
data = replicate(record, maxrec)
;- Read records until end-of-file reached
nrecords = 0L
recnum = 1L
while (eof(lun) ne 1) do begin
;- Read this record (jumps to bad_rec: on error)
on_ioerror, bad_rec
error = 1
readf, lun, record, format=fmt
error = 0
;- Store data for this record
data[nrecords] = record
nrecords = nrecords + 1L
;- Check if maximum record count exceeded
if (nrecords eq maxrec) then begin
free_lun, lun
message, 'Maximum record count reached: increase MAXREC'
;- Check for bad input record
if (error eq 1) then print, 'Bad data at record ', recnum
recnum = recnum + 1
;- Close input file
free_lun, lun
;- Trim data array and return it to caller
data = data[0 : nrecords - 1]
return, data
Here's how it works:
IDL> data = read_file('test.dat')
IDL> help, data
DATA STRUCT = -> <Anonymous> Array[6]
IDL> print, data.site
001a 001b 001c 002a 002b 002c
IDL> print, data.values
312.194 76.9220 296.301 21.4620 0.453000
363.748 106.090 506.188 19.4300 0.528000
398.248 138.541 724.470 17.1520 0.578000
294.593 28.5250 248.744 8.53200 0.428000
353.415 46.2900 449.015 7.97400 0.513000
401.279 80.2600 661.701 3.34100 0.582000
If there is a bad record in the input file, such as
001a 312.194 76.922 296.301 21.462 0.453 289.515 0.957
001b 363.748 106.090 506.188 19.430 0.528 347.252 1.176
001c 398.248 138.541 724.470 17.152 0.578 383.534 1.701
002a 294.593 28.525 248.744 8.532 0.428 290.497 1.268
002b 353.415 46.290 449.015 7.974 0.513 349.565 2.011
002c 401.279 80.260 661.701 3.341 0.582 395.403 4.529
you would see this
IDL> data = read_file('test.dat')
Bad data at record 5
IDL> help, data
DATA STRUCT = -> <Anonymous> Array[6]