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Re: How to do polar plots with logarithmic axis in radial coordinate?

Thanks for the suggestion, I might steal your idea of using
arc hyperbolic sin instead of log....

Mirko Vukovic wrote:

> In article <3A8159F0.6BCE06BC@ncep.noaa.gov>,
>   Paul van Delst <pvandelst@ncep.noaa.gov> wrote:
>> Charlie Zender wrote:
>>> Craig Markwardt wrote:
>>>> Could you simply take the ALOG10() logarithm of the data before
>>>> plotting it?  Easier to re-label the axis than re-invent the
> world...
>>> This would cause the radial coordinate to be negative-valued which
>>> would have unpleasant results. It's possible someone could get
>>> this method to work but I tried without success.
> For cases of positive numbers with a huge range, I often use the arc
> hyperbolic sine function.  It is approximately linear for arguments<1,
> and logarithmic for large arguments>1.  I include it way at the end of
> the post (last two routines).  I use it farily often, but never
> bothered to write and accompanying tick marking routine.
>> Hope some of this is helpful, although I have to admit, the fact that
> IDL doesn't have a
>> stock polar plotting routine that produces a circular graph with the
> radial and concentric
>> circle tickmark axes is a bit ridiculous. Farting about with /POLAR
> and AXIS and whatnot
>> is sort of like using OG to plot, x, y - and in the end you still end
> up with
>> Cartesian-like axes.
> agreed.  In some of my applications, I use MAP for polar plotting.
> I'll excerpt parts of the code, but you will need to modify it for your
> applications.  The code is part of an object, so some variables are
> stored as fields of SELF.  But that is all they are, variables.  If you
> provide them, they do not have to be parts of an object.
> To give you some ideas as to what is involved, the following set-up the
> plot:
> ; convert rmin and rmax (stored as vector in Radial Frame Limits) to
> latitudes
>    LatRange=self->r2Lat(RadialFrameLimits)
> ; convert min and max angle (can be 0 to 360) to longitude
>    LonRange=self.FrameLimits[[1,3]]*!radeg
> ; store this as part of the object in which the whole things is done
>    self.DataLatLonRanges=[LatRange[0],LonRange[0],LatRange[1],LonRange
> [1]]
> ; rotate map so that 0 angle points to the right
>    Rotation=-90;+self.Orient*!radeg
>    ;; the map is plotted without the default border
> ; put up the polar grid.  We can plot data over that, discussed below.
>    map_set,90,0,Rotation,/Azimuthal,/iso,/noborder, $
>      limit=self.DataLatLonRanges,NoErase=NoErase, $
>      _extra=rPropertiesKeywordList
> Now this requires two routines for conversion from data to latitudes
> and back:
> function Polar_PlotFrame::R2Lat,R
> ;@private
> ;
> ;function that converts radius to latitude.  This is used to translate
> ;data into units that MAP understands.
>    Rmax=self.FrameLimits[2]
>    LatRange=self.LatRange
>    RelR=R/Rmax
>    Lat=RelR*(LatRange[1]-LatRange[0])+LatRange[0]
>    return,Lat
> end
> function Polar_PlotFrame::Lat2R,Lat
> ;@private
> ; function that converts from latitutde to radius
>    Rmax=self.FrameLimits[1]
>    LatRange=self.LatRange
>    RelR=(Lat-LatRange[0])/(LatRange[1]-LatRange[0])
>    R=RelR*Rmax
>    return,R
> end
> For these to work, I need this somewhere at the start of the program.
> Thus the map will have the latitude range from 90 (radius 0) to 0.
> (max radius, to be determined later)
>    self.LatRange = [90.,0.]
> Finally, to plot the data, I do
> ; convert coords from data to latitude
>     self.oPlotFrame-> AdjustCoords,*self.pIndependentVariable, $
>      *self.pDependentVariable,AngleCoord,RadialCoord
> ; contour will work too!
>     plots,AngleCoord,RadialCoord, $
>      _extra=rPlotPropertiesKeywordList
> And, finally, this needs the services of AdjustCoords:
> pro Polar_PlotFrame::AdjustCoords,Phase,Mag,Lon,Lat
> ; converts coordinates from angle and radius to longitude and
> ; latitude.
>     ;; convert negative magnitude to positive, and correct angle
>     iNegMag =  where(Mag LT 0,cNegMag)
>     CorrPhase = Phase
>     CorrMag = Mag
>     IF cNegMag NE 0 THEN BEGIN
>         CorrPhase[iNegMag] = CorrPhase[iNegMag]+!pi
>     CorrMag[iNegMag] = -CorrMag[iNegMag]
>     ENDIF
>     CorrPhase = CorrPhase MOD !twopi
>     ;; radius to latitude
>     Lat = self->r2lat(CorrMag)
>     Lon = CorrPhase*!radeg
> return
> Now for the routines for arc sinh.
> Here is the asinh, that can handle scalars and vectors
> ;+
> ; return the inverse hyperbolic sine of the argument.  The calculation
> is
> ; performed in double precision because of the addition of 1 under the
> ; square root.  It might be better to test for size and return the
> ; approximate value of the sqarre root.
> ;
> ; Written by Mirko Vukovic, around 1990
> ;-
> ;create the result array
> type=size(arg)
> type_res = type
> dim = type(0)
> type_res(dim+2) = 32
> res = m$replicate(type_res)
> ;fill it in with results
> index1 = where (abs(arg) lt 1.d3,count)
> if count ne 0  then 	$
> 	res(index1) = alog(arg(index1)+sqrt(arg(index1)^2+1.d00))
> index2 = where(arg le -1.d3,count)
> if count ne 0 then	$
> 	res(index2) = -alog(-2.*arg(index2))
> index3 = where(arg ge 1.d3,count)
> if count ne 0 then 	$
> 	res(index3) = alog(2.*arg(index3))
> ; bring result to original type of the argument
> if type(dim+2) ne 32 then res=float(res)
> return,res
> end
> It requires mv_replicate, similar to IDL's replicate, but can handle
> scalars (there is probably a better way)
> ;+
> ; NAME:
> ;         MV_REPLICATE
> ;
> ;         To emulate the REPLICATE function of the old version of IDL
> ;
> ;         Variable massaging
> ;
> ;         result=MV_REPLICATE(INFO,type=type)
> ;
> ;         INFO - a vector, of SIZE-like properties
> ;
> ;         None
> ;
> ;         TYPE -- (optional) integer assigns the type of the variable.
> If not
> ;         present, the type present in INFO is assigned to the varible.
> ;         The value of type should be
> ;		1: binary
> ;		2: integer
> ;		3: long integer
> ;		4: floating
> ;		5: double precision
> ;		6: complex
> ;
> ;
> ;         RESULT - a variable specified according to INFO
> ;
> ;         None
> ;
> ;         None
> ;
> ;         If INFO does not have the total number of elements in the
> ;         variable, that is added to it.
> ;
> ;         None
> ;
> ;         Straightforward.  Checking is done to see if the total number
> of
> ;         elements in the variable is present in INFO.  If not, it is
> ;         calculated and added to it.
> ;
> ;         Written and performed by Mirko Vukovic, sometimes around 1990
> ;
> ;-
> function mv_replicate,info,type=type
> nod = info(0)
> infod = n_elements(info)
> ; make the INFO array complete
> if infod ne nod+3 then begin		; total no. of elemets is
> missing
> 	t=1
> 	for i=1,nod do t=t*info(i)
> 	info=[info,t]
> endif
> if info(0) ne 0 then begin	  ; this is for an array
>          if keyword_set(type) then res=make_array(size=info,type=type) $
>          else res = make_array(size=info)
> endif else begin
> 	if keyword_set(type) then begin
> 	case type of ; and this for a scalar, info(1) has variable type
> info
> 	0: 	begin
> 		print, 'MV_REPLICATE: cannot make variable of undefined
> type.'
> 		stop
> 		end
> 	1: res=0b
> 	2: res=0
> 	3: res=long(0)
> 	4: res=0.
> 	5: res=0.d00
> 	6: res=complex(0.,0.)
> 	else: 	begin
> 		print, 'MV_REPLICATE: cannot make structure or string
> variable.'
> 		stop
> 		end
> 	endcase
> 	endif else begin
> 	case info(1) of ; and this for a scalar, info(1) has variable
> type info
> 	0: 	begin
> 		print, 'MV_REPLICATE: cannot make variable of undefined
> type.'
> 		stop
> 		end
> 	1: res=0b
> 	2: res=0
> 	3: res=long(0)
> 	4: res=0.
> 	5: res=0.d00
> 	6: res=complex(0.,0.)
> 	else: 	begin
> 		print, 'MV_REPLICATE: cannot make structure or string
> variable.'
> 		stop
> 		end
> 	endcase
> 	endelse
> endelse
> return,res
> end
> Sent via Deja.com
> http://www.deja.com/

Charlie Zender zender@uci.edu (949) 824-2987/FAX-3256, Department of
Earth System Science, University of California, Irvine CA 92697-3100