Benno,Dear Dorthe:Thanks for the input.
You suggested:use something like
the error is that 658*658 is greater than 65536 (max integer)... you must put 658l*658 in reform procedure (the "l" letter is necessary to convert to long type numbers)...
best regards...
Gonzalo Rojas
Medicine School
Catholic University of Chile
weights = clust_wts(ref_img, n_clusters=3)
tvscl,reform(cls,658,658)but when computing the weights it goes bad
Program caused arithmetic error: Floating underflow
and I get an array that is [1,3] and the values are
5.60519e-045tried converting to float before calculating weights, but same result. Any suggestions anyone? realize per Craig's post that cluster analysis isn't what IDL has been used most for...
begin:vcard n:Rojas;Gonzalo tel;fax:(562) 6333266 tel;home:(562) 2292145 tel;work:(562) 6863276 x-mozilla-html:FALSE org:Catholic University of Chile;Medicine School, Nuclear Medicine Service adr:;;Marcoleta 367;Santiago;-;6510260;CHILE version:2.1 email; fn:Gonzalo Rojas end:vcard