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Re: A third-party example
Thanks for the correction. What a great debut (thud!)
> Now it works, but the two lists have taken over my computer!
> You must have some BIG default lists. :-)
Oh geez! That was a fix I added at the last minute, nuts! I explicitly
set the size of the second list from the geometry of the first, as
FirstList = Widget_List(BlahBlahBlah)
Geo = Widget_info(FirstList, /Geometry)
SecondList = Widget_LIST(blahblahblah, $
xSize = Geo.Scr_xSize, ySize = Geo.Scr_ySize) <---- Bad Idea
This step was an attempt to endrun around a sizing difference between
Mac and Unix widget sizing. Endrun! Hmph, I ran right off the field!
The updated code follows. On this Mac the two lists occupy the same
screen space. I would be interested in knowing if that is not true on
other platforms.
Thanks again,
P.S. I am reading 'Arctic Dreams' by Barry Lopez... Wow!
; HBB_TwoList
; The purpose of this widget/object to provide the user an interactive
means of
; of adjusting the contents of a list. Items from a 'primary' list may
be copied to a
;'secondary' list. Items in the secondary list may be removed or 'moved
up' or
;'moved down' relative to each other.
; Widgets.
; objref = OBJ_NEW('HBB_TwoList')
; None required
; P_LIST (Get/Set) An vector of values for the primary list.
; The datatype is maintained as provided, but the List_Widget
; requires that the values be string. So most numeric types
; are acceptable when converted to STRING. The items in the
; the secondary list are selected from this list. If not provided,
; a dummy list (list of dummies?) is provided automatically.
; S_LIST (Get/Set) A vector of items for the secondary list. Default = ['']
; P_LABEL (Get/Set) A label for the primary list. Default = ''
; S_LABEL (Get/Set) A label for the secondary list. Default = ''
; MAX_LENGTH (Get/Set) The maximum number of rows shown in the list,
Default = 30
; MIN_LENGTH (Get/Set) The minimum number of rows shown in the list ,
Default = 10
; UPDOWN (Get/Set) Set this keyword to permit up/down shuffling of items
; the secondary list using the MoveUp/MoveDown buttons.
; MULTIPLE (Get/Set) Set this keyword to permit multiple-item selection
; in either list.
; NO_DUPLICATES (Get/Set) Set this keyword to prevent duplicate
; items from the primary list from appearing in the secondary list.
; o = Obj_New('HBB_TWOLIST',/UPDOWN)
; o->GUI
; ;fiddle with the lists... over items left/right/up/down.
; ;close the dialog
; o->GUI
; ;note your earlier chioces are preserved
; Obj_Destroy, o
; ;cleanup
; written 3 APR 2001 Ben Tupper
; Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Science
; btupper@bigelow.org
; Based upon PRC_DualList widget.
; 4 APR 2001 Fixed bug when moving the top item DOWN. BT
; Changed the keyword SHUFFLE to UPDOWN for clarity.
; 9 APR 2001 Changed 'Add' to 'Copy' and placed UpDown buttons under the
; secondary list. Forced buttons to same size. BT
; CopyItem
FUNCTION HBB_TwoList::CopyItem, event
Catch, Error
If Error NE 0 then Begin
Catch, /Cancel
p_select = widget_info(self.listid[0],/List_select)
If p_select[0] NE -1 then begin
;if duplicates are not permitted, then
;check for duplication otherwise skip this step
If Self.No_Duplicates EQ 1 Then Begin
A = where(*Self.list[1] EQ (*self.list[0])[p_select], count)
If Count NE 0 then Return, 0
if n_elements(*self.List[1]) GT 1 Then Begin
*self.List[1] = [*self.list[1] , (*self.List[0])[p_select] ]
EndIf Else begin
if (*self.list[1])[0] EQ '' Then $
*self.List[1] = (*self.List[0])[p_select] Else $
*self.List[1] = [*self.list[1], (*self.List[0])[p_select] ]
EndELSE ;the secondary list is empty
Widget_control, Self.ListID[1], Set_Value = String(*Self.List[1])
EndIF ; the p_select[0] ne -1
END ;CopyItem event
; RemoveItem
FUNCTION HBB_TwoList::RemoveItem, event
Catch, Error
If Error NE 0 then Begin
Catch, /Cancel
;if the secondary list is empty, then return immediately
If n_elements(*(Self.List)[1]) EQ 0 then Return,0
s_select = widget_info(self.listID[1], /List_select)
If s_select[0] NE -1 Then Begin
OldList = *(Self.List)[1]
If n_elements(OldList) GT 1 Then Begin
index = replicate(1L, n_elements(OldList))
Index[s_select] = 0
A = where(index EQ 1, count)
if Count gt 0 then *(Self.List)[1] = oldList[a] Else $
*(self.List)[1] = ''
EndIf Else begin
*(self.List)[1] = ''
EndElse ; OldList only had one item to remove
Widget_control, Self.ListID[1], Set_Value = STRING(*(Self.List)[1])
EndIf ;s_select[0] ne -1
Return, 0
END ;RemoveItem event
; MoveUp
FUNCTION HBB_TwoList::MoveUp, event
Catch, Error
If Error NE 0 then Begin
Catch, /Cancel
s = widget_info(Self.ListID[1], /List_select)
If s[0] EQ -1 Then Return,0
;return if the list is 'empty'
if (*(Self.List)[1])[s[0]] EQ '' Then Return,0
nsel = n_elements(s)
nList = n_elements(*(Self.List)[1])
;can't allow a higher index than elements in s_list
if s[nsel-1] GT (nlist-1) Then Return,0
if s[0] EQ 0 Then Begin ;move the top to the bottom
*(self.list)[1] = Shift(*(self.list)[1], -1)
EndIf Else begin
Index = Lindgen(Nlist)
Index[(s[0]-1L) : (s[nSel-1])] = SHIFT(Index[(s[0]-1L) : (s[nSel-1])] , -1)
(*(Self.List)[1])= (*(Self.List)[1])[Index]
Widget_control, Self.ListID[1], Set_Value = STRING( *(self.List)[1] )
Return, 0
END ;MoveUp event
; MoveDown
FUNCTION HBB_TwoList::MoveDown, event
Catch, Error
If Error NE 0 then Begin
Catch, /Cancel
s = widget_info(Self.ListID[1], /List_select)
If s[0] EQ -1 Then Return,0
;return if the list is 'empty'
if (*(Self.List)[1])[s[0]] EQ '' Then Return,0
nsel = n_elements(s)
nList = n_elements(*(Self.List)[1])
;can't allow a higher index than elements in s_list
if s[nsel-1] GT (nlist-1) Then Return,0
If s[nsel-1] EQ nList-1 then Begin
*(self.list)[1] = Shift(*(self.list)[1], 1) ;move the bottom to the top
EndIf Else begin
Index = Lindgen(Nlist)
If nsel Eq 1 then $
Index[s[0]:s[0]+1L] = Shift(Index[s[0]:s[0]+1L],1) Else $
Index[(s[0]-1L ) : (s[nSel-1] + 1L)] = SHIFT(Index[(s[0]-1L) :
(s[nSel-1] + 1L)] ,1)
(*(Self.List)[1])= (*(Self.List)[1])[Index]
Widget_control, Self.ListID[1], Set_Value = STRING( *(self.List)[1] )
Return, 0
END ;MoveDown event
; ListSelect - doesn't do anything (yet) except receive events
FUNCTION HBB_TwoList::ListSelect, event
Catch, Error
If Error NE 0 then Begin
Catch, /Cancel
Return, 1
END ;ListSelect
; BuildGUI
PRO HBB_TwoList::BuildGUI
Catch, Error
If Error NE 0 then Begin
Catch, /Cancel
colbase = widget_base(self.layoutid, /base_align_center, column = 3)
width = (MAX(STRLEN(*self.list[0]))+5)>20
Height = self.ListLength[0] > (n_elements(*(Self.List)[0])+3) < Self.ListLength[1]
;column base for Primary List
PID = widget_base(colbase, /base_align_center, column = 1, frame = 1)
pLabel = widget_Label(PID, Value = self.LabelNames[0], /align_center)
pList = Widget_List(PID, Value = STRING(*(Self.List)[0]), $
ySize = height,xsize = width, $
Multiple = Self.Multiple, $
uValue = {Object:Self, Method: 'ListSelect' })
list_geo = widget_info(pList, /Geometry)
ButtonBase = Widget_Base(colbase, /base_align_center, column = 1, space
= 10)
LabelID = Widget_Label(ButtonBase, value = 'Modify '+self.labelnames[1]+
' Field', $
Move = '>>> Move >>>'
Copy = '>>> Copy >>>'
Remove = '<< Remove <<'
MoveUp = ' Move Up '
MoveDown = ' Move Down '
TransferID = Widget_Base(ButtonBase, Column = 1, /base_align_center)
AddID = Widget_Button(TransferID, Value = copy,$
uValue = {Object:self, Method:'CopyItem'})
But_geo = widget_info(AddID, /Geometry)
RemoveID= Widget_Button(TransferID, Value = remove,$
xsize = but_geo.xsize, $
uValue = {Object:self, Method:'RemoveItem'})
SID = widget_Base(ColBase, /Base_align_center, Column = 1, Frame = 1)
sLabel = widget_Label(SID, Value = self.LabelNames[1], /align_center)
;create the list with or without a value
if n_elements(*(self.list)[1]) NE 0 then $
sList = Widget_List(SID, Value = STRING(*(Self.List)[1]), $
ySize = height,xsize = width, $
Multiple = Self.Multiple, $
uValue = {Object:Self, Method: 'ListSelect'}) Else $
sList = Widget_List(SID, $
ySize = height,xsize = width, $
Multiple = Self.Multiple, $
uValue = {Object:Self, Method: 'ListSelect' })
Self.ListID = [pList, sList]
UpID = Widget_Button(SID, Value = moveup,$
xsize = but_geo.xsize, $
uValue = {Object:self, Method:'MoveUp' }, $
sensitive = self.UPDOWN )
DownID = Widget_Button(SID, value = movedown,$
xsize = but_geo.xsize, $
uValue = {Object:self, Method:'MoveDown' }, $
sensitive = self.UPDOWN )
; GetValue
FUNCTION HBB_TwoList::GetValue, event
Catch, Error
If Error NE 0 then Begin
Catch, /Cancel
Value = {S_LIST: *Self.List[1]}
Return, Value
END ;GetValue
; GetState
FUNCTION HBB_TwoList::GetState, event
Catch, Error
If Error NE 0 then Begin
Catch, /Cancel
If Widget_Info(self.ListID[1], /Valid_ID) Then $
S = Widget_Info(self.ListID[1], /List_Select) Else $
S = -1
State = {S_LIST:*Self.List[1], S_Select:S }
Return, State
END ;GetState
; GetProperty
PRO HBB_TwoList::GetProperty, P_list=P_List, S_list = S_List, $
P_Label = P_Label, S_Label = S_Label, $
UPDOWN = UPDOWN, Multiple = Multiple, $
Min_Length = Min_length, Max_length = Max_Length, $
_Ref_Extra = Extra
Catch, Error
If Error NE 0 then Begin
Catch, /Cancel
If arg_present(p_list) then P_List = *(Self.List)[0]
If Arg_present(S_LIST) Then s_List = *(Self.List)[1]
P_Label = Self.LabelNames[0]
S_label = Self.LabelNames[1]
Multiple = Self.Multiple
No_Duplicates = Self.No_Duplicates
Min_Length = Self.ListLength[0]
Max_length = Self.ListLength[1]
Self->MGS_GUIObject::GetProperty, _Extra = Extra
END ;SetProperty
; SetProperty
PRO HBB_TwoList::SetProperty, P_list=P_List, S_list = S_List, $
P_Label = P_Label, S_Label = S_Label, $
UPDOWN = UPDOWN, Multiple = Multiple, $
Min_Length = Min_length, Max_length = Max_Length, $
No_Duplicates = No_Duplicates, $
_Ref_Extra = Extra
Catch, Error
If Error NE 0 then Begin
Catch, /Cancel
If N_Elements(P_LIST) NE 0 Then *(Self.List)[0] = P_LIST
If N_elements(S_LIST) NE 0 Then *(Self.List)[1] = S_LIST
If N_elements(P_label) NE 0 Then Self.LabelNames[0] = P_Label[0]
If N_elements(S_Label) NE 0 Then Self.LabelsNames[1] = S_Label[0]
If N_Elements(UPDOWN) NE 0 Then Self.UPDOWN = Keyword_Set(UPDOWN)
If n_elements(Multiple) NE 0 Then Self.Multiple = KeyWord_Set(Multiple)
If n_elements(No_Duplicates) NE 0 Then $
Self.No_Duplicates = KeyWord_Set(No_Duplicates)
If n_elements(Min_Length) NE 0 Then Self.ListLength[0] = Min_Length
If N_elements(Max_Length) NE 0 Then Self.ListLength[1] = Max_length
Self->MGS_GUIObject::SetProperty, _Extra = Extra
END ;SetProperty
FUNCTION HBB_TwoList::Init, $
P_list=P_List, S_list = S_List, $
P_Label = P_Label, S_Label = S_Label, $
UPDOWN = UPDOWN, Multiple = Multiple, $
Min_Length = Min_length, Max_length = Max_Length, $
No_Duplicates = No_Duplicates, $
_Ref_Extra = Extra
IF NOT Self->MGS_GUIobject::INIT(_Extra = Extra) Then Return, 0
Catch, Error
If Error NE 0 then Begin
Catch, /Cancel
self.list = PtrArr(2,/Allocate)
If n_elements(P_List) EQ 0 then $
p_list = ['Martin', 'Goofy', 'David', 'DubYa', 'Mark', 'Mickey',$
'Craig', 'Minnie','JD', 'Henry', 'Pavel']
*Self.List[0] = P_List
If n_elements(S_list) EQ 0 then $
*Self.List[1] = [''] Else *Self.list[1] = S_list
If n_elements(P_label) NE 0 then Self.LabelNames[0] = P_Label[0]
If n_elements(S_label) NE 0 Then Self.LabelNames[1] = S_Label[0]
Self.UPDOWN = keyword_set(UPDOWN)
Self.Multiple = keyword_set(Multiple)
Self.No_Duplicates = Keyword_Set(No_Duplicates)
If n_elements(Min_length) EQ 0 then min_L = 10 Else min_L = Min_Length[0]
If n_elements(Max_Length) EQ 0 Then max_L = 30 Else Max_L = Max_Length[0]
Self.ListLength = [min_L, max_L]
Return, 1
; CleanUp
PRO HBB_TwoList::CleanUp
Ptr_Free, Self.List
END ;CleanUp
; Defintion
PRO HBB_TwoList__Define
struct = {HBB_TwoList, $
LabelNames:strArr(2), $;Labels for each list
LabelID:LonArr(2), $ ;labelIDs
List:PtrArr(2), $ ;list contents
ListID: LonArr(2), $ ;widgetIDs for lists
UPDOWN:0, $ ;1 = allow up/down movement
Multiple:0,$ ;1 = allow multiple selections
No_Duplicates: 0, $ ;are duplicates permitted in s_list?
ListLength:IntArr(2)} ;minmax list length (10, 30 default)
Ben Tupper
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
180 McKown Point Rd.
W. Boothbay Harbor, ME 04575