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Re: how to speed up multiple regressions?

Charlotte DeMott <demott@atmos.colostate.edu> writes:

> Hi,
> I have some code to construct a composite of a
> meteorological phenomena in three dimensions (x, y, lag).
> The compositing index is a time series (ts) of a certain
> variable, and the data being composited (x, y, time) is
> regressed onto this compositing index.  Because of the
> length of the time series and the size of the data array,
> and the fact that I do this compositing for multiple fields,
> I'm looking for ways to speed up the process, which is
> currently quite time consuming.  The greatest amount of time
> seems to be spent in computing the significance of the
> correlation, rather than in computing the regressions.  The
> regression is only done for periods where the signal is the
> "ts" time series is "big"  (i.e., big = WHERE(ts GE
> threshold)).

Charlotte, I hate to say it but you have a severe case of loop-itis.
The success and speed of an IDL program handling large amounts of data
depends on vectorizing the key code.  The second section of your code
has no vectorization whatsoever!  No wonder it seems so slow.  A
secondary benefit of vectorizing code is that it can help make the
code cleaner, since the mathematics are emphases over the loop

But it's a little worse than that (groan :-).  You call the T_CVF()
function, which computes the Student's T test.  You call it for *each*
element of the loop, despite the fact that the arguments remain
constant.  Arghh.  This is an expensive function to calculate, so it
makes sense to factor it outside of the loop where it will only be
executed once.

I've only looked at the second section, the part you thought was too
slow.  Here is my take on the situation:

  datadof = float(big_count)/data_tau  ;; DOF's are a scalar!
  tval = t_cvf(0.1, datadof)           ;; Student's T value, computed once

  data_t = abs(datar*sqrt(datadof))/sqrt(1-datar*2)
  datcomp = dataf(*,*,*,0) + dataf(*,*,*,1)*tsval
  data_sig = datar*sqrt(datadof)/sqrt(1-datar*2) GT tval

You may be able to vectorize the first part a little better, but I'll
leave that to you.


Craig B. Markwardt, Ph.D.         EMAIL:    craigmnet@cow.physics.wisc.edu
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