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IDL plot is inconsistent, where is subtle error?

Hello, IDLers.  I'm having a very subtle problem with plotting from IDL.
Either that or IDL is screwed up, which I doubt is the case.  First, my

IDL Version 5.2 (vms alpha)
OpenVMS AXP V7.1-2

I'm plotting a set of values along the Y-axis (log plot), with time being
on the X-axis.  The time is expressed as a double precision floating point
quantity (created with DBLARR).  The time has a base year (time zero) of
several decades ago, and I can't change this base year, so that's something
I have to live with.  This is called an epoch time.  Typical values of an
epoch time are in the range 357588000.D0.  I have a routine that converts
from epoch time value to normal calendar notation (date and time).

The length of the X-axis is 4 hours.  I am using 4 major intervals (one
hour each), for a total of 5 major tick marks, and 6 minor intervals.  I am
explicitly specifying to the PLOT command the values XTICKS (which is 5),
XMINOR (which is 6), and XTICKV, which is a double floating vector of
length 5.  The vector I pass in for XTICKV contains five epoch time values,
including the values at the two endpoints of the X-axis.

I also specify the function name 'XTICK3' (which I wrote) for the PLOT
keyword XTICKFORMAT.  XTICK3 is called by POT once for each time the X-axis
has a major tick mark.  XTICK3 labels all major tick marks.  XTICK3 is
passed the axis designation (X-axis is 0), tick mark index (range is 0 to
4), and value of that tick mark.  The value, in this case, is the epoch
time.  XTICK3 decomposes the epoch time into hour, minute, second, creates
a string of four characters containing the hour and minute (HHMM notation),
and returns that string as the label to use at that tick mark.  For a plot
starting at 17:00 GMT, XTICK3 should return the values '1700', '1800',
'1900', '2000', and '2100'.  Note that this is effectively truncating the
time to the preceding (next lower) minute.

My first version of XTICK3 did not act in this manner.  I found, by
experimentation, that the value passed to XTICK3 was a *single* precision
floating value, even through all the X-values to be plotted, as well as the
vector passed to XTICKV, were *double* precision.  With the magnitude of
the numbers I'm using for the epoch time, this resulted in a quantization
effect, where the single precision epoch time was sometimes either greater
or less than its corresponding double precision value by 16 seconds.  This
resulted in tick labels such as '1700', '1759', 1900', '1959', and so on.

I corrected for this by having XTICK3 add 30 seconds to the value passed to
it before converting it to hour, minutes, and seconds.  This fixed the time
axis labelling problem, while not changing the X values to be plotted, nor
changing the X values where the major tickmarks are to be drawn.

Now to the meat of the reason for my post.

My current problem arises in that some of the time the last (5th) major
tick mark does not get drawn or labelled.  Through experimentation it seems
that when the ending time is on an even hour only 4 major ticks are drawn
and labelled, while when the ending time is on an odd hour the 5th major
tick is both present and labelled.  I have the tick marks drawn outward
from the graph, so it is quite easy to tell when it is present or not.

IDL should not act in this manner.  It should be consistent.

If you'd like to take a look at two sample plots here are URLs:

http://umtof.umd.edu/sem/tickpresent.gif           <- works, odd hour
http://umtof.umd.edu/sem/tickabsent.gif            <- fails, even hour

Here are some diagnostic dumps of data.  First the case where it is working

range of x =        14400.000;        4.0000000 hours
X range is less than a day
xmin = 2001/05/01 15:00:00
xmax = 2001/05/01 19:00:00
n_intervals=       6       4
running computeticks
xmin= 2001/05/01 15:00:00
interval=      3600.00      1.00000 hrs
step=       0
       0 2001/05/01 15:00:00
       1 2001/05/01 16:00:00
       2 2001/05/01 17:00:00
       3 2001/05/01 18:00:00
       4 2001/05/01 19:00:00
done computeticks

Using        5 major ticks; values:
       0 2001/05/01 15:00:00             <- these are double precision epoch
       1 2001/05/01 16:00:00                times converted to Gregorian
       2 2001/05/01 17:00:00                notation
       3 2001/05/01 18:00:00
       4 2001/05/01 19:00:00

The epoch times shown below are the single precision values that correspond.

Idx    Epoch time    Mon  Dy  Hr Min Sec Msec       Label
 0 1   357577216.000   5   1  15   0  48   0, label='1500!C May 1!C doy121'
 1 1   357580800.000   5   1  16   0  32   0, label='1600'
 2 1   357584384.000   5   1  17   0  16   0, label='1700'
 3 1   357588000.000   5   1  18   0  32   0, label='1800'
 4 1   357591616.000   5   1  19   0  48   0, label='1900'

The vector dumped below is what is returned by the PLOT command using the
keyword XTICK_GET.


Here are some diagnostic dumps of data for the case where it is *not*
working correctly:

range of x =        14400.000;        4.0000000 hours
X range is less than a day
xmin = 2001/05/01 16:00:00
xmax = 2001/05/01 20:00:00
n_intervals=       6       4
running computeticks
xmin= 2001/05/01 16:00:00
interval=      3600.00      1.00000 hrs
step=       0
       0 2001/05/01 16:00:00
       1 2001/05/01 17:00:00
       2 2001/05/01 18:00:00
       3 2001/05/01 19:00:00
       4 2001/05/01 20:00:00
done computeticks

Using        5 major ticks; values:
       0 2001/05/01 16:00:00             <- these are double precision epoch
       1 2001/05/01 17:00:00		    times converted to Gregorian
       2 2001/05/01 18:00:00		    notation
       3 2001/05/01 19:00:00
       4 2001/05/01 20:00:00

The epoch times shown below are the single precision values that correspond.

Idx    Epoch time    Mon  Dy  Hr Min Sec Msec       Label
 0 1   357580800.000   5   1  16   0  32   0, label='1600!C May 1!C doy121'
 1 1   357584384.000   5   1  17   0  16   0, label='1700'
 2 1   357588000.000   5   1  18   0  32   0, label='1800'
 3 1   357591616.000   5   1  19   0  48   0, label='1900'
 4 1   357595200.000   5   1  20   0  32   0, label='2000'

The vector dumped below is what is returned by the PLOT command using the
keyword XTICK_GET.


Here is the PLOT command used that generates just the outline and the tickmarks
(note the use of /NODATA).  I use a subsequent PLOT command to place the data
on the graph, and an AXIS command to draw the grid.  (Please spare me
suggestions about needing only one PLOT command, I really do need two, and
that's not the issue here.)  This command is in a loop with i=0,2 to be used to
generate several graphs, hence some of its quantities being subscripted by i.

    !x.minor = n_intervals(0)
    !x.ticks = n_intervals(1)
    !x.tickv = xtickvalues	           ; xtickvalues is DOUBLE

    plot, epoch, values(*,k), /nodata, $   ; epoch is vector of times
      max_value = 9999998., $
      xtype = 0, ytype = loglin(i), $
      xrange = x_range, $                  ; x_range is vector 2 long, see dump
      yrange = y_range(*,i), $
      title = graph_title + ' ' + namevec_title(i), $
      xtitle = time_axis_title, $
      ytitle = namevec_y(i), $
      xcharsize = 0.75, $
      xtickformat = x_label_routine, $     ; this has the value 'XTICK3'
      xtick_get = tv, $                    ; tv is returned as FLOAT vector
      xticklen = -0.01, $
      yticklen = -0.01, $
      background = 255, color = 0

Lawrence Bleau
University of Maryland
Physics Dept., Space Physics Group