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Re: plotting free form ascii data

Patrick writes:

> sorry for the brevity on the last post. What I have currently is:
> pro plotinteractive_doplot, pstate
> plot, (*pstate).profile_data, LINESTYLE = (*pstate).linestyle
> end
> pro plotinteractive_read, event
> widget_control, event.top, GET_UVALUE = pstate
> ; read in the data for the 1-D plot from a free-form ascii
> ; matrix.
> profile_data = read_ascii(test,
> template=ascii_template(test,BROWSE_LINES=4241), $
> 			DATA_START=13)
> ; call the wavelet toolkit:
> plotinteractive_wvtoolkit, pstate
> end
> ;pro plotinteractive_draw, event
> ;widget_control, event.top, GET_UVALUE = pstate
> ; check for motion events.
> ;if (event.type eq 2) then begin
> 	; convert the coordinates from device to data
> ;	datac = convert_coord(event.x, event.y, /DEVICE, /TO_DATA)
> ;	statusstr = strtrim(datac[0], 2) + ',' + strtrim(datac[1],2)
> ;	widget_control, (*pstate).status, SET_VALUE = statusstr
> ;endif
> ;end	
> pro plotinteractive_quit, event
> widget_control, event.top, GET_UVALUE = pstate
> ; kill the widget.
> ptr_free, pstate
> widget_control, event.top, /DESTROY
> end
> pro plotinteractive_wvtoolkit, event
> ;widget_control, event.top, GET_UVALUE = pState
> ; call the do routine to replot.
> plotinteractive_doplot, pstate
> end
> --the program proceeds until it gets to pro plotinteractive_wvtoolkit
> then stops. Giving the error:
> % XMANAGER: Caught unexpected error from client application. Message
> follows...
> % Attempt to call undefined procedure/function: 'WV_APPLET'.
> % Execution halted at:  PLOTINTERACTIVE_WVTOOLKIT   42
> /home/swifs/training/idlinterm/interplot4.pro
> %                       PLOTINTERACTIVE_READ   14
> /home/swifs/training/idlinterm/interplot4.pro
> %                       XMANAGER_EVLOOP_STANDARD  478
> /auto/soft/idl/idl_5.4/lib/xmanager.pro
> %                       XMANAGER          708
> /auto/soft/idl/idl_5.4/lib/xmanager.pro
> %                       PLOTINTERACTIVE   101
> /home/swifs/training/idlinterm/interplot4.pro
> %                       $MAIN$
> What is the correct way to call wv_applet?

I don't know how WV_APPLET should be called.
I've never heard of it. Is this an IDL program in
your path? 

But I thought the original problem was that
READ_ASCII didn't like the filename. I can well
believe this, since in the example:

> profile_data = read_ascii(test, $
> template=ascii_template(test,BROWSE_LINES=4241), $
> 			DATA_START=13)

the variable "test" is nowhere defined in this
procedure. This should be the name of a data file,
for example:

   test = 'mydata.dat'

I'd be saving up for a good book on widget 
programming, too. I'm not sure the example
you are following is going to get you too far. :-)


David Fanning, Ph.D.
Fanning Software Consulting
Phone: 970-221-0438 E-Mail: davidf@dfanning.com
Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming: http://www.dfanning.com/
Toll-Free IDL Book Orders: 1-888-461-0155