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Pointers and Heap Values

Pointer data stored in IDL SAVE files are particularly difficult to manage, because the actual heap variables are stored in separate records which precede the record of interest. Thus, if your application requires the reading of pointer data, you must perform special processing in your own code in order to support it. In essence, you must maintain an inventory of heap variables as they are encountered in the file.

If these procedures are not followed then pointer data will not be read, and a LONG integer value appears in the pointers' places. Under IDL 4, pointer data can never be read.

This is accomplished by placing some additional logic in your file processing loop. There are four separate components to this: (1) loop initialization; (2) reading a HEAP_INDEX record; (3) parsing a HEAP_DATA record; and (4) passing extra arguments to CMSV_RDATA. The additional state information is maintained in two variables named PTR_INDEX, which keeps track of the heap variable numbers, and PTR_OFFSETS, which stores the file location of each variable.

  1. Loop initialization: is quite simple, use the following code:
        ptr_index   = [0L]
        ptr_offsets = [0L]
        ptr_data    = [ptr_new()]

  2. Reading HEAP_INDEX, which is an array of values indicating the heap variable numbers of each heap variables. These values are stored in PTR_INDEX:

           CMSV_RHEAP, block, pointer, index, unit=unit
           ptr_index   = [ptr_index, index]
           ptr_offsets = [ptr_offsets, lonarr(n_elements(index))]
           ptr_data    = [ptr_data, ptrarr(n_elements(index))]

  3. Parse the HEAP_DATA record. Here were are interested in the heap variable number, and the file offset.

        opointer = pointer
        CMSV_RVTYPE, block, pointer, vindex, /heap, unit=unit
        vindex = floor(vindex(0))
        wh = where(ptr_index EQ vindex)
        ptr_offsets(wh(0)) = offset + opointer

    Keep in mind that the file offset is OFFSET+POINTER.

  4. Pass extra parameters to CMSV_RDATA. The user simply passes these extra variables to the CMSV_RDATA procedure, which automatically recognizes heap data and reads it from the appropriate location.

        CMSV_RVTYPE, block, pointer, name, size, unit=unit, template=tp
        CMSV_RDATA, block, pointer, size, data, template=tp, $
          unit=unit, ptr_offsets=ptr_offsets, $
          ptr_index=ptr_index, ptr_data=ptr_data

If this technique is used properly, only those heap variables which are needed are read. Thus, there are never any lost or dangling pointers. Since each bit of heap data is stored in a variable returned to the user, it is not necessary to PTR_FREE(ptr_data); in fact, doing so would corrupt the input data.

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Craig Markwardt 2011-12-21