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Re: background processing and widget_event

Ray wrote:
> I'd like to put some low-priority, background processing into a widget
> application.
> I'd like the background processing to be interruptable - it bails if the
> user generates
> any events while the background processing is occurring. (At a later
> point background
> processing could be started again but it would have to start at the
> beginning - at this
> point I am not concenred about using partial results obtained when it
> was interrupted.)  Finally, I'd like this to be workable without
> straying too far from using xmanager to manage the widgets.
> It seems to me that I should be able to sprinkle widget_event calls
> throught the
> background processing procedure and to have the procedure bail if any
> user events
> have been generated.  Of course, the process of checking for user events
> using
> widget_event should not result in any loss or change in the order of
> queued events.
> Below is my current attempt.  (.run test & test).  I am puzzled.  I
> click on "the long event"
> and processing commences as expected.  However, when I click on "the
> short event"
> while the long event is processing, I see that the short event gets
> processed and then
> the long event processing continues where it left off.  It seems the me
> that
> the widget_event(/nowait) call initiates the short event processing.
> Based on
> my interpretation of the IDL docs, I expected widget_event would simply
> return the next
> event and not actually process it.  What have I missed?
> Ray Muzic
> -
> 8><  on the dotted line
> ---------------------test.pro--------------------------
> ; example to test method for simulating multi-threading
> ; 1.  create base widget, start event processing
> ; 2.  while "the long event" processing, occasionally check for pending
> events.
> ;     if one is found, bail out of long event routine and process the
> event.
> ;     this should require re-queueing events to not alter the order of
> event
> ;     processing.
> function LongEvent, event
>   common test, count, base
>   ; function needed to enable event re-queueing
>   l=0L
>   print,'Long Event'
>   for i=0,9 do begin
>     print,'Inside LongEvent, i=',i
>     ; check for queued events
>     we=widget_event(base, /nowait)
>     print,'we=',we.id,we.top,we.handler
>     if (we.id ne 0L) then begin
>       ; bail if there is a queued event
>       print,'Bailing'
>       return, we
>     endif
>     for j=0L,500000L do begin
>       l=l+j
>     endfor ; j
>   endfor  ; i
>   return,0L  ; swallow event - LongEvent has completed
>   ;
> end
> pro ShortEvent, event
>   common test, count, base
>   ; print sequence of numbers.  if re-queueing is done properly, no
>   ; events should be lost
>   print,'Short Event'
>   print, 'Count=',count
>   count=count+1
> end
> pro DoneEvent, event
>   widget_control, event.top, /DESTROY
> end
> pro test
>   common test, count, base
>   count=0L
>   ; create simple base
>   base=widget_base(/column)
>   button0=widget_button(base, value='the long event',
> event_func='LongEvent')
>   button1=widget_button(base, value='the short event',
> event_pro='ShortEvent')
>   button2=widget_button(base, value='Done', event_pro='DoneEvent')
>   widget_control, base, /REALIZE
>   xmanager, 'test', base
> end

The reason is that, since you're letting XManager do the work for you,
and since you've assigned event handlers to the specific widgets, the
widget event is being handled automatically for you.  To put it more
plainly, widget_event() returns *only* those events which are not
swallowed along the way by predefined event handlers (your ShortEvent,
in this example). ShortEvent is swallowing the event (by virtue of being
a procedure), so even though widget_event triggers the event's
processing, only 0's are returned.  

To have events both handled automatically and *not* swallowed, use an
EVENT_FUNC, return the event as is from the function, and don't use
XManager.  The reason you can't use XManager is that it *assumes* a top
level event handling procedure, defaulting here to 'test_event', and so
doesn't really let you get away with any unswallowed events.  This
behaviour of this solution will possibly depend on the implementation of
the operating system on which IDL is running (since it depends on IDL
sharing time with the window manager, to register the event in the
meantime). This is obviously cumbersome, and I think you could
accomplish what you're after with a TIMER event, which would be

See the man pages for info on using TIMER to run a background routine
every n seconds.

 J.D. Smith                             |*|      WORK: (607) 255-5842    
 Cornell University Dept. of Astronomy  |*|            (607) 255-6263
 304 Space Sciences Bldg.               |*|       FAX: (607) 255-5875 
 Ithaca, NY 14853                       |*|