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Re: Making MPEG Movies

In article <7jg9nd$gr3$1@almendralejo.unex.es>, "kkk" <kkk@kkk.kk> writes:
>Hi everybody.
>It would be nice if somebody could help me on the following issue: I'm
>trying to create an MPEG file from a series of images in IDL 5.2. Iīve tried
>the MPEG_ functions, but once I've added all the frames and closed the file,
>it has zero size (which leads me think I havenīt closed the file properly).
>Could anybody help? A detailed list of the individual steps to follow when
>creating an MPEG file would be very useful.

Here is my MAKE_MOVIE.PRO.  It will either play a 3-D array as a series of
images either on your screen (the default) or to an MPEG file.

pro make_movie, vol, min=min, max=max, wait=wait, scale=scale, index=index, $
                start=start, stop=stop, step=step, mpeg_file=mpeg_file

;   This procedure plays a 3-D array as a movie either on the screen or to an 
;   MPEG file on disk.
;   Image display.
;   MAKE_MOVIE, Volume
;   Volume: A 3-D array of any numeric data type
;   MIN:
;       The minimum value of the data display range.  This sets the low end
;       of the grey scale range.  All values less than this will be appear
;       black when using a linear grey scale.  The default is the minimum value
;       of the data in the entire Volume array.
;   MAX:   
;       The maximum value of the data display range.  This sets the high end
;       of the grey scale range.  All values greater than this will be appear
;       white when using a linear grey scale.  The default is the maximum value
;       of the data in the entire Volume array.
;   SCALE:   
;       A scale factor to increase or decrease the size of the displayed images
;       relative to the size of the Volume array.  SCALE=2 will double the 
;       size of the displayed images, SCALE=3 will display the images at 3 
;       times their normal size, etc.  SCALE=-2 will display the images at 
;       half their normal size, SCALE=-3 one-third their normal size, etc. 
;       The default is 1, i.e. no scaling. 
;   INDEX:
;       This keyword controls which dimension of the Volume array is animated.
;       Allowed values are 1, 2 and 3.  The following table shows the result
;       of setting this keyword:
;           INDEX   frame[i]
;             1   Volume[i,*,*]
;             2   Volume[*,i,*]
;             3   Volume[*,*,i]
;       The default is 3, i.e. the last dimension of the Volume array is the
;       one which is animated.
;   START:   
;       The first frame to display.  The default is 0.
;   STOP:
;       The last frame to display.  The default is the highest value of the
;       selected index.
;   STEP:
;       The array increment from one frame to the next.  The default is 1.
;   WAIT:
;       The delay time from one frame to the next in floating point seconds.
;       The default is 0., i.e. frames are diplayed as fast as possible.
;       This keyword has no effect if the MPEG_FILE keyword is used.
;       The name of an MPEG file to which the output should be written.  If
;       this keyword is used then this procedure does not display its output on
;       the screen but rather creates an MPEG file.
;   This procedure does not return any output to IDL.  It displays images on
;   the screen using the IDL TV procedure, or writes output to a disk file
;   if MPEG_FILE is used.
;   Displays images on the screen using the IDL TV procedure, or writes output 
;   to a disk file if MPEG_FILE is used.
;   This procedure converts each frame to an 8-bit array using the IDL BYTSCL
;   function and then either displays it on the screen using the TV procedure
;   or writes it to an MPEG file.
;   ; Display an array as a movie scanning through the first dimension of the
;   ; array, forcing the black level to be 1000, and waiting 0.2 seconds
;   ; between frames
;   MAKE_MOVIE, Volume, index=1, wait=.2, min=1000
;   ; Create an MPEG movie of an array scanning through the last dimension 
;   ; (default) of the array, forcing the white level to be 10000.
;   MAKE_MOVIE, Volume, max=10000, mpeg_file='movie1.mpeg'
;   Written by:     Mark Rivers, April 26, 1999.  Merged previous routines
;                   TOMO_MOVIE and WRITE_MPEG

if (n_elements(min) eq 0) then min=min(vol)
if (n_elements(max) eq 0) then max=max(vol)
if (n_elements(wait) eq 0) then wait=0
if (n_elements(scale) eq 0) then scale=1
if (n_elements(index) eq 0) then index=3

nx = n_elements(vol[*,0,0])
ny = n_elements(vol[0,*,0])
nz = n_elements(vol[0,0,*])
case index of
   1: begin
   2: begin
   3: begin
   else: message, 'INDEX must be in the range 1-3'

if (scale gt 1) then begin
    last_col = ncols - 1
    last_row = nrows - 1
    ncols = ncols * fix(scale)
    nrows = nrows * fix(scale)
if (scale lt -1) then begin
    iscale = fix(abs(scale))
    last_col = (ncols/iscale)*iscale - 1
    last_row = (nrows/iscale)*iscale - 1
    ncols = ncols / iscale
    nrows = nrows / iscale

if (n_elements(start) eq 0) then start=0
if (n_elements(stop) eq 0) then stop=nframes
if (n_elements(step) eq 0) then step=1

if (n_elements(mpeg_file) ne 0) then begin
    mpegid = mpeg_open([ncols, nrows], file=mpeg_file)
    mpeg_mode = 1
endif else begin
    mpeg_mode = 0

for i=start, stop-1, step do begin
    case index of
        1: temp=vol[i,*,*]
        2: temp=vol[*,i,*]
        3: temp=vol[*,*,i]
    temp = reform(temp, /overwrite)
    temp = bytscl(temp, min=min, max=max)
    if (scale ne 1) then temp = rebin(temp[0:last_col, 0:last_row], $
                                      ncols, nrows)
    if (mpeg_mode) then begin
        print, 'Frame = ', i
        mpeg_put, mpegid, frame=i, image=temp, order=!order
    endif else begin
        tv, temp
        wait, wait

if (mpeg_mode) then begin
    mpeg_save, mpegid, file=file
    mpeg_close, mpegid
