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I have nested structures in some "c" code which I wish to access in IDL
via Call_External.  Supposedly, the type field of the structure can be:

void *type;		/* This may be either a pointer to another
			   structure definition, or a simple IDL
			   type code (IDL_TYP_*) cast to void
			   (e.g. (void *) IDL_TYP_BYTE). If this
			   field is NULL, it indicates that IDL
			   should search for a structure of the
			   given name and fill in the pointer to
			   its structure definition. */

from external/export.h

What is the syntax for using a pointer to another structure definition?
The following simple example uses NULL for the type, but I want to a
pointer to another structure definition so that I can choose the value
for the name field.

Thanks for help.

#include "/usr/local/rsi/idl/external/export.h"

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  static IDL_LONG one = 1;

  static IDL_STRUCT_TAG_DEF substruct_tags[] = {
    {"P", 0, (void *) IDL_TYP_INT},
    {"Q", 0, (void *) IDL_TYP_INT},

  static IDL_LONG matrix_dims[] = {2,2,2};
  static IDL_LONG substruct_dims[] = {1,1};
  static IDL_STRUCT_TAG_DEF s_tags[] = {
    { "MATRIX", matrix_dims, (void *) IDL_TYP_FLOAT},
    { "SUBSTRUCT", substruct_dims, NULL},  /* NULL is a placeholder */

  typedef struct substruct {
    short int p;
    short int q;

  typedef struct data_struct {
    float mat [2] [2];
    SUBSTRUCT sub;

  static DATA_STRUCT s_data, *s_new_data;
  void *s;
  int i,j;

  s_data.mat[0][0] = s_data.mat[1][1] = 1.0;
  s_data.mat[0][1] = s_data.mat[1][0] = 0.0;
  s_data.sub.p = -999;
  s_data.sub.q = +1001;
  s = IDL_MakeStruct("SUBSTRUCT", substruct_tags);  /* define SUBSTRUCT
  s_tags[1].type = s;                               /* tell s_tags about
it */
  s = IDL_MakeStruct("FOO", s_tags);

  printf("Almost all folks.\n");

  v = IDL_ImportNamedArray("FOO",1,&one,IDL_TYP_STRUCT,
			   (UCHAR *) &s_data, 0, s);

  s_new_data = (DATA_STRUCT *) v->value.s.arr->data;
  for (i=0;i<2;i++)
    for (j=0;j<2;j++)
  printf("%i\n", s_new_data->sub.p);
  printf("%i\n", s_new_data->sub.q);

  printf("That's all folks.\n");