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Re: Object Widgets

Mark Hadfield, m.hadfield@niwa.cri.nz writes:

>>    http://www.sljus.lu.se/stm/IDL/Obj_Widgets/
>     Interesting stuff, Struan! I note that your widget
> template object, SLFoWid, does not create a top-level base.
> This seems to me to be an obvious thing to do, since all
> widget hierarchies require a TLB. What were the reasons for
> your choice? Do you expect SLFoWid to be used for widgets
> that aren't at the top level?

    That's the main idea.  I want SLFoWid to define behaviour, not
layout, and I would like to use it for compound widgets.  This is why
I have a seperate SLFOWID::XMANAGE method.  I also found that putting
all the widget creation statements into one INIT method makes it
easier to maintain the code, and avoids having to pass around all the
possible keywords to WIDGET_BASE.  The web pages will (eventually)
contain some discussion of my design decisions.

    I think my news server is behind the times a bit, as I got an
email from you containing the following good points (I've changed
their order).  If you didn't post them as well, sorry for the breach
of netiquette.

>   2. Similarly it is a good idea in the object cleanup
> routine to check if the widget hierarchy is still valid and,
> if it is, destroy it, i.e.
> pro SLFoWid::Cleanup
>   print, 'SLFoWid::Cleanup'
>   print, '  widget ID: ', self.myWidID
>   print, '  object ID: ', self
>   if widget_info(self.myWidID, /VALID_ID) then $
>      widget_control, self.myWidID, /DESTROY
> end   ; pro SLFoWid::Cleanup

    Strangely enough, despite promoting widgets-as-objects I had
assumed that the widget would always be killed with WIDGET_CONTROL -
which is daft I admit.  I wanted to avoid getting stuck in an infinite
loop, with the widget and object cleanup routines calling each other
over and over.  One way to avoid that is for the object cleanup to use
WIDGET_INFO to see if self.myWidID is being managed, but that assumes
the Xmanager is being used.  Another is for the object and widget
cleanup routines to use keywords when they call each other, but that
seems inelegant.

    After a little digging it seems that both WIDGET_CONTROL, /DESTROY
and OBJ_DESTROY take care to avoid recursion - ie, they seem to know
that things are in the process of being destroyed, despite the fact
that both the widget and the object IDs are still valid in their own
cleanup routines.  (note that your 'if widget_info...' is redundent,
since self.myWidID is valid until all the cleanup is done).   Since
WIDGET_CONTROL and OBJ_DESTROY seem to ignore demands to kill
widgets/objects that they're already in the process of killing, I've
just added a WIDGET_CONTROL, /DESTROY line to the object cleanup

    If RSI allows us to specify an object method as the cleanup
routine for a widget this problem will disappear.

>   1. In your widget cleanup routine it is a good idea to
> check that the object is valid before trying to destroy it,
> i.e.
> pro SLFoWid_Cleanup, myID
>   widget_control, myID, get_uvalue=myObjRef
>   if obj_valid(myObjRef) then begin
>     myObjRef -> GetProperty, no_block=no_block
>     if no_block eq 1 then obj_destroy, myObjRef $
>       else myObjRef -> cleanup
>   endif
> end   ; pro SLFoWid_Cleanup
>   This is advisable because it is possible for the object
> to have been destroyed (by OBJ_DESTROY, or HEAP_GC) behind
> XMANAGER's back.

    As I said above, I was assuming that the widget would always be
destroyed as a widget, not as an object.  That said, even after the
change to the object cleanup routine above, there is no need to check
the object reference for validity since the only way you can end up in
an object or widget cleanup routine is when it dies, and at that point
the widget ID and object ID must still be valid.  I've left your check
in all the same: an inattentive programmer may have stored something
else in the uvalue and lost the object reference.  The check would
still leave a dangling object reference, but at least the program
won't crash.

> 3. There is a problem in heap cleanup for blocking widgets.
> If I create anew widget with
>     o = obj_new('SLFow_minimal')
> then hit the quit button, the heap is cleaned up. But if 
> I do the same with
>     o = obj_new('SLFow_minimal', /BLOCK)
> then the 'SLFow_minimal' object is left on the heap

    This one I did catch myself (but hadn't updated the web version). 
I saw your later post, which uses the same solution I have, though I
use this line:

    return, self.no_block

    at the end of all the INIT methods of subclassed widgets.  In
general, I wanted to minimise the amount of stuff a subclass writer
would have to remember to include in their methods, but this seems
essential (as is getting the _ref_extra and _extra keywords right).

    Note that obj_destroy called on a blocking widget (from another
widget, or from a 'quit' button) will always produce an error, so it
is safest to use widget_control, /destroy if you don't know beforehand
whether a widget will be used in blocking or non-blocking mode. 
Actually, I can see few reasons to use blocking widgets, but since I
thought I could handle them it seemed churlish to force widgets to be

    Thanks for the tips and comments.