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Re: thresholding/color question
- Subject: Re: thresholding/color question
- From: davidf(at)dfanning.com (David Fanning)
- Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2000 08:11:45 -0700
- Newsgroups: comp.lang.idl-pvwave
- Organization: Fanning Software Consulting
- References: <38987058.E939BEAE@larc.nasa.gov> <MPG.13067cbeb6837c8b989a0c@news.frii.com> <389EDBAF.D749D5A3@pet.mpin-koeln.mpg.de>
- Xref: news.doit.wisc.edu comp.lang.idl-pvwave:18303
Alex Schuster (alex@pet.mpin-koeln.mpg.de) writes:
> Isn"t the usage of WHERE discouraged because of being slow?
If it is, it's news to me. :-)
> I always use direct matrix operation for this, like:
> redmask = scaledImage GT threshold
> scaledImage = scaled_Image * (1B-redmask) + byte(!D.Table_Size-2) *
> redmask
I don't doubt there are speed advantages in matrix operations,
but unless you had a huge image I doubt very much you
would notice. And even then, the increase in speed would probably
be more than offset by the additional memory usage.
Plus, I don't have a clue what this code is doing when I
read it! Simple things for simple folk, is my motto. :-)
P.S. If my memory serves, Alex, aren't you the one with
the 10 quadrillion Megs of RAM on your machine? Perhaps
matrix operations *are* the best thing for you. :-)
David Fanning, Ph.D.
Fanning Software Consulting
Phone: 970-221-0438 E-Mail: davidf@dfanning.com
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