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Re: Fonts in Z-device
- Subject: Re: Fonts in Z-device
- From: davidf(at)dfanning.com (David Fanning)
- Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2000 11:02:09 -0700
- Newsgroups: comp.lang.idl-pvwave
- Organization: Fanning Software Consulting
- References: <389EF3B5.DDDF6769@fsl.noaa.gov>
- Xref: news.doit.wisc.edu comp.lang.idl-pvwave:18315
Andy Loughe (loughe@fsl.noaa.gov) writes:
> Nice (hardware) fonts in 'X'... no problem!
> Nice (hardware) fonts in 'PS'... no problem!
> Nice (hardware) fonts in 'Z'... now there's a problem!
> I thought the Z-device would know about the fonts
> available in 'X', but that is not the case. I
> even tried device, set_font = 'Times' and although
> I did not get an error, I got vector fonts!
> What's a Z-device user to do!?
I like to use true-type fonts, but you have to use
the ol' "make-um big" trick to make them look really
nice. Here is an example:
PRO ZBuffer_Test
data = Dist(41)
Window, XSize=400, YSize=400, Title='Normal Picture'
Surface, data, XTitle='This is X Title', YTitle='This is Y Title', $
ZTitle='This is Z Title', Font=1, Charsize=2.5, $
Position=[0.15, 0.15, 0.90, 0.90, 0.15, 0.90]
thisDevice = !D.Name
Set_Plot, 'Z'
Device, Set_Resolution=[1600, 1600]
Surface, data, XTitle='This is X Title', YTitle='This is Y Title', $
ZTitle='This is Z Title', Font=1, Charsize=2.5*4, $
XThick=4, YThick=4, ZThick=4, Thick=4, $
Position=[0.15, 0.15, 0.90, 0.90, 0.15, 0.90]
snapshot = TVRD()
Set_Plot, thisDevice
Window, 1, XSize=400, YSize=400, Title='Z Buffer Picture'
TV, Rebin(snapshot, 400, 400)
David Fanning, Ph.D.
Fanning Software Consulting
Phone: 970-221-0438 E-Mail: davidf@dfanning.com
Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming: http://www.dfanning.com/
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