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Re: Controlling axis labels in IDL plots?

Rachel Howe wrote:
> I wonder if anyone can help me with a graphics problem?
> I'm getting very finicky about my IDL plots. (I use direct graphics
> only, no objects --
> conceptually I'm still in the v3.6 era).
> I've learned to use the !p, !x and !y system variables, their associated
> keywords,
> and the axis command, to override most of the defaults, but one thing
> eludes me.
> Does anyone know how the distance of the axis label from the axis is
> determined in a single-panel 2d plot?
> There doesn't seem to be any way to control it directly, but it must be
> some arcane function of the plot area, position/margin settings, and
> character size. If anyone knows an algorithm, I'd be delighted to hear
> it.
> Or would it be easier to give up and just use
> XYOUTS to put the annotations where I want them?
> Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
> --
> Rachel Howe
> National Solar Observatory, Tucson AZ
> rhowe@noao.edu


   perhaps you can make use of my axlabel routine which I attach. I
haven't used it that extensively and cannot guarantee for bug freeness,
but it should at least provide you with some algorithm for finding label
positions. I have only used it with Hershey fonts, and I have no idea
how it behaves with Truetype or Hardware fonts. Any suggestions for
improvements are welcome.


[[ Dr. Martin Schultz   Max-Planck-Institut fuer Meteorologie    [[
[[                      Bundesstr. 55, 20146 Hamburg             [[
[[                      phone: +49 40 41173-308                  [[
[[                      fax:   +49 40 41173-298                  [[
[[ martin.schultz@dkrz.de                                        [[
; $Id$
;        AXLABEL
;        Put previously calculated axis labels onto the screen
;        at proper position. This routine was designed to work 
;        together with LOGLEVELS to produce fancy log plots.
;        It involves several coordinate transformations in order
;        to be device independent and take into account the 
;        character size. The user can specify a label format
;        and use 'external' formatting functions similar to
;        the [XYZ]TICKFORMAT keyword of PLOT.
;        Plotting
;        AXLABEL,Value [,/XAxis] [,keywords]
;        VALUE -> A vector with the values to be labelled on the 
;             axis.
;        /XAxis -> If set, the labels are placed on the X achis
;             rather than on the Y axis
;        /YAxis -> Place the labels on the Y axis (this is the default,
;             and this keyword is there for purely aesthetic reasons)
;        CHARSIZE -> The character size of the label
;        FORMAT -> An IDL format string (used as argument to the
;              STRING function) or the name of a function that returns
;              formatted labels. This function must accept three
;              arguments, the third of which is the current value
;              (see the online help to [XYZ]TICKFORMAT for more details).
;              AXLABEL always passes 0 to the first two arguments.
;        _EXTRA  keywords are passed on to XYOUTS (e.g. COLOR or
;              ORIENTATION). Note that the ALIGN keyword value is 
;              determined automatically.
;        Axis labels without fuss.
;        None.
;        A DATA coordinate system must be established by a previous
;        PLOT command.
;        AXLABEL currently operates only on the left and bottom axes.
;          xrange = [0.3,3.0]   ; define axis range
;          yrange = [0.3,3.0]
;          plot,[1],xr=xrange,yr=yrange, $   ; do the plot
;          	title='Logarithmic X axis, Logarithmic Y axis',$
;          	xtickf='(a1)',ytickf='(a1)', /ylog,/xlog
;          ; important: turn the tick labeling off with ?tickformat='(A1)'
;          xlblv = loglevels(xrange)   ; get nice label values (0.5, 1., 2.)
;          ylblv = loglevels(yrange)
;          axlabel,xlblv, /xaxis       ; plot the labels
;          axlabel,ylblv, /yaxis
;        mgs, 10 Sep 1999: VERSION 1.00
;        mgs, 23 Sep 1999: - bug fix for log-log plots
; Copyright (C) 1999, Martin Schultz, Max-Planck-Institut f. Meteorologie
; This software is provided as is without any warranty
; whatsoever. It may be freely used, copied or distributed
; for non-commercial purposes. This copyright notice must be
; kept with any copy of this software. If this software shall
; be used commercially or sold as part of a larger package,
; please contact the author.
; Bugs and comments should be directed to martin.schultz@dkrz.de
; with subject "IDL routine axlabel"

pro axlabel,value,Charsize=Charsize,XAxis=XAxis,YAxis=YAxis,   $
   ; Error catching
   if (N_Elements(VALUE) eq 0) then begin
      message,'Must supply at least one label value to AXLABEL!'
   ; Set default for CHARSIZE and FORMAT
   if (n_elements(CHARSIZE) EQ 0) then $
      CHARSIZE = 1.
   if (n_elements(FORMAT) EQ 0) then $
      FORMAT = '(f12.1)'
   if (keyword_set(XAxis)) then begin
      ; Get y position for label
      ; Subtract one character size
      PY = !Y.Window[0] 
      PY = PY - 1.05*PYOFF[1]
      PY = REPLICATE(PY,N_Elements(VALUE))
      ; Convert data values to normalized x coordinates
      Y0 = !Y.CRANGE[0]
      if (!Y.TYPE eq 1) then $
         Y0 = 10.^Y0
      PX = PX[0,*]
   endif else begin   ; Y axis label (default)
      ; Get x position for label
      PX = !X.Window[0] - 0.010
      PX = REPLICATE(PX,N_Elements(VALUE))
      ; Convert data values to normalized coordinates and
      ; subtract half the character size
      X0 = !X.CRANGE[0]
      if (!X.TYPE eq 1) then $
         X0 = 10.^X0
      PY = PY[1,*]-0.5*PYOFF[1]
   ; Format VALUE according to format string. If this string
   ; does not begin with '(', it is assumed that the user has passed
   ; a formatting function as for [XYZ]TICKFORMAT
   ; However, only the third (NUMBER) argument of this function is used
   if (STRPOS(FORMAT,'(') ne 0) then begin
      ValS = STRARR(N_Elements(VALUE))
      for j=0,N_Elements(VALUE)-1 do $
         ValS[j] = CALL_FUNCTION(FORMAT,0,0,VALUE[j])
   endif else $      ; apply format string directly
      ValS = STRING(VALUE,format=FORMAT)
   ValS = STRTRIM(ValS,2)
   XYOUTS,PX,PY,ValS,/NORMAL,align=1.-0.5*keyword_set(XAxis),  $