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Re: A[X,Y,Z] -> A[Z,X,Y]

"Liam E. Gumley" wrote:
> Dave Greenwood wrote:
> >
> > I'm trying to analyze data from a new experiment using an IDL code from
> > a different experiment.  The new experiment has data stored in an array
> > of the form [X,Y,Z] while the code expects [Z,Y,X].  I can do something
> > like (untested):
> >
> >   FOR i = 0, z-1 DO BEGIN
> >     FOR j = 0, y-1 DO BEGIN
> >       newarray[i, y, *] = oldarray[*, y, i]
> >     ENDFOR
> >   ENDFOR
> >
> > But I thought perhaps someone (probably several people) here could
> > suggest a better (faster, more elegant, etc.) way?
> >
> > Fyi, to give some size to the problem, X=1024, Y=39 and Z=3.
> a = findgen(1024, 39, 3)
> b = transpose(a, [2, 0, 1])
> help, b
> B               FLOAT     = Array[3, 1024, 39]

Not to be to ZYX'y about it, but how about

IDL> a = findgen(1024, 39, 3)
IDL> help, transpose(a, [2, 1, 0])
<Expression>    FLOAT     = Array[3, 39, 1024]

Paul van Delst           Ph:  (301) 763-8000 x7274
CIMSS @ NOAA/NCEP        Fax: (301) 763-8545
Rm.202, 5200 Auth Rd.    Email: pvandelst@ncep.noaa.gov
Camp Springs MD 20746