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Re: Displaying Medical Images Anonymously

Salem Sassi wrote:

> Hi,
> For a public presentation I need to display medical images (DICOM
> format) of patients anonymously. All medical images show the patient's
> name on them for identification as a default, but for the purposes of
> this presentation I would like to display these images without showing
> the patient's name on the images. Can any one help me with doing this?
> Any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance.
> --
> Salem Sassi

Although I don't know any way in IDL to do this, there are freeware
DICOM readers that can. To start, try Chris Rorden's mricro,
which has an anonymiser function.
ALternatively, you may find something else from http://www.dclunie.com/medical-image-faq/html/part8.html

Defunctus adhuc loquitur
Rochelle Hatton
Department of Nuclear Medicine and Ultrasound
Westmead Hospital