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Re: Help with reading structure from file

In article <3A810F7C.B69C6E28@dkrz.de>,
Martin Schultz  <martin.schultz@dkrz.de> wrote:
>The solution is to use a structure. SOmething like this (no time for
>testing though):
>   template = { a:'', x:fltarr(7) }
>   result = replicate(template, NLINES)

This is exactly what I tried -- see the code fragment included below.

>   readf, lun, result, format='(4x,a4,7f9.3)'
>   data = result[*].x   ; not sure if this even works ;-(

No, it does not! Here is the sesssion from PV Wave:

     WAVE> nsets = 108
     WAVE> f1 = "(4x,a4,7f9.3)"
     WAVE> dpt = { fullrow, id: ' ', x: fltarr(7) }
     WAVE> fulldata = replicate( {fullrow}, nsets)
     WAVE> openr, 1, 'data'
     WAVE> readf, 1, fulldata, format = f1
     % End of input record encountered on file unit: 1.
     % Execution halted at $MAIN$   (READF).

The reason is the the format statement is being ignored. The entire
first line of data is being read as the string variable, the first
7 fields of the *second* line are read as x, the last column of the
second line is read as the string variable of the second element of
the structure array ...... need I say more! This is what should happen
is the READF did *not* have a format statement.

Curiously, the PV Wave manual has a very similar example with an
unformatted read. What they do is 

    fulldata = replicate( {fullrow, string(' ', format=f1),  $
                 fltarr(7) } , nsets)
    readu, lun, fulldata

I tried this with the formatted read and it did not work. I guess
the Excel fans have won another round :-( To avoid this, I normally
put the string labels at the end of the data rows, but this was a
"How will you do it fast?" challenge. 

>Hope this helps you a little bit,
Thanks for the suggestion ...

Dave (or anyone else!), Any suggestion why the format is being ignored?

>Surendar Jeyadev wrote:
>> In the loosing battle with the Excel users, the latest direct
>>      hit was reading
>> in a file that contained strings and numeric data in each line.
>>      Having given
>> up (and as the only hold out against Excel!), I need HEEELLLPPP.
>> This is the simplified problem. I am trying to read data in the following
>> format:
>>     001a  312.194   76.922  296.301   21.462    0.453  289.515    0.957
>>     001b  363.748  106.090  506.188   19.430    0.528  347.252    1.176
>>     001c  398.248  138.541  724.470   17.152    0.578  383.534    1.701
>>     002a  294.593   28.525  248.744    8.532    0.428  290.497    1.268
>>     002b  353.415   46.290  449.015    7.974    0.513  349.565    2.011
>>     002c  401.279   80.260  661.701    3.341    0.582  395.403    4.529
>>     ....
>>     ....
>> i.e. in the format "(4x,a4,7f9.3)". I would like it to go into a 2 dimensional
>> structure.
>> I cannot find a way of reading it as a entire array. At present, all I can
>> come up with is
>>       nsets = 108               ; number of lines of data
>>       f1 = "(4x,a4,7f9.3)"
>>       a = string(4)
>>       y = fltarr(7)
>>       dpt = { fullrow, id: ' ', x: fltarr(7) }
>>       fulldata = replicate( {fullrow}, nsets)
>>       openr, 1, 'data'
>>       for i=0,nsets-1 do begin
>>           readf, 1, format = f1, a, y
>>           fulldata(i).id = a
>>           fulldata(i).x = y
>>       endfor
>>       close, 1
>> Is there any way of avoiding the temporary variables and the loop? I am
>> using PV-Wave CL, Ver 6.
>> --
>> Surendar Jeyadev         jeyadev@wrc.xerox.com
>[[ Dr. Martin Schultz   Max-Planck-Institut fuer Meteorologie    [[
>[[                      Bundesstr. 55, 20146 Hamburg             [[
>[[                      phone: +49 40 41173-308                  [[
>[[                      fax:   +49 40 41173-298                  [[
>[[ martin.schultz@dkrz.de                                        [[


Surendar Jeyadev         jeyadev@wrc.xerox.com