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Re: Change default value of system variable?
"K. Bowman" wrote:
> I prefer to plot with black lines on a white background, so in my
> idl_startup file I include
> !P.BACKGROUND = COLOR_24('white') ;Set background color to white
> !P.COLOR = COLOR_24('black') ;Set default draw color to black
Dear Ken,
we have developed a plot environment to solve this and some other
The idea is to always initialize the device for each plot.
What's all have to be done to make a plot is shown below.
open device
make plot
close device
initialize: (plotprepare)
* loads a predefined structure. This is used to store
setting in keywords for the plots
* The actual system variables are saved
* The foreground and background color is set
open device: (plotinit)
* defines the device sizes
* opens the output device
* loads the colortable
make plot (plotxy, plot2d, plotxy_2d, plot3d ...)
plot, contour and so on
close device (plotend)
* the device is closed
* the saved system variables are restored
There are lots of wysiwyg functions included for positioning
of text or legend on screen. With one flag in the structure
the output is set from screen to Postsctipt.
The plot environment is described in my publication
There are lots of examples included.
The routines are downloadable here
Reimar Bauer
Institut fuer Stratosphaerische Chemie (ICG-1)
Forschungszentrum Juelich
email: R.Bauer@fz-juelich.de
a IDL library at ForschungsZentrum Jülich