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Re: Ringing the bell?
"Harvey Rarback" <rarback@slac.stanford.edu> writes:
> Folks,
>I am writing a turnkey interactive widget application in IDL 5.3 on an
>OpenVMS platform. I start command line IDL in a VMS batch queue using an
>IDL batch file so that the user never
>sees the IDL prompt. The only thing that doesn't work with this scheme is
>that I haven't figured out a way to ring the bell when the user does
>something wrong. One workaround is to start an iconized terminal from the
>batch queue and send IDL's output there. Then
>print, string(7b), format = '(a,$)'
>will ring the bell, but this introduces an extra terminal window and seems
>awfully tacky.
>Sometime back, IDL seems to have acquired the undocumented built-in 'beep'
>which also doesn't work if there is no terminal to send the output to.
>I did a little experiment on IDL 5.4 running on a Tru64 Unix platform. Here
>the command line IDL rings the bell with the print statement, but seems to
>ring the bell for the beep command only when I *exit* IDL. For idlde, the
>beep command works, but the print statement just outputs a funky degree-like
>Can anyone shed some light on the mysterious 'beep' procedure and help me
>out in ringing the bell?
This must be a bug in IDL 5.4, because all previous versions of IDL on my Tru64
Unix platform ring the bell when you enter the 'beep' command. I get the same
behavior as you, though, with IDL 5.4.
Bill Thompson