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Re: rounding errors

"Dominic R. Scales" wrote:
> I fully appreciate and understand the precision
>   difference in significant digits between float and double, be it in idl,
>   c, or any other programming language, as it is inherently diffucult
>   (read impossible) to map an infinite set of numbers to a finite realm of
>   4/8 byte and not miss any.
>   The case I am trying to make is this: why aren't the missing digits, i.e.
>   the ones added by the cast, set to 0.? As I go along with my calculations,
>   these random additional digits give me a hell of a headache by accumulating.
>   And, as Murphy leads us to expect, always in the 'wrong' direction.
>   I know, one  shouln't test floating point numbers in digital rep. against
>   one another, not even if the were double.

I think this is a case of not fully understanding how floating point
numbers are stored and manipulated (it took me several tries to grasp
it).  When you have all those trailing zeroes, it's simply a case of the
formatted printing routines trying to be clever for you.  This
cleverness in printout does not extend *in any way* to cleverness in
calculation.  It's actually not terribly intuitive.

Here is a good discussion (though for fortran):
http://www.lahey.com/float.htm.  Thanks to whomever originally posted
that.  A very relevant section:

Too Many Digits

You may decide to check the previous program example by printing out
both D and X in the same format, like this: 

30  FORMAT (X, 2G25.15)
PRINT 30, X, D

In some FORTRAN implementations, both numbers print out the same. You
may walk away satisfied, but you are actually being misled by low-order
digits in the display of the single-precision number. In Lahey FORTRAN
the numbers are printed out

     1.66661000000000         1.66661000251770

The reason for this is fairly simple: the formatted-I/O conversion
routines know that the absolute maximum decimal digits that have any
significance when printing a single-precision entity is 9. The rest of
the field is filled with the current
"precision-fill" character, which is "0" by default. The precision-fill
character can be changed to any ASCII character, e.g., asterisk or
blank. Changing the precision-fill character to "*" emphasizes the
insignificance of the low-order digits: 

     1.66661000******         1.66661000251770