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Re: sending events

Hi marc,
  There are many situations where you need to generate and send 
  an event. Here's an example:

  I sometimes send events to the eventhandler, when for instance,
  a choice made in one menu influences an other. Say, our user can 
  choose a certain set of properties from a non-exclusuive check
  button list (nex_list). A separate list of exclusive check buttons 
  contains operations to be performed on the data (ex_list).

  Some combinations in nex_list force the choice of a specific 
  operation from ex_list, while others can be used with any operation.

  When I'm finished doing whatever a click in nex_list requires I
  can check the combination of properties set. If it requires a 
  specific setting in ex_list I send an event and choose the appropriate
  operation in ex_list. My user doesn't have to remember checking ex_list
  if there is only one possibility left.

PS Hm, re-reading it, I don't know if it is clear enough. Oh, well...

Dipl. Phys. Dominic R. Scales | Aero-Sensing Radarsysteme GmbH
Tel:  +49 (0)8153-90 88 90    | c/o DLR Oberpfaffenhofen
Fax:  +49 (0)8153-908 700     | 82234 Wessling, Germany
WWW:  aerosensing.de          | email: Dominic.Scales@aerosensing.de