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Re: SPAWN command bug

LUH  WILLIAM <luhw@ecf.utoronto.ca> writes:

> Hi, I'm having trouble with using really long commands with spawn. Here's
> an example:
> strCommand = '"c:\program files\spectral\spec.exe" ' + $
>              string(x) + ' ' + string(y) + ' "' + strOutput + '"'
> where x = 25, y = 25 for example
> Now call Spawn, strCommand:
... remainder deleted...

Isn't there a limit to the number of characters in a DOS command?  I
thought it was 127 or 128.  This implies that no matter what you do,
you won't be able to execute a long command even to COMMAND.COM.
when you type it to a COMMAND.COM window?

Even if this limit has been enhanced under Win Me/9x, it's possible
that IDL is using some older, more limited version of the interface. 


Craig B. Markwardt, Ph.D.         EMAIL:    craigmnet@cow.physics.wisc.edu
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