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Re: multi-dimensional SVDFIT

 >" " == R G S <rgs1967@hotmail.com> writes:
 > Hello,
 > the SVD solution to a least squares fit (Ax=b) to higher dimensions is
 > trivial.
 > Merely add on the other dimensions as columns of A, since there is no
 > difference
 > in principal between "x^2" and "xy", since to the SVD, the matrix A is
 > merely a collection
 > of numbers.

 > Cheers,
 > bob stockwell
 > stocwkell at co-ra dot com

 > For instance, here is a smallpiece of code that will compute a fit to
 > f(x,y,z)  = a0+a1*x+a2*y+a3*z+a4x*y+a5x*z+a6y*z+a7= x^2+a8y^2+a9z^2

 > (i.e. 10 parameters second order term polynomial  in 3D)

 > ; Here zon = data(x,y,z)
 > m = 10 ; number of terms in equation
 > n = n_elements(zon) ; n = number of data points

 > ; create matrix colum by colum
 > a = dblarr(m,n)
 > a(0,*) = 1
 > a(1,*) = x
 > a(2,*) = y
 > a(3,*) = z
 > a(4,*) = x*y
 > a(5,*) = x*z
 > a(6,*) = y*z
 > a(7,*) = x^2
 > a(8,*) = y^2
 > a(9,*) = z^2

 > ; Decompose A:
 > tic = systime(1)
 > SVDC, A, W, U, V,/double
 > toc = systime(1)

 > ; Compute the solution and print the result:
 > result1 = SVSOL(U, W, V, zon,/double)
 > toc2 = systime(1)
 > print,result1

Hi Bob,
thanx for your response, but unfortunately it doesn't work with
The error message looks like 'SVDFIT: The input X must be a vector'
SVDFIT does also not accept X as a structur.
here my code:

;declaring x1,x2

;first guess
A=[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1] ; m=N_ELEMENTS(A)
;ts == my data
result=svdfit(x,ts,A=A, MEASURE_ERRORS=0.05*ts, $


FUNCTION myfunct2,X,M

           [SIN(2*!pi*X(0,*))/183.0], [COS(2*!pi*X(0,*))/183.0],$

It seems to me that i have to use svdc and svsol. (??)
thanx, ingo

ingo wardinski                                  ingo@gfz-potsdam.de   
 GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Telegrafenberg F456, 14473 Potsdam

There was a young lady named Bright,
Whose speed was far faster than light;
She set out one day,
In a relative way,
And returned home at the previous night.                   Arthur Buller