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Re: overlying an image and a contour plot
Getting the right pixel alignment can be a problem. I also totally
agree with Mr. Bennett's suggestion that you may need to "add" an
extra half-pixel on either side.
I like to think about it this way: CONTOUR applies to data at the
pixel *centers*, but when displaying an image you want to show every
pixel out to its edges, and that's where the two half pixels comes
from. I would also like to point out that TVIMAGE uses CONGRID, which
has a bug in the way it interpolates, which *guarantees* that you will
be off by at least a half a pixel. Not good.
To solve these problems I use the PLOTIMAGE procedure available from
my web page (listed below). It makes putting images on the screen or
Postscript page easy -- especially aligning everything.
Here's how it works. This little script assumes you have an image,
and your X and Y values:
;; Usually you want to BYTSCL your image first - I like this algorithm
IDL> b = bytscl(image, min=-100, max=100, top=!d.n_colors-3b)+1b
;; Then you compute your image boundaries. Remember those half-pixels!
IDL> dx = x(1) - x(0) & dy = y(1) - y(0)
IDL> imgxrange = [min(x)-0.5*dx, max(x)+0.5*dx]
IDL> imgyrange = [min(y)-0.5*dy, max(y)+0.5*dy]
;; Finally, plot the image and overlay the contours
IDL> PLOTIMAGE, b, imgxrange=imgxrange, imgyrange=imgyrange
IDL> CONTOUR, image, x, y, ...
You see, most of it is a little bookkeeping. PLOTIMAGE is nice
because you can specify an XRANGE and YRANGE independent of the image
boundaries, meaning that you can zoom in to a sub image for example.
And for astronomers, it will automatically reverse the image if
Good luck,
P.S. PLOTIMAGE uses parts of TVIMAGE. The good parts. Thanks David!
Craig B. Markwardt, Ph.D. EMAIL: craigmnet@cow.physics.wisc.edu
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