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Re: xpalette -> error messages

David Fanning wrote:
> Dominik Brunner (dbrunner@dbrunner.demon.nl) writes:
> > I am using IDL extensively for contour plots on maps.
> > Often I would like to change the contour colors using xpalette.
> > The problem is now that changing a color or interpolating between colors
> > generates hundreds of error meassages stating  that some points are
> > out of lat/lon range. Why is this and how can I turn this off?
> Whatever this is, it is NOT because you are changing
> colors. :-)
> Rather, I suspect some kind of programming error.

No, I am not doing anything unusual. A simple example:

Start IDL then execute:


Then moving one of the red,green,blue sliders in the xpalette
widget produces hundreds of the following messages:

% OPLOT: Value of Latitude is out of allowed range.
% OPLOT: Value of Latitude is out of allowed range.
% OPLOT: Value of Latitude is out of allowed range.
% OPLOT: Value of Latitude is out of allowed range.

I am using IDL 5.2 on an SGI workstation running IRIX 6.5 but I 
saw this also on a SUN.
Any suggestions what causes this problem?




                         K N M I
 =======================         ======================

  Dr. Dominik Brunner                   ///--   --\\\
  KNMI ( Royal Netherlands              |  [*] [*]  |
  Meteorological Institute )           [|           |]
  Section of Atmospheric Composition    |    (_)    |
  P.O. Box 201, 3730 AE De Bilt          \  \___/  /
  The Netherlands                         \   _   / 
  E-mail brunner@knmi.nl
  Tel. -31-30-2206422 (direct) or -31-30-2206911
  Fax  -31-30-2210407
  Visiting address: Wilhelminalaan 10, De Bilt
