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 1999/11/21   plot3dbox, but not quite...   Richard G. French 
 1999/11/21   File Selection Compound Widget Object   David Fanning 
 1999/11/22   Obtaining the number of the current color table   Markus Feldt 
 1999/11/22   Re: File Selection Compound Widget Object   rmlongfield 
 1999/11/22   Re: X window display sizes   Private 
 1999/11/22   Re: X window display sizes   Private 
 1999/11/22   Re: File Selection Compound Widget Object   David Fanning 
 1999/11/22   Re: At Last! A Subsititute for CW_Field.   Ben Tupper 
 1999/11/22   Re: At Last! A Subsititute for CW_Field.   David Fanning 
 1999/11/22   Re: Color tables   David Fanning 
 1999/11/22   Apology Was: Image plot on back wall   David Fanning 
 1999/11/22   DirectColor on linux   Tom Holub 
 1999/11/22   CW_Field Done as the Full Monty   David Fanning 
 1999/11/23   Re: Obtaining the number of the current color table   Martin Schultz 
 1999/11/23   Re: Obtaining the number of the current color table   R.Bauer 
 1999/11/23   Re: DirectColor on linux   Vincent FAVRE-NICOLIN 
 1999/11/23   Number of colors of widget appliation   Carsten Dominik 
 1999/11/23   Re: Number of colors of widget appliation   David Fanning 
 1999/11/23   Re: Image plot on back wall   David Fanning 
 1999/11/23   Re: DirectColor on linux   Vincent Favre-Nicolin 
 1999/11/23   Re: Number of colors of widget appliation   David Fanning 
 1999/11/23   Re: X window display sizes   your name 
 1999/11/23   control IDL process   pei zeng 
 1999/11/23   Re: control IDL process   David Fanning 
 1999/11/23   Re: Number of colors of widget appliation   Craig Markwardt 
 1999/11/23   Re: Number of colors of widget appliation   Liam Gumley 
 1999/11/23   Re: Number of colors of widget appliation   David Fanning 
 1999/11/23   Re: control IDL process   Craig Markwardt 
 1999/11/23   Re: Number of colors of widget appliation   Craig Markwardt 
 1999/11/23   Re: Number of colors of widget appliation   David Fanning 
 1999/11/23   IDL 5.3 here   J.D. Smith 
 1999/11/24   Re: Number of colors of widget appliation   Markus Feldt 
 1999/11/24   Re: Number of colors of widget appliation   David Fanning 
 1999/11/24   Re: Number of colors of widget appliation   Craig Markwardt 
 1999/11/24   Re: Number of colors of widget appliation   David Fanning 
 1999/11/24   Re: Number of colors of widget appliation   Craig Markwardt 
 1999/11/24   Re: Number of colors of widget appliation   Liam Gumley 
 1999/11/24   Re: IDL 5.3 here   Robert S. Mallozzi 
 1999/11/24   Re: ANNOUNCE: plotconfig   Robert S. Mallozzi 
 1999/11/25   Is there an interactive TVimage out there?   Karri Kaksonen 
 1999/11/28   Re: !ERR and MPFIT   R.Bauer 
 1999/11/28   Re: Is there an interactive TVimage out there?   Craig Markwardt 
 1999/11/29   Vaya con Dìos, Was: too many TLB resize events   David Fanning 
 1999/11/29   Re: Is there an interactive TVimage out there?   Karri Kaksonen 
 1999/11/29   Re: xpalette -> error messages   Dominik Brunner 
 1999/11/30   Copying objects   James Tappin 
 1999/11/30   do I really need to use loops on objects?   Brad Gom 
 1999/12/01   Fitting Circles   F.N.Hatfield 
 1999/12/01   Re: do I really need to use loops on objects?   philaldis 
 1999/12/01   Troubleshooting - Error Messages.   Vicky A 

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