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Re: point inside polygon


	In IDL 5.3, you can use the IDLanROI object:


This checks to see if the points [0,0] [0,0.5] [0.5,0.5] and [5,0.5]
lie inside the unit square polygon from the origin.  The output 
3 2 1 0
for the points being on a vertex, on an edge, inside, or outside
the polygon.  This should cover all the cases you were asking
about and gives you access to a bunch of other stats (see

Hope it helps...

David Fanning wrote:
> Klaus Scipal (kscipal@ipf.tuwien.ac.at) writes:
> > the algorithm works fine until the point is lying on the polygon. in such a
> > case the algorithm returns sometimes in and sometimes out. what i am looking
> > for is an algorithm which discerns  if a point is lying on the polygon and
> > give only one answer either in or out but not one time in and the next time
> > out.
> Humm. Well, here is another one by Julie Greenwood and used
> with her permission. I haven't used this one myself, but it
> might be worth a try. It uses a nice coding style, which
> always suggests to me that it will probably work. :-)
> Cheers,
> David
> function IsPointInPolygon, xPts, yPts, XTest, YTest
> ;+
> ; NAME:
> ;  IsPointInPolygon
> ;
> ;  Determine whether point (XTest,YTest) is within the boundary of
> ;   the polygon defined by vectors xPts & yPts.
> ;  Function returns 1 if point is within polygon, else returns 0
> ;  Use ArePointsInPolygon to test entire array at a time
> ;
> ; AUTHOR: Julie Greenwood (julieg@oceanweather.com)
> ;
> ; CATEGORY: Geometry
> ;
> ;  bResult = IsPointInPolygon (xPts, yPts, XTest, YTest)
> ;
> ;  xPts, yPts - vectors containing vertices of convex polygon in $
> ;   counterclockwise order.  See argument B to routine Triangulate.pro
> ;  xTest, yTest - point to test for within-ness
> ;
> ; Optional Inputs:   None
> ;
> ;  Function returns -1 if point is within polygon, else returns 0
> ;
> ;
> ; KEYWORD Parameters: None
> ;
> ;
> ; SIDE EFFECTS:   None
> ;
> ;  Polygon must be closed (first point is same as last)
> ;
> ;  See: http://www.swin.edu.au/astronomy/pbourke/geometry/insidepoly/
> ;
> ; Consider a polygon made up of N vertices (xi,yi) where I ranges from
> ;  0 to N-1. The last vertex (xN,yN) is assumed to be the same as the
> ;  first vertex (x0,y0), that is, the polygon is closed.  To determine
> ;  the status of a point (xp,yp) consider a horizontal ray emanating
> ;  from (xp,yp) and to the right.  If the number of times this ray
> ;  intersects the line segments making up the polygon is even then the
> ;  point is outside the polygon. Whereas if the number of intersections
> ;  is odd then the point (xp,yp) lies inside the polygon.
> ;
> ;  jgg - 2-Dec-1999 - Created
> ;-
> npts = n_elements(xPts)
> if (npts ne n_elements(yPts)) then begin
>   print,' Error in IsPointInPolygon: vertex arrays must have same size.'
>   return,PointIsIn
> endif
> if (npts lt 2) then begin
>   print,' Error in IsPointInPolygon: polygon has less than 2 points.'
>   return,PointIsIn
> endif
> PointIsIn = 0
> for ia = 0,nPts-1 do begin
> ib = (ia+1) mod nPts
> sLine = xPts[ia] + $
>   (yTest-yPts[ia]) * (xPts[ib]-xPts[ia]) / (yPts[ib]-yPts[ia])
> bInRange = $
>   (( (yPts[ia] le yTest) and (yTest lt yPts[ib]) ) or $
>    ( (yPts[ib] le yTest) and (yTest lt yPts[ia]) ))
> if ( bInRange and (xTest lt sLine) ) then begin
>    PointIsIn = not PointIsIn
> endif
> endfor
> return, PointIsIn
> end
> function ArePointsInPolygon, xPts, yPts, XTest, YTest
> ;+
> ; NAME:
> ;  ArePointsInPolygon
> ;
> ;  Determine whether points (XTest,YTest) are within the boundary of
> ;   the polygon defined by vectors xPts & yPts.
> ;  Function returns array of same size and shape as XTest, containing
> ;   1 if point is within polygon, else 0
> ;  Use IsPointInPolygon to test one point at a time
> ;
> ; AUTHOR: Julie Greenwood (julieg@oceanweather.com)
> ;
> ; CATEGORY: Geometry
> ;
> ;  bResult = ArePointsInPolygon (xPts, yPts, XTest, YTest)
> ;
> ;  xPts, yPts - vectors containing vertices of convex polygon in $
> ;   counterclockwise order.  See argument B to routine Triangulate.pro
> ;  xTest, yTest - arrays of points to test for within-ness
> ;
> ; Optional Inputs:   None
> ;
> ;  Function returns array of same size and shape as XTest, containing
> ;   -1 if point is within polygon, else 0
> ;
> ;
> ; KEYWORD Parameters: None
> ;
> ;
> ; SIDE EFFECTS:   None
> ;
> ;  Polygon must be closed (first point is same as last)
> ;
> ;  See: http://www.swin.edu.au/astronomy/pbourke/geometry/insidepoly/
> ;
> ; Consider a polygon made up of N vertices (xi,yi) where I ranges from
> ;  0 to N-1. The last vertex (xN,yN) is assumed to be the same as the
> ;  first vertex (x0,y0), that is, the polygon is closed.  To determine
> ;  the status of a point (xp,yp) consider a horizontal ray emanating
> ;  from (xp,yp) and to the right.  If the number of times this ray
> ;  intersects the line segments making up the polygon is even then the
> ;  point is outside the polygon. Whereas if the number of intersections
> ;  is odd then the point (xp,yp) lies inside the polygon.
> ;
> ;  jgg - 3-Dec-1999 - Created
> ;-
> nsizex = size(xTest)
> nsizey = size(xTest)
> if (total(nsizex ne nsizey)) then begin
>   help, xTest, yTest
>   print,' Error in ArePointsInPolygon: grid arrays must have same size.'
>   return,PointsIn
> endif
> if (nsizex[0] ne 2) then begin
>   help, xTest, yTest
>   print,' Error in ArePointsInPolygon: grid arrays must have 2 dimensions'
>   return,PointsIn
> endif
> npts = n_elements(xPts)
> if (npts ne n_elements(yPts)) then begin
>   help, xPts, yPts
>   print,' Error in ArePointsInPolygon: vertex arrays must have same size.'
>   return,PointsIn
> endif
> if (npts lt 2) then begin
>   help, xPts, yPts
>   print,' Error in ArePointsInPolygon: polygon has less than 2 points.'
>   return,PointsIn
> endif
> PointsIn = LonArr(nsizex[1],nsizex[2])
> for ia = 0,nPts-1 do begin
> ib = (ia+1) mod nPts
> sLine = xPts[ia] + $
>   (yTest-yPts[ia]) * (xPts[ib]-xPts[ia]) / (yPts[ib]-yPts[ia])
> bInRange = $
>   (( (yPts[ia] le yTest) and (yTest lt yPts[ib]) ) or $
>    ( (yPts[ib] le yTest) and (yTest lt yPts[ia]) ))
> GotIt = where ( bInRange and (xTest lt sLine) , count)
> if (count ne 0) then PointsIn[GotIt] = not PointsIn[GotIt]
> endfor
> return, PointsIn
> end
> --
> David Fanning, Ph.D.
> Fanning Software Consulting
> Phone: 970-221-0438 E-Mail: davidf@dfanning.com
> Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming: http://www.dfanning.com/
> Toll-Free IDL Book Orders: 1-888-461-0155

Randy Frank                            | ASCI Visualization
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | rjfrank@llnl.gov
B451 Room 2039  L-561                  | Voice: (925) 423-9399
Livermore, CA 94550                    | Fax:   (925) 423-8704