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Re: Contour plots on xz and yz surfaces

In article <8i7ih4$d6s$1@peque.uv.es>, Luis Alonso <luis.alonso@uv.es> wrote:

> I'm interested in how you do it, thanks!

Here's the basic code.  Run it with no arguments to see a sample.


PRO TEST_3CONTOUR, x, y, z, xy, xz, yz, xc, yc, zc

;   x,  y,  z  : coordinates of points to plot in 3-D scatterplot
;   xy, xz, yz : functions to be contoured in each of the planes
;   xc, yx, zc : coordinates of grids for xy, xz, yz

   np = 1000L
   x = RANDOMU(dseed, np)
   y = RANDOMU(dseed, np)
   z = RANDOMU(dseed, np)
   nx = 20L
   ny = 25L
   nz = 30L
   xc = FINDGEN(nx)/(nx-1L)
   yc = FINDGEN(ny)/(ny-1L)
   zc = FINDGEN(nz)/(nz-1L)
   xy = DIST(nx, ny)   
   xz = DIST(nx, nz)   
   yz = DIST(ny, nz)   

CONTOUR, xy, xc, yc, PATH_XY = xy_path, /PATH_DATA_COORDS, PATH_INFO = xy_info  ;Compute x-y contours
CONTOUR, xz, xc, zc, PATH_XY = xz_path, /PATH_DATA_COORDS, PATH_INFO = xz_info  ;Compute x-z contours
CONTOUR, yz, yc, zc, PATH_XY = yz_path, /PATH_DATA_COORDS, PATH_INFO = yz_info  ;Compute y-z contours

xmin =  0.0
xmax =  1.0
ymin =  0.0
ymax =  1.0
zmin =  0.0
zmax =  1.0
PLOT_3DBOX, x, y, z, PSYM = 3, TITLE = 'Test Plot', $                           ;Plot 3D scatterplot
   XTITLE = 'X', XRANGE = [xmin, xmax], $
   YTITLE = 'Y', YRANGE = [ymin, ymax], $
   ZTITLE = 'Z', ZRANGE = [zmin, zmax]

FOR i = 0L, N_ELEMENTS(xy_info) - 1L DO BEGIN
   ii = xy_info(i).offset + [LINDGEN(xy_info(i).n), 0L]
   PLOTS, xy_path(0L,ii), $                                                     ;Draw an x-y contour
          xy_path(1L,ii), $
          REPLICATE(zmin, xy_info(i).n+1L), $

FOR i = 0L, N_ELEMENTS(xz_info) - 1L DO BEGIN
   ii = xz_info(i).offset + [LINDGEN(xz_info(i).n), 0L]
   PLOTS, xz_path(0L,ii), $                                                     ;Draw an x-z contour
          REPLICATE(ymax, xz_info(i).n+1L), $
          xz_path(1L,ii), $

FOR i = 0L, N_ELEMENTS(yz_info) - 1L DO BEGIN
   ii = yz_info(i).offset + [LINDGEN(yz_info(i).n), 0L]
   PLOTS, REPLICATE(xmax, yz_info(i).n+1L), $                                   ;Draw an y-z contour
          yz_path(0L,ii), $
          yz_path(1L,ii), $