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Re: Serial Port access
Apologies for replying to my own post but...
I just connected my Palm to my com port (uses it for sync'ing) and
managed to read 20 bytes - admittedly I coudn't tell if what I was
reading was garbage but I got something out with the following code:
PRO test_com_read
txt = BYTARR(20) ;Only read in 20 bytes
READU, u, txt
HELP, FSTAT(U), /str ;Show debug info
FREE_LUN, u ;Close and free lun
PRINT, STRING(txt) :Display what was read in as a string
PRINT, "Done"
ngls@bigfoot.com (Justin) wrote in
>Hmmm - well I don't have anything attached on my com ports, but I've
>managed to write to my printer port (LPT1:) with the following code and
>get a page out of the printer.
>As for using READU, you'll probably have to create a small string to
>start with so IDL knows when to stop reading (as in the online help
>Hope this helps,
>IDL> print, !version
>{ x86 Win32 Windows 5.3.1 Feb 23 2000}
>PRO test_print
> OPENW, u, "LPT1:", /GET_LUN
> ;Create some text, followed by form feed
> txt = "Testing from IDL" + (STRING(12B))[0]
> WRITEU, u, txt
> FLUSH, u
> HELP, FSTAT(u), /str ;Show debug info
> FREE_LUN, u ;Close and free lun
> PRINT, "Done"
>Richard_Tyc@sbrc.umanitoba.ca (Richard Tyc) wrote in
>>Tried just opening 'COM1:' like your example states.
>>Do not see any data on a writeu get to my device. On a readu, IDL
>>completely hangs up and can only be killed by the task manager ?? I
>>know the device spits out 60 byte messages every second so it cannot be
>>waiting for data.
>>I am not too confident with the concept of 'OPEN, COM1' in IDL.
>>Anyone else know if this is possible ??
>>Using IDL 5.4 on Win NT 4.0 SP5