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Registering CT and MRI volumes

reply-to: clunis_immensus@hotmail.com

I remember spotting a thread on registering medical volume data,
a while back. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to retrieve it at deja.com,
which I've been using so far(only shows me recent postings).
Anyways, I need to register CT and MRI volumes, and was hoping someone could
point me to IDL(or even C/C++) code that does volume registration.
I do have some literature on the topic, but thought it worthwhile sounding 
people before reinventing the wheel.
Any links, references, code would be immensely appreciated.

Also, could someone recommend me a web-based newsreader where I could access
old postings of this newsgroup?

many thanks,

Karthik Balasubramaniam
CAS Technologies, Chennai

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