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Re: Satellite image remapping

Sean Raffuse wrote:
> Hello, I just found out about this newsgroup.  I think it will be a godsend.
> Anyway, I'm just getting started with IDL.  I have done a few things in the
> past few months and am working up to a major project.  I know there is an
> extensive amount of code out there so maybe my problem is already solved.
> What I am doing is remapping satellite images, specifically full-disk images
> from a GOES satellite.  These images are not internally georeferenced.
> However, there is available a navigation file which gives the lat/lon for
> each pixel.  What I would like to do is remap this image onto a flat
> projection.  I know I can do it with a brute force method, but I have the
> sneaky suspicion that this sort of thing has been done before.  Does anyone
> have any experience in this arena?  I would be thrilled.

Here is something I slapped together one afternoon back in '97 after some bods at JPL
asked me for GOES images. It uses Liam Gumley's IMAGEMAP routine
(http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/~gumley/imagemap.html)and some of his color handling routines
(http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/~gumley/colortools.html). I think Liam may have changed the
calling sequence to IMAGEMAP since I used it back then so after you get his new version,
check the call in the code below.

My code looks like a dogs dinner but it got the job dun (back when you could create gifs).
The single argument "descriptor" was a file that contained the following:


Each time tag let me construct filenames like
9631000Z.HDR,9631000Z.LON,9631000Z.LAT,9631000Z.001 which contained all the gory info
(they were "flat file" outputs from McIDAS area files (don't ask.)

Anyway, most of remap.pro is reading data files. What you want is something like right at
the end:

        range = [ min( data ), max( data ) ]
        erase, 7
        pos = [ .05, .05, .9, .95 ]
        map_set, limit = [ 25, -125, 50, -60 ], pos = pos, /noerase
        title = sat_inst_id + ' Band ' + string( this_band, format = '(i2)' ) + $
                         ' ' + parameter[ j ] + '; ' + date + ' @ ' + time
        xyouts, 0.5, 0.975, title, /normal, align = 0.5, color = 0, charsize = 1.5
**->    imagemap, data, lat, lon, range = range, /noerase, ncolors = ncolors, bottom =
bottom, $
**->              missing = 7B
        map_continents, /hires, color = 1
        map_continents, /hires, /usa, color = 1
        map_grid, label = 1, color = 2 
        plots, [ pos(0), pos(2), pos(2), pos(0), pos(0) ], [ pos(1), pos(1), pos(3),
pos(3), pos(1) ], $
               /normal, color = 0
        colorbar, pos = [ .935, .05, .96, .95], title = parameter[ j ], format = '(f5.1)',
                  /right, /vertical, min = range[ 0 ], max = range[ 1 ], divisions = 8, $
                  ncolors = ncolors, bottom = bottom, color = 0

which does all the pretty remapping, etc.

Liam's IMAGEMAP routine is a beaut - sure as hell made my life much simpler.


<-------cut here----------->

pro remap, descriptor, ps = ps, gif = gif, no_pause = no_pause

  ncolors = !d.table_size - 16
  bottom = 16

; ---------------
; Create a window
; ---------------

  if ( keyword_set( gif ) ) then pixmap = 1 else pixmap = 0

  if ( not keyword_set( ps ) ) then begin
    window, /free, xsize = 900, ysize = 600, title = 'Remap Display', pixmap = pixmap
    wset, !d.window

; -------------------------
; Read in all the file tags
; -------------------------

  openr, lun_desc, descriptor, /get_lun

  n_files = 0
  this_tag = ''

  while ( not eof( lun_desc ) ) do begin

    n_files = n_files + 1
    readf, lun_desc, this_tag
    if ( n_files eq 1 ) then $
      file_tag = [ this_tag ] $
    else $
      file_tag = [ file_tag, this_tag ]


  free_lun, lun_desc

; ---------------
; Loop over files
; ---------------

  for i = 0, n_files - 1 do begin

;   ------------------------------------------
;   Read HDR file to determine line/element #s
;   ------------------------------------------

    hdr_file = file_tag[ i ] + '.HDR'
    openr, lun_hdr, hdr_file, /get_lun

    cbuf = ''
    line = -1
    element = -1
    n_data_files = 1

    while ( not eof( lun_hdr ) ) do begin

      readf, lun_hdr, cbuf
      c_data_file = '.' + string( n_data_files + 1, format = '(i3.3)' )

      case 1 of

;       -------------------------------------
;       Get satellite/instrument character ID
;       -------------------------------------

        ( strpos( cbuf, 'Satellite' ) ne -1 ): begin
          sat_inst_id = strtrim( strmid( cbuf, 12, 28 ) )

;       -----------------------------
;       Get image date and start time
;       -----------------------------

        ( strpos( cbuf, 'Image Date' ) ne -1 ): begin
          date = strtrim( strmid( cbuf, 14, 9 ) )
          time = strtrim( strmid( cbuf, 59, 12 ) )

;       --------------------------------------------
;       Read parameters from first occurance of data
;       --------------------------------------------

        ( strpos( cbuf, '.001' ) ne -1 ): begin
          n_data_files = 1
          parameter  = strtrim( strmid( cbuf, 14, 12 ) )
          band       = fix( strmid( cbuf, 27, 4 ) )
          n_bands    = 1
          line       = fix( strmid( cbuf, 32, 7 ) )
          element    = fix( strmid( cbuf, 40, 8 ) )
          data_scale = float( strmid( cbuf, 74, 5 ) )

          case 1 of
            ( strpos( cbuf, 'Short Integer (8 bit)' ) ne -1 ): itype = 1
            ( strpos( cbuf, 'Integer (16 bit)' ) ne -1 ): itype = 2
            ( strpos( cbuf, 'Long Integer (32 bit)' ) ne -1 ): itype = 3
            else: begin
              message, 'Invalid Element Format', /info
              close, /all


;       ----------------------------------------
;       Determine how many files are represented
;       ----------------------------------------

        ( strpos( cbuf, c_data_file ) ne -1 ): begin
          n_data_files = n_data_files + 1
          parameter = [ parameter, strtrim( strmid( cbuf, 14, 12 ) ) ]
          band = [ band, fix( strmid( cbuf, 27, 4 ) ) ]
          if ( band[ n_data_files - 1 ] ne band[ n_data_files - 2 ] ) then $
            n_bands = n_bands + 1
          data_scale = [ data_scale, float( strmid( cbuf, 74, 5 ) ) ]

          case 1 of
            ( strpos( cbuf, 'Short Integer (8 bit)' ) ne -1 ): itype = [ itype, 1 ]
            ( strpos( cbuf, 'Integer (16 bit)' ) ne -1 ): itype = [ itype, 2 ]
            ( strpos( cbuf, 'Long Integer (32 bit)' ) ne -1 ): itype = [ itype, 3 ]
            else: begin
              message, 'Invalid Element Format', /info
              close, /all

;       -----------------------------
;       Get LAT and LON scale factors
;       -----------------------------

        ( strpos( cbuf, '.LAT' ) ne -1 ): begin
          lat_scale = float( strmid( cbuf, 74, 5 ) )

        ( strpos( cbuf, '.LON' ) ne -1 ): begin
          lon_scale = float( strmid( cbuf, 74, 5 ) )

;       -------
;       Default
;       -------




    free_lun, lun_hdr

;   --------------------------------------------
;   Check that dimensional info has been read in
;   --------------------------------------------

    if ( ( line eq -1 ) or ( element eq -1 ) ) then begin
      message, 'Invalid LINE and ELEMENT values', /info
      close, /all

;   ----------------------------------------------
;   Read in the latitude and longitude information
;   ----------------------------------------------

    ilat = intarr( element, line )
    openr, lun_lat, file_tag[ i ] + '.LAT', /get_lun
    readu, lun_lat, ilat
    free_lun, lun_lat
    lat  = float( ilat ) / lat_scale
    ilat = 0B

    ilon = intarr( element, line )
    openr, lun_lon, file_tag[ i ] + '.LON', /get_lun
    readu, lun_lon, ilon
    free_lun, lun_lon
    lon  = -1.0 * float( ilon ) / lon_scale
    ilon = 0B

;   -----------------------------
;   Loop over the number of bands
;   -----------------------------

    for j = 0, n_data_files - 1 do begin

;     -------------------------------------
;     Get current band # and data file name
;     -------------------------------------

      this_band = band[ j ]
      this_data_file = file_tag[ i ] + '.' + string( j + 1, format = '( i3.3 )' )
      out_file_tag = file_tag[ i ] + '.' + strcompress( sat_inst_id, /remove_all ) + $
                     '.band' + string( this_band, format = '(i2.2)' ) + '.' + $
                     parameter[ j ]

;     -----------------------------------------------------
;     Only concerned with Albedo, Radiance, and Temperature
;     -----------------------------------------------------

      if ( ( parameter[ j ] eq 'Albedo' ) or $
           ( parameter[ j ] eq 'Radiance' ) or $
           ( parameter[ j ] eq 'Temperature' ) ) then begin

;       ----------------------
;       Read data and scale it
;       ----------------------

        print, format = '( /5x, "Remapping ", a, "..." )', this_data_file

        idata = make_array( element, line, type = itype[ j ] )
        openr, lun_data, this_data_file, /get_lun
        readu, lun_data, idata
        free_lun, lun_data
        data = float( idata ) / data_scale[ j ]
        idata = 0B

;       ---------------------
;       Call imagemap routine
;       ---------------------

        if ( keyword_set( ps ) ) then begin

          ;- get the current color table
          tvlct, r, g, b, /get
          ncolors = !d.table_size - 16 & bottom = 16
          r_old = r( bottom : bottom + ncolors - 1 )
          g_old = g( bottom : bottom + ncolors - 1 )
          b_old = b( bottom : bottom + ncolors - 1 )
          ;- change to Postscript mode
          set_plot, 'PS'
          ;- load the interpolated color table, and make sure bottom entry is black
          ncolors = !d.table_size - 16
          r_new = congrid( r_old, ncolors, /interp )
          g_new = congrid( g_old, ncolors, /interp )
          b_new = congrid( b_old, ncolors, /interp )
          tvlct, r_new, g_new, b_new, bottom
          tvlct, 0, 0, 0, 0
          ;- set Postscript options

          !p.font = 0
          device, /landscape, bits_per_pixel = 8, /color, /helv, font_size = 9


        range = [ min( data ), max( data ) ]
        erase, 7
        pos = [ .05, .05, .9, .95 ]
        map_set, limit = [ 25, -125, 50, -60 ], pos = pos, /noerase
        title = sat_inst_id + ' Band ' + string( this_band, format = '(i2)' ) + $
                         ' ' + parameter[ j ] + '; ' + date + ' @ ' + time
        xyouts, 0.5, 0.975, title, /normal, align = 0.5, color = 0, charsize = 1.5
        imagemap, data, lat, lon, range = range, /noerase, ncolors = ncolors, bottom =
bottom, $
                  missing = 7B
        map_continents, /hires, color = 1
        map_continents, /hires, /usa, color = 1
        map_grid, label = 1, color = 2 
        plots, [ pos(0), pos(2), pos(2), pos(0), pos(0) ], [ pos(1), pos(1), pos(3),
pos(3), pos(1) ], $
               /normal, color = 0
        colorbar, pos = [ .935, .05, .96, .95], title = parameter[ j ], format = '(f5.1)',
                  /right, /vertical, min = range[ 0 ], max = range[ 1 ], divisions = 8, $
                  ncolors = ncolors, bottom = bottom, color = 0

        if ( keyword_set( ps ) ) then begin
          device, /close
          spawn, 'mv idl.ps ' + out_file_tag + '.ps'
          print, format = '( 5x, "File ", a, " created" )', out_file_tag + '.ps'
          set_plot, 'X'
          !p.font = -1
          tvlct, r_old, g_old, b_old, bottom

        if ( keyword_set( gif ) ) then begin
          tvlct, r, g, b, /get
          write_gif, out_file_tag + '.gif', tvrd(), r, g, b
          print, format = '( 5x, "File ", a, " created" )', out_file_tag + '.gif'

        if ( not keyword_set( no_pause ) ) then begin
          print, format = '( 5x, "Press any key to continue, <x> to quit..." )'
          result = get_kbrd( 1 )
          if ( strlowcase( result ) eq 'x' ) then return

      endif else begin

        print, format = '( 5x, "Ignoring ", a, ", Element Format: ", a )', $
               this_data_file, parameter[ j ]





<-------cut here----------->

Paul van Delst           A little learning is a dangerous thing;
CIMSS @ NOAA/NCEP        Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring;
Ph: (301)763-8000 x7274  There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,
Fax:(301)763-8545        And drinking largely sobers us again.
                                         Alexander Pope.