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Re: Satellite image remapping

Thanks!  I knew I wasn't the first.


Paul van Delst <paul.vandelst@noaa.gov> wrote in message
> Sean Raffuse wrote:
> >
> > Hello, I just found out about this newsgroup.  I think it will be a
> >
> > Anyway, I'm just getting started with IDL.  I have done a few things in
> > past few months and am working up to a major project.  I know there is
> > extensive amount of code out there so maybe my problem is already
> >
> > What I am doing is remapping satellite images, specifically full-disk
> > from a GOES satellite.  These images are not internally georeferenced.
> > However, there is available a navigation file which gives the lat/lon
> > each pixel.  What I would like to do is remap this image onto a flat
> > projection.  I know I can do it with a brute force method, but I have
> > sneaky suspicion that this sort of thing has been done before.  Does
> > have any experience in this arena?  I would be thrilled.
> Here is something I slapped together one afternoon back in '97 after some
bods at JPL
> asked me for GOES images. It uses Liam Gumley's IMAGEMAP routine
> (http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/~gumley/imagemap.html)and some of his color
handling routines
> (http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/~gumley/colortools.html). I think Liam may
have changed the
> calling sequence to IMAGEMAP since I used it back then so after you get
his new version,
> check the call in the code below.
> My code looks like a dogs dinner but it got the job dun (back when you
could create gifs).
> The single argument "descriptor" was a file that contained the following:
> 9631000Z
> 9631003Z
> 9631006Z
> 9631009Z
> 9631012Z
> 9631015Z
> 9631018Z
> 9631021Z
> 9631100Z
> 9631103Z
> 9631106Z
> 9631109Z
> 9631112Z
> 9631115Z
> Each time tag let me construct filenames like
> 9631000Z.HDR,9631000Z.LON,9631000Z.LAT,9631000Z.001 which contained all
the gory info
> (they were "flat file" outputs from McIDAS area files (don't ask.)
> Anyway, most of remap.pro is reading data files. What you want is
something like right at
> the end:
>         range = [ min( data ), max( data ) ]
>         erase, 7
>         pos = [ .05, .05, .9, .95 ]
>         map_set, limit = [ 25, -125, 50, -60 ], pos = pos, /noerase
>         title = sat_inst_id + ' Band ' + string( this_band, format =
'(i2)' ) + $
>                          ' ' + parameter[ j ] + '; ' + date + ' @ ' + time
>         xyouts, 0.5, 0.975, title, /normal, align = 0.5, color = 0,
charsize = 1.5
> **->    imagemap, data, lat, lon, range = range, /noerase, ncolors =
ncolors, bottom =
> bottom, $
> **->              missing = 7B
>         map_continents, /hires, color = 1
>         map_continents, /hires, /usa, color = 1
>         map_grid, label = 1, color = 2
>         plots, [ pos(0), pos(2), pos(2), pos(0), pos(0) ], [ pos(1),
pos(1), pos(3),
> pos(3), pos(1) ], $
>                /normal, color = 0
>         colorbar, pos = [ .935, .05, .96, .95], title = parameter[ j ],
format = '(f5.1)',
> $
>                   /right, /vertical, min = range[ 0 ], max = range[ 1 ],
divisions = 8, $
>                   ncolors = ncolors, bottom = bottom, color = 0
> which does all the pretty remapping, etc.
> Liam's IMAGEMAP routine is a beaut - sure as hell made my life much
> paulv
> <-------cut here----------->
> pro remap, descriptor, ps = ps, gif = gif, no_pause = no_pause
>   colors
>   ncolors = !d.table_size - 16
>   bottom = 16
> ; ---------------
> ; Create a window
> ; ---------------
>   if ( keyword_set( gif ) ) then pixmap = 1 else pixmap = 0
>   if ( not keyword_set( ps ) ) then begin
>     window, /free, xsize = 900, ysize = 600, title = 'Remap Display',
pixmap = pixmap
>     wset, !d.window
>   endif
> ; -------------------------
> ; Read in all the file tags
> ; -------------------------
>   openr, lun_desc, descriptor, /get_lun
>   n_files = 0
>   this_tag = ''
>   while ( not eof( lun_desc ) ) do begin
>     n_files = n_files + 1
>     readf, lun_desc, this_tag
>     if ( n_files eq 1 ) then $
>       file_tag = [ this_tag ] $
>     else $
>       file_tag = [ file_tag, this_tag ]
>   endwhile
>   free_lun, lun_desc
> ; ---------------
> ; Loop over files
> ; ---------------
>   for i = 0, n_files - 1 do begin
> ;   ------------------------------------------
> ;   Read HDR file to determine line/element #s
> ;   ------------------------------------------
>     hdr_file = file_tag[ i ] + '.HDR'
>     openr, lun_hdr, hdr_file, /get_lun
>     cbuf = ''
>     line = -1
>     element = -1
>     n_data_files = 1
>     while ( not eof( lun_hdr ) ) do begin
>       readf, lun_hdr, cbuf
>       c_data_file = '.' + string( n_data_files + 1, format = '(i3.3)' )
>       case 1 of
> ;       -------------------------------------
> ;       Get satellite/instrument character ID
> ;       -------------------------------------
>         ( strpos( cbuf, 'Satellite' ) ne -1 ): begin
>           sat_inst_id = strtrim( strmid( cbuf, 12, 28 ) )
>         end
> ;       -----------------------------
> ;       Get image date and start time
> ;       -----------------------------
>         ( strpos( cbuf, 'Image Date' ) ne -1 ): begin
>           date = strtrim( strmid( cbuf, 14, 9 ) )
>           time = strtrim( strmid( cbuf, 59, 12 ) )
>         end
> ;       --------------------------------------------
> ;       Read parameters from first occurance of data
> ;       --------------------------------------------
>         ( strpos( cbuf, '.001' ) ne -1 ): begin
>           n_data_files = 1
>           parameter  = strtrim( strmid( cbuf, 14, 12 ) )
>           band       = fix( strmid( cbuf, 27, 4 ) )
>           n_bands    = 1
>           line       = fix( strmid( cbuf, 32, 7 ) )
>           element    = fix( strmid( cbuf, 40, 8 ) )
>           data_scale = float( strmid( cbuf, 74, 5 ) )
>           case 1 of
>             ( strpos( cbuf, 'Short Integer (8 bit)' ) ne -1 ): itype = 1
>             ( strpos( cbuf, 'Integer (16 bit)' ) ne -1 ): itype = 2
>             ( strpos( cbuf, 'Long Integer (32 bit)' ) ne -1 ): itype = 3
>             else: begin
>               message, 'Invalid Element Format', /info
>               close, /all
>               return
>             end
>           endcase
>         end
> ;       ----------------------------------------
> ;       Determine how many files are represented
> ;       ----------------------------------------
>         ( strpos( cbuf, c_data_file ) ne -1 ): begin
>           n_data_files = n_data_files + 1
>           parameter = [ parameter, strtrim( strmid( cbuf, 14, 12 ) ) ]
>           band = [ band, fix( strmid( cbuf, 27, 4 ) ) ]
>           if ( band[ n_data_files - 1 ] ne band[ n_data_files - 2 ] ) then
>             n_bands = n_bands + 1
>           data_scale = [ data_scale, float( strmid( cbuf, 74, 5 ) ) ]
>           case 1 of
>             ( strpos( cbuf, 'Short Integer (8 bit)' ) ne -1 ): itype =
 itype, 1 ]
>             ( strpos( cbuf, 'Integer (16 bit)' ) ne -1 ): itype = [ itype,
2 ]
>             ( strpos( cbuf, 'Long Integer (32 bit)' ) ne -1 ): itype =
 itype, 3 ]
>             else: begin
>               message, 'Invalid Element Format', /info
>               close, /all
>               return
>             end
>           endcase
>         end
> ;       -----------------------------
> ;       Get LAT and LON scale factors
> ;       -----------------------------
>         ( strpos( cbuf, '.LAT' ) ne -1 ): begin
>           lat_scale = float( strmid( cbuf, 74, 5 ) )
>         end
>         ( strpos( cbuf, '.LON' ) ne -1 ): begin
>           lon_scale = float( strmid( cbuf, 74, 5 ) )
>         end
> ;       -------
> ;       Default
> ;       -------
>         else:
>       endcase
>     endwhile
>     free_lun, lun_hdr
> ;   --------------------------------------------
> ;   Check that dimensional info has been read in
> ;   --------------------------------------------
>     if ( ( line eq -1 ) or ( element eq -1 ) ) then begin
>       message, 'Invalid LINE and ELEMENT values', /info
>       close, /all
>       return
>     endif
> ;   ----------------------------------------------
> ;   Read in the latitude and longitude information
> ;   ----------------------------------------------
>     ilat = intarr( element, line )
>     openr, lun_lat, file_tag[ i ] + '.LAT', /get_lun
>     readu, lun_lat, ilat
>     free_lun, lun_lat
>     lat  = float( ilat ) / lat_scale
>     ilat = 0B
>     ilon = intarr( element, line )
>     openr, lun_lon, file_tag[ i ] + '.LON', /get_lun
>     readu, lun_lon, ilon
>     free_lun, lun_lon
>     lon  = -1.0 * float( ilon ) / lon_scale
>     ilon = 0B
> ;   -----------------------------
> ;   Loop over the number of bands
> ;   -----------------------------
>     for j = 0, n_data_files - 1 do begin
> ;     -------------------------------------
> ;     Get current band # and data file name
> ;     -------------------------------------
>       this_band = band[ j ]
>       this_data_file = file_tag[ i ] + '.' + string( j + 1, format =
( i3.3 )' )
>       out_file_tag = file_tag[ i ] + '.' + strcompress( sat_inst_id,
/remove_all ) + $
>                      '.band' + string( this_band, format = '(i2.2)' ) +
'.' + $
>                      parameter[ j ]
> ;     -----------------------------------------------------
> ;     Only concerned with Albedo, Radiance, and Temperature
> ;     -----------------------------------------------------
>       if ( ( parameter[ j ] eq 'Albedo' ) or $
>            ( parameter[ j ] eq 'Radiance' ) or $
>            ( parameter[ j ] eq 'Temperature' ) ) then begin
> ;       ----------------------
> ;       Read data and scale it
> ;       ----------------------
>         print, format = '( /5x, "Remapping ", a, "..." )', this_data_file
>         idata = make_array( element, line, type = itype[ j ] )
>         openr, lun_data, this_data_file, /get_lun
>         readu, lun_data, idata
>         free_lun, lun_data
>         data = float( idata ) / data_scale[ j ]
>         idata = 0B
> ;       ---------------------
> ;       Call imagemap routine
> ;       ---------------------
>         if ( keyword_set( ps ) ) then begin
>           ;- get the current color table
>           tvlct, r, g, b, /get
>           ncolors = !d.table_size - 16 & bottom = 16
>           r_old = r( bottom : bottom + ncolors - 1 )
>           g_old = g( bottom : bottom + ncolors - 1 )
>           b_old = b( bottom : bottom + ncolors - 1 )
>           ;- change to Postscript mode
>           set_plot, 'PS'
>           ;- load the interpolated color table, and make sure bottom entry
is black
>           ncolors = !d.table_size - 16
>           r_new = congrid( r_old, ncolors, /interp )
>           g_new = congrid( g_old, ncolors, /interp )
>           b_new = congrid( b_old, ncolors, /interp )
>           tvlct, r_new, g_new, b_new, bottom
>           tvlct, 0, 0, 0, 0
>           ;- set Postscript options
>           !p.font = 0
>           device, /landscape, bits_per_pixel = 8, /color, /helv, font_size
= 9
>         endif
>         range = [ min( data ), max( data ) ]
>         erase, 7
>         pos = [ .05, .05, .9, .95 ]
>         map_set, limit = [ 25, -125, 50, -60 ], pos = pos, /noerase
>         title = sat_inst_id + ' Band ' + string( this_band, format =
'(i2)' ) + $
>                          ' ' + parameter[ j ] + '; ' + date + ' @ ' + time
>         xyouts, 0.5, 0.975, title, /normal, align = 0.5, color = 0,
charsize = 1.5
>         imagemap, data, lat, lon, range = range, /noerase, ncolors =
ncolors, bottom =
> bottom, $
>                   missing = 7B
>         map_continents, /hires, color = 1
>         map_continents, /hires, /usa, color = 1
>         map_grid, label = 1, color = 2
>         plots, [ pos(0), pos(2), pos(2), pos(0), pos(0) ], [ pos(1),
pos(1), pos(3),
> pos(3), pos(1) ], $
>                /normal, color = 0
>         colorbar, pos = [ .935, .05, .96, .95], title = parameter[ j ],
format = '(f5.1)',
> $
>                   /right, /vertical, min = range[ 0 ], max = range[ 1 ],
divisions = 8, $
>                   ncolors = ncolors, bottom = bottom, color = 0
>         if ( keyword_set( ps ) ) then begin
>           device, /close
>           spawn, 'mv idl.ps ' + out_file_tag + '.ps'
>           print, format = '( 5x, "File ", a, " created" )', out_file_tag +
>           set_plot, 'X'
>           !p.font = -1
>           tvlct, r_old, g_old, b_old, bottom
>         endif
>         if ( keyword_set( gif ) ) then begin
>           tvlct, r, g, b, /get
>           write_gif, out_file_tag + '.gif', tvrd(), r, g, b
>           print, format = '( 5x, "File ", a, " created" )', out_file_tag +
>         endif
>         if ( not keyword_set( no_pause ) ) then begin
>           print, format = '( 5x, "Press any key to continue, <x> to
quit..." )'
>           result = get_kbrd( 1 )
>           if ( strlowcase( result ) eq 'x' ) then return
>         endif
>       endif else begin
>         print, format = '( 5x, "Ignoring ", a, ", Element Format: ", a )',
>                this_data_file, parameter[ j ]
>       endelse
>     endfor
>   endfor
> end
> <-------cut here----------->
> --
> Paul van Delst           A little learning is a dangerous thing;
> CIMSS @ NOAA/NCEP        Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring;
> Ph: (301)763-8000 x7274  There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,
> Fax:(301)763-8545        And drinking largely sobers us again.
>                                          Alexander Pope.