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Re: histogram question

"Gregory Y. Prigozhin" wrote:
> Folks,
> I am sure this problem must have an elegant solution
> that is not obvious to me:
> I have an array X. I need to make a histogram and throw away elements
> of the array with a high count rate, say with count rate above 5 times
> median count rate.
> Brute force way is ugly and inefficient when array is not small:
> plothist,X,xhist,yhist
> bad=xhist[where(yhist gt 5*median(yhist),count)]
> if count ne 0 then begin
>    for ind=0,count-1 do begin
>       X=X[where(X ne bad[ind])]
>    endfor
> endif
> Any suggestions?

If I understand you correctly, then REVERSE_INDICES is your friend.

Try something like:

 bad=where(h gt 5*median(h),cnt)
 if cnt eq 0 then return
 ;; straightforward approach
 for i=0,cnt-1 do begin 
    low=r[r[bad[i]] & n=r[r[bad[i]+1]]-low
    if n_elements(list) eq 0 then list=[inds] else list=[list,inds]

now you have the list of bad indices into X in hand, to perform whatever
punishment is necessary.

This brings up an interesting sub-problem though.  If you have a list
which consists of a series of pairs of indices, e.g.:


where each pair is intended to expand to the range within that pair:


how can you turn the former into the latter without a loop?  This is
somewhat similar to Pavel's running chunk index problem earlier in the
year.  Finding an answer is not trivial.  It would apply directly to
this problem, where the pairs are adjacent elements in the reverse
indices vector.   Any takers?