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Object Tree

I've made an Object-Based tree that might be useful... Basically, to use
it, derive a class from it, complete with node data, and possible data
collection, and/or modification methods.  Each instance of this class is
a single node in a Tree, and contains two pointers: children and
siblings, specifying a list of this node's children (may have none), and
siblings (at least one... itself).

Things you can do with it:

*Add children and/or siblings to a given node.
*Delete a given node and all descendents.
*Delete an entire tree *except* a given node and descendents, replacing
the Tree.
*Obtain a list of a node's descendents.
*Obtain a list of all leafs (childless nodes) beneath a node.
*Visit all descendents or all descending leafs and call a specified
method on them (for data collection or modification).  This is where the
real work is done.

All recursion is depth-first.  

As an example of what can be done, I made a toy "TicTacToe" class which
populates the entire game tree for this simple game.  I visit all
endgames (leafs), and collect win/loss statistics.  This tree had around
350,000 nodes.  

If you have data which is naturally organized heirarchically, this may
be useful for you.  


 J.D. Smith                             |*|      WORK: (607) 255-5842    
 Cornell University Dept. of Astronomy  |*|            (607) 255-6263
 304 Space Sciences Bldg.               |*|       FAX: (607) 255-5875 
 Ithaca, NY 14853                       |*|
; NAME: ObjTree
; PURPOSE: A Object Based data Tree
; CATEGORY: Object-Based Data Manipulation
;   CHILDREN(): Return this node's child object(s).
;   SIBLING(): Return this node's sibling object(s)
;   SETVALUE:  Sets Object Data Values -- use ADD unless custom addition.
;   	KEYWORDS: Each keyword sets the corresponding member data with the
;   	passed value, which can either be an object list or pointer to one.
;   		CHILDREN: The node's children
;   		SIBLINGS: The node's siblings ... points also to parent's
;   			  children list.
;   LEAFS, list: return a list of all leafs below this node.
;   FAMILY, list: return a list of all of this node's descendents.
;   VISIT, method: Recursively call method method on all descendents,
;   passing it any extra keywords (which might be required to effect
;   any modification of the node data).
;   LEAFVISIT, method: Same as visit, but only for leafs.
;   ADD, entry: Add the object entry to this node.
;   		SIBLING: Add entry as a sibling instead of default child.
;   	NOTE: An added sibling is always younger than any existing siblings.
;   	An added child inherits is made the sibling of any existing children.
;   DELETE:  Delete this node, and all of its desendents (recursively).
;   	NOTE:  If this node has a parent, its child reference is assigned
;   	to the next younger sibling, if no older siblings exist. If no other
;   	siblings exist at all, the parent's child reference is cleared.
;   PRUNE: Delete the entire tree *except* this node and its descendents,
;   	leaving this node as the root of the Tree.
;   CLEANUP: (Automotically called) 
;   NOTES: Each node in the tree is represented by a single instance
;   of this class.  This tree has these properties: A node's list of
;   children is the same list as its children's list of siblings.. not
;   a copy, the *same* list -- modifying the children list at the same
;   time modifies the children's sibling list.  New generations can
;   only be added at extremities of the tree, i.e. at those nodes
;   which don't yet have children.  Otherwise, new children will join
;   those children already living.  You may use SetValue to circumvent
;   these limits, but beware: inbred trees may result.
;	11/13/98 -- Added Leafs and LeafVisit. JDS
;       6/4/98 -- Removed Gen, changed ModPro to a Call_Method in Method.  JDS
;   	5/12/98 -- JD Smith

function ObjTree::Children
   return, self.children

function ObjTree::Siblings
   return, self.siblings

pro ObjTree::SetValue, CHILDREN=child, SIBLINGS=sib
   if keyword_set(child) then begin
      ;; find out if list or pointer is passed
      if s eq 10 then begin     ;it's a pointer
         if child ne self.children then begin ;points at different heap vars?
            ptr_free, self.children ;free memory of old list
      endif else begin
         if ptr_valid(self.children) then *self.children=child  $
         else self.children=ptr_new(child)
   if keyword_set(sib) then begin
      if s eq 10 then begin ;it's a pointer
         if sib ne self.siblings then begin ;point at different heap vars? 
            ptr_free, self.siblings 
      endif else begin 
         *self.siblings=sib     ;siblings must be valid, since *we're* alive.

;      Leafs - Find all of the Leaves below me
pro ObjTree::Leafs,list
   if ptr_valid(c) then begin 
      for i=0,n_elements(*c)-1 do (*c)[i]->Leafs, list 
   endif else begin ; I am a leaf!
      if n_elements(list) eq 0 then list=self else list=[list,self]

;      Family - Recurs over my decendents and return a list of them.
pro ObjTree::Family,list
   if ptr_valid(c) then begin 
      if n_elements(list) eq 0 then list=[*c] else list=[list,*c]    
      for i=0,n_elements(*c)-1 do (*c)[i]->Family, list 

; 	Visit: Recurs over my descendents, modifying the node data with a
; 	method "Method" (presumably of an inheriting class). Any keywords
; 	passed are given directly to Method to do with as it pleases
; 	(though in general it will modify or collect data).  As a simple
; 	example, suppose each node had some data member which needed to be
; 	incremented. A method 'Increment' could do this, and be passed the
; 	INCREMENT to perform (as a keyword).
; 	  e.g. thisNode->Visit, 'Increment',INCREMENT=10
; 	Or maybe you need to collect some data, with
; 	  e.g. thisNode->Visit, 'DataCollect', OUTDATA=out
; 	for putting a summary of data into "out" (_REF_EXTRA is employed).
pro ObjTree::Visit,Method,_REF_EXTRA=e
   if ptr_valid(self.children) then $
    for i=0, n_elements(*self.children)-1 do begin
      (*self.children)[i]->Visit,Method, _EXTRA=e ;recurs, depth first!

; 	LeafVisit: Same as Visit except on underlying leafs only.
pro ObjTree::LeafVisit, Method, _REF_EXTRA=e
   if ptr_valid(self.children) then begin 
      for i=0, n_elements(*self.children)-1 do  $
       (*self.children)[i]->LeafVisit,Method, _EXTRA=e
   endif else begin 
      Call_Method, Method, self, _EXTRA=e

; 	Add:  Add element(s), as either children or siblings (children
; 	by default), to the current node (this object instance).
; 	Siblings added are always younger (later in list) than any existing
; 	siblings.. and children added are assigned to be younger than
; 	any children already present, and at their depth.  This means
; 	that new generations can only be created at the bottom of the
; 	tree (if the root is at the top).
pro ObjTree::Add, list, SIBLINGS=sib
   if keyword_set(sib) then begin ;inserting new sibling(s)
      ;; add them to the end of my list 
      ;; set their siblings array the same as mine, freeing any old siblings
      ;; list if any (should't have any, inbred trees are trouble!)
      for i=0,n_elements(list)-1 do  $
   endif else begin             ;inserting a new child
      if ptr_valid(self.children) then begin
         ;; add the children at the end of my children list
      endif else begin
      ;; set their *siblings* array be my *children* array, freeing any
      ;; siblings list if any (but there shouldn't really be).  
      for i=0,n_elements(list)-1 do  $

;	Delete:  Delete this node and all descendents, clearing
;	the child list of its parent if this node has no siblings.
pro ObjTree::Delete
   sibs=n_elements(*self.siblings) ;if only 1, I'm an only child.
   if sibs eq 1 then self.siblings=ptr_new() else $
    *self.siblings=(*self.siblings)[where(*self.siblings ne self)]
   obj_destroy,self             ;call cleanup recursively to kill descendents

;	Prune:  Delete everything in Tree except this node and it's
;	descendents,  leaving this node as the root of the Tree.
pro ObjTree::Prune, Tree
   ;; remove myself from my list of siblings (and from my parents list of
   ;; children -- it's the same list!!)
   if n_elements(*self.siblings) gt 1 then $
    *self.siblings=(*self.siblings)[where(*self.siblings ne self)]  $
   else  $
    self.siblings=ptr_new()     ;I was an only child
   ;; Destroy the tree around us, as we hide, not on the list for destruction.
   Tree=self                    ;I am now the root of this tree!

;	Cleanup: Recursively destroy all descendents, depth first.
pro ObjTree::Cleanup
   ;; Call Cleanup on children first, then cleanup the siblings list (which
   ;; will also free the children list of the siblings' parent).
   if ptr_valid(self.children) then begin
   if ptr_valid(self.siblings) then ptr_free,self.siblings

;      ObjTree__define: define the ObjWidget Class structure
pro ObjTree__define
   ;; define a tree member class
   struct={ObjTree, $
           siblings:ptr_new(),$ ;an array of siblings (at least including me!) 
           children:ptr_new()}  ;an array of children (possibly childless)