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 1998/10/28   unsigned int ? (was: 16 bit images?)   Martin Schultz 
 1998/10/28   Re: unsigned int ? (was: 16 bit images?)   David Fanning 
 1998/10/29   plotting and large data files   David Ritscher 
 1998/10/29   Re: plotting and large data files   David Fanning 
 1998/10/29   Re: plotting and large data files   Martin Schultz 
 1998/10/29   Re: IDL 5.2 reviews?   David Fanning 
 1998/10/30   IDL 5.2 Reviews   Matthew J. Sheats 
 1998/10/30   a possible replacement for cw_animate and xinteranimate   philip aldis 
 1998/10/30   Re: IDL 5.2 Reviews   Craig Hamilton 
 1998/11/01   Object Surface Shaded by Elevation (LONG)   David Fanning 
 1998/11/02   Re: Object Surface Shaded by Elevation (LONG)   Struan Gray 
 1998/11/02   Re: Object Surface Shaded by Elevation (LONG)   David Fanning 
 1998/11/02   Differences between ' and ", syntax error (bug?)   Vap User 
 1998/11/02   Re: Differences between ' and ", syntax error (bug?)   David Fanning 
 1998/11/04   Re: IDL 5.2 reviews?   Randall Smith 
 1998/11/04   Two x axes per plot   Surendar Jeyadev 
 1998/11/05   Re: IDL 5.2 reviews?   rmlongfield 
 1998/11/05   Re: Two x axes per plot   philip aldis 
 1998/11/05   Re: One for the experts...   menakkis 
 1998/11/08   Programs that Work on 24-bit Color Displays (Long)   David Fanning 
 1998/11/08   Re: Programs that Work on 24-bit Color Displays (Long)   David Fanning 
 1998/11/09   Re: using mpfit   Craig Markwardt 
 1998/11/10   GUI Builder limited to Windows platform (LONG)   David Foster 
 1998/11/10   Creating Colored MPEG Movies   David Fanning 
 1998/11/11   Re: Superscripts in IDL [x-y]title   Henry J. P. Smith 
 1998/11/11   Re: Superscripts in IDL [x-y]title   Craig Markwardt 
 1998/11/11   RSI's Priorities (was: GUI Builder...)   Andy Loughe 
 1998/11/11   Re: GUI Builder limited to Windows platform (LONG)   David Foster 
 1998/11/11   avoiding for loops   Lisa Bryan 
 1998/11/12   Re: GUI Builder limited to Windows platform (LONG)   Pete Riley 
 1998/11/12   Re: avoiding for loops   Stein Vidar Hagfors Hauga 
 1998/11/12   Re: GUI Builder limited to Windows platform (LONG)   mirko_vukovic 
 1998/11/13   Re: Talking with my C data   Stein Vidar Hagfors Hauga 
 1998/11/13   Re: Unknown #INFO   David Fanning 
 1998/11/13   Re: RSI's Priorities (was: GUI Builder...)   Brian Jackel 
 1998/11/14   Re: RSI's Priorities (was: GUI Builder...)   Robert S. Mallozzi 
 1998/11/14   Re: RSI's Priorities (was: GUI Builder...)   Brian Jackel 
 1998/11/14   Re: RSI's Priorities (was: GUI Builder...)   Martin Schultz 
 1998/11/15   Re: RSI's Priorities (was: GUI Builder...)   mirko_vukovic 
 1998/11/16   Re: Talking with my C data   rmlongfield 
 1998/11/16   Re: RSI's Priorities (was: GUI Builder...)   Peter Suetterlin 
 1998/11/16   Re: RSI's priorities   John Krist 
 1998/11/16   No, no, not again!   Stein Vidar Hagfors Hauga 
 1998/11/16   Object Tree   J.D. Smith 
 1998/11/16   Re: No, no, not again!   David Foster 
 1998/11/17   Re: No, no, not again!   David Fanning 
 1998/11/17   Re: No, no, not again!   Stein Vidar Hagfors Hauga 
 1998/11/17   Re: RSI's Priorities (was: GUI Builder...)   Colin Rosenthal 
 1998/11/18   Re: Dumb Dumb Question   Craig Markwardt 
 1998/11/18   Re: RSI's priorities   David Ritscher 

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