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Re: bug in IDL's hanning() window-generating function

bennetsc@NOSPAMucs.orst.edu wrote:
> In article <MPG.15d1a1e0a012bdcd989e44@news.frii.com>,
> David Fanning <david@dfanning.com> wrote:
> >Scott Bennett writes after a long analysis of the Hanning function:
> >
> >>      In any case, I think the point Harris made is that a discrete
> >> sampling of a window function should not taper to the same value at
> >> the end that it has at the beginning because to do so would include
> >> the first sample of the *next* period (windowed segment.)  So IDL's
> >> hanning() gets it wrong for both even- and odd-length windows. :-(
> >
> >Uh, huh. And how did RSI respond when you contacted them
> >about it?
> >
>      I didn't contact them.  I'm disgusted with them after seeing how
> they cheated my faculty advisor and, when I asked them to rectify
> their errors, they refused to do so.  I recommended to my advisor that
> he turn the whole matter over to the university's legal counsel.  He
> told me that he was not going to renew the service contract any more,
> so I doubt he will bother with having the legal counsel deal with it,
> but either way it will be his decision and it's now out of my hands.
> Given their denial of service while we had a service contract, I doubt
> they would do any better now that we no longer have a service contract.

Oi vey. another future matlab user.... ?  :o)

Paul van Delst           A little learning is a dangerous thing;
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