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Re: how to label minor tick marks on a log axis???

Paul van Delst (paul.vandelst@noaa.gov) writes:

> Thanks, this is exactly what I wanted. Unfortunately my joy was short-lived when I
> couldn't figure out how to shift the y-axis title over enough not to overwrite my new
> fancy tick labels. Sigh. (Or, how come there's no X|Y|ZTITLE_OFFSET keyword to PLOT to
> account for X|Y|ZTICKFORMAT='(a1)'?) Do you (or Martin?) have something in your
> bag-o-tricks to do this? I looked at Martin's and your IDL webpage but didn't see
> anything. The thought of having to futz about with CONVERT_COORD and XYOUTS to allow
> simple shifting of an axis title makes me want to .... I better go and get
> some coffee.

Uh, normally we position the plot in the window with
the POSITION keyword. :-)
> I think the curmudgeon factor that Craig Markwardt has mentioned in the past is starting
> to affect me.... :o(

Probably. :-)

You might be happy to know that Martin and I will soon be
releasing some software (for free!) that might make all of
this easier. We have a PlotConfig program that is similar
to PSConfig. It allows the user to configure plot options
without having to muck around with keywords. 

I have to get off my kiester and write some documentation,
and then I have to block off three weeks to answer e-mail
and change everything about it at the request of people
brave enough to use it (it is an object, of course), but
I think it will be *slightly* better than that program
Pavel offered yesterday. :-)



David Fanning, Ph.D.
Fanning Software Consulting
Phone: 970-221-0438 E-Mail: davidf@dfanning.com
Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming: http://www.dfanning.com/
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